Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post the First

Welcome to my blog, where I shall talk about basically what happened during the day. If I mention you, congratulations, follow this link to get a prize (maybe)! What happened today I hear you asking (or, not.). Well, let me tell you...

Today, I believe that nature and the world teamed up to make me feel like an idiot. This is one of those days where you just go, 'This is why I'm an atheist.' Everything seemed to go wrong. I woke up; and the dishwasher didnt wash properly. Just as I'm about to leave home, my laptop crashes. It's raining by this point, of course. Get to school: science 1st, eh. maths, eh. Recess. Then, double ag. What fun, drenching goats (generally with great difficulty) in the rain. Lost the back of my mechanical pencil, and trod in, well, you can imagine (it is Hurlstone), then found it back in the classroom in my pencilcase. Joy. Lunch: 1st half, spent in line for a bus pass. 2nd half, pretty OK. 5th period, English. Tiana is, I swear, one of the funniest people I've ever met, and not intentionally. The stuff she comes out with is classic. I also make a (bad) joke about Disney (why do I talk?) and get attacked by about 5 girls simultaneously. 6th period, preview of excursion tomorrow: I'll tell you all about it. After school, the bus is late. At home, I get bitten by a bird, (our pet), and attempt to prove to my brother that the lighter never lights. By holding it to my shirt. While it was on. You can guess what happened. Luckily, my shirt did not catch on fire. That's my day in a nutshell. I shall see you tomorrow.

May your day be a lot better than mine,

EDIT: If you do go to that link, make sure you don't have anything important running.

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