Basically, the argument was resolved that night, just before bed. And in the morning, nothing was said of it. It's like it never happened. And it's probably best if it stays that way, with everything just the way it was and no tension. (Or so it seems. I think that it was good that everything got into the open.) So, on to this morning.
I got up at 6:30 to go to cricket. Rush around, rush around. We got to cricket, did a warm-up. Luckily I brought my iPod, and I listened to it. We were batting, and I... was towards the lower end (second-last, specifically), so I spent the time on my iPod and reading. I also got this brilliant photo (or, rather, it was my idea, and Callum took the picture. Basically, Jacob and Teagan were sitting together, listening to my iPod, and so I took the opportunity to make a heart with my fingers, and put it in between them, so we get a 'Jacob, *heart* Teagan' situation. When I get the photo off Speedy (if I ever get it off Speedy) I'll put it up. Anyway, I didn't get to bat until 8 people were out and we were pretty much doomed. So you can imagine what happened. (I got a duck. I thought I got a one, but it was a bye. Damn.) We lost, by the way, by about 40 or so runs, but luckily Fairfield RSL won (they were first, so they should've), so we made the finals. And we're playing the same team we just played. It looks to be exciting. Anyway, skip to after cricket, and I'm bundled off to my grandparents' place, where I'm currently typing this. My brother also has to use my laptop, unfortunately, so we go in shifts (I know. I hate it too. *sigh*). Oh, and Episode 33 of Abridged is finally working on iTunes. W00t! Now, to the list. However, before I get into 'Things You Probably Don't Know About Me,' I'd like to finish with my granddad's favourite 2 quotes: 'Old age and treachery will always beat youth and skill,' and my favourite: 'What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable.' Lol! So, to the list, of which all 5 of you reading this have probably not been waiting for since Thursday! (But, really, I don't care. I don't blog so that people can read it, I blog and so people read it. I hope that makes sense. But I doubt it):
* I have a love/hate relationship with my internet. It's quick, but it's always cutting out in the middle of anything I'm doing, seemingly every day. But without it, I probably couldn't function (and that's probably only a half-exaggeration. I remember this holidays, I went without the net. *shivers*).
* I tend not to tell people my age. If I do, people generally start to freak out. Luckily my height works out nicely in my favour.
* My New Year's Resolution is to be more social. It's actually really working; I've gone to a concert, I've stopped reading that much in Recess and Lunch, I'm on MSN, Skype, I'm talking to more people: things are looking up.
* I love to blog. It's become really great, just to type, and to say what I feel. I love it.
* I like to write. Not just blogs, but songs, the occasional poem. But not singing the songs. God no. I don't want to deafen anyone (lol).
* I usually have a song stuck in my head. A few days ago, it was 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen. Before that it was 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley. Now I don't really have one. Hmm.
* I'm always on my laptop. By that, I mean I'm on it in the mornings and the afternoons. And that's on a weekday.
* I love to make jokes. They might not be great. But it keeps people laughing. I hate to see people down. It really gets me. Speaking of which...
* I am really empathetic. That's not me bragging or anything. When people are being hurt, physically or emotionally, it always gets to me. Like I have to stop it. And when people don't let me, that really hurts.
* I hate my magnet. I've already explained what that is here. Really, it's very annoying and it makes me really depressive. Luckily it seems to be weakening.
That's all I can think of. (Oh, and if you're wondering why I didn't use actual bullet points, it's because for some reason they're flowers. Yeah.) Anyway, my brother wants the computer, so I'm gonna have to sign out. I'll talk to you all on MSN tomorrow (hopefully) when I get my computer to myself again.
Can't wait for tomorrow (when I get my laptop to myself again),
EDIT: Here's the photo I was talking about:
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