Friday, February 13, 2009

Philosophical Ramblings

Today, I'm going to make a slight tangent from the usual post. As you can see from the last 3 posts, all of them have been about basically how my day was. But, after reading a few blogs, it's actually a rant about basically what's going on inside (that sounded so... cheesy, cliché, you know what I mean), and considering the name of my blog site is 'From the Brain of AB,' that's what it probably should be about. So, that's what this blog will be about. I'm also writing this bit this morning (around 7:45, actually), because I know what I'm talking about (I think), and hopefully I'll know what I'm talking about this afternoon as well.

Isn't it interesting what life can throw at you? And I'm not saying, don't get me wrong, that I think this God's doing, because I am an atheist. If I can quote Douglas Adams (and I really hope I can. He was a brilliant writer.), 'Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?' And I think that's a brilliant quote. There's heaps of more Adams quotes here, and I recommend you look for more. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes.

Isn't it interesting what life can throw at you? (Déjà vu...) Great times and not-so-great times, life is a rollercoaster. I'll give you an example. Last night, one of my best friends started getting a bit weird on me, over MSN, and by weird, I mean bloody disturbing, literally. If you're wondering what that 'literally' is, I suggest you Google 'Sanguinarian,' or go to the Wikipedia article here. This, my friends, is not good. Leeza, if you're reading this, please, from the bottom of my heart, at least try to stop. Please. I know I told you this yesterday, but this is not healthy, and frankly you're scaring me. That would be an example of a not-so-great time. Now for a great time, which also happened over MSN. I was talking to a friend of mine, who I have not seen in... jees, a long time. We went to my first primary school together, which would make it... 6 years? Something crazy like that. Anyway, I struck up a convo with her (or, rather, vice versa), and it turns out that after all that time, she still trusts me. A lot. And that made me feel very good inside, as if my magnet was lifting.

Let me explain here. When I say my magnet (and I am going to say it a lot), I basically mean that I seem to 'repel' people. By repel, I mean people sometimes seem to want to disassociate themselves from me, or avoid me, or... I should stop. I'm depressing myself. Anyway, basically 'repel.' My magnet. So, when I say my magnet is lifting, it means people seem to be more associated with me. Yeah. I really hope you know what I mean, because that's the best I can explain it. Anyway (and I should really stop saying that, that's the third time this post. And brackets. But I like brackets.), on to my day, which was one of hopes and laughs.

Today, it was Hurlstone's Valentine's Day, as well as Friday the 13th. Personally, my Friday the 13th was last Tuesday (post no. 1), and the Wednesday morning (post no. 2), so nothing really unlucky happened. Today, I slept in; to about 6:45. While that may seem early (and reading it, it really does), I usually get up at 6. Why, you ask? I don't know. I just do. Moving on, I got to school regular time, and went to English, and I swear, Mr. Hancock is the funniest teacher I've ever had. Example: Sandy asks 'Can I read the Daily Notices?' (as always) and Mr. Hancock replies: 'I wouldn't think so.' Simple, brilliant. Work done was minimal, and me being an idiot say things that sounded a lot funnier in my head (don't they always?). Maths, was also a minimal workload. Recess was a time for discussion with Vitale about completely random ideas, with 1 example being a doughnut-shaped bullet. That seems strange, but he makes some good arguments. Period 3 was Drama, in which Cameron and I played a brilliant prank on Shafi. With a sing-o-gram, which is basically a bunch people going around singing love songs from people who paid to other people. Kolodziej got sung 'Sexyback' with Shane and Kale 'dancing' for him. Rest assured we leapt at the opportunity to give Shafi that (but not from us. Somebody else.) Work was also basically nothing, but it's around this point I got Rickrolled. By myself. Yeah. I got 'Never Gonna Give You Up' stuck in my head. Come on! Next was Commerce, where some NTR (No Thought Required) work was done. Lunch was fun, then it was PE. OK, but at that point, I did something very stupid: play up the pity factor. Brilliant, Alex, brilliant. We had to pick groups, and I said 'I'll just go with whoever's left. As usual.' Idiot! Why? I'll get to that in the next paragraph. They say familiarity breeds familiarity. Well, I think it sometimes works the other way. Hopefully, no-one picked up on it, and my magnet doesn't decide to strengthen. Here's hoping.

This post is nearly over (and it's been over 12 hours since I've started it) but I'd like to end with just one thing. How do you know if someone likes you? This is the reason I said I'd get to last paragraph. It's not that I like her. It's that I'm not sure if she likes me. And I'm almost completely sure she isn't. But still I cling to that single thread that she may like me. Why? Some may say I like her. Really, I'm desperate. I want a girlfriend. I've only known what it feels like once (which was for one month in 2007), and since then, I've wanted someone again. I don't want to seem desperate, but really, I am. And not for anyone in particular, just someone. Just someone. *Sigh*

Thinking about nothing (and everything),

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