Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Very Different Tuesday

Hello, people! Welcome to all readers of my blog, which to my knowledge is me, Victor, and sometime readers Cam, Vitale and Shay. There could be others. But not that I'm aware of. Anyway, after that completely random opening part (and I've said before I suck at these things), let's see how my day went.

All in all, it was a very... unorthodox day, in that everything just seemed to completely differently. Today was also mufti, in which I wore my 'Stop Animal Testing' shirt. That's also a humorous shirt. I guess it's more a visual thing. I caught the bus to school, and listened to the Abridged movie on the way on my iPod. Took me over half an hour. Yeah. Anyway, periods 1 and 2 were both down at the hall, in which these guys from Invisible Children (rest assured before I knew what it was, several jokes were made.) came and talked to us about their mission: to end child soldiery in Uganda (Apparently that's a word. Huh.). And me bringing the books for those periods. *hits head* They were very good, I'll say that. That video was... brutal, really. That was not afraid to tell it as it is. Yeah. Next was Recess, which was just chatting again. We talked about yesterday's post, and people just seemed to think Cam was 4. No, he isn't. Period 3 was Maths, which was also really out there. The teacher did not show up for half the lesson. Instead, a sub was called in, who was there for about half the rest of the lesson. Eh, gave me a chance to read. (Speaking of reading, my book's falling apart. And it's only new. I hate that.) After that was Science, again with a sub. Really, there's gotta be something going on. We did a prac instead, and I was with Tan, Hewie and Alan again. Luckily, nothing happened. It was a pretty uninteresting period really. Lunch was also talking with the group, and Cam (finally) had a look at the song I wrote last year (called 'For You.'). Apparently it's really good. With any luck we can actually write music to it, as I've been campaigning for for a long time. I also found out that there's no school on Friday. W00t!

Next was Period 5: Commerce with Kearney. Seating plans were put into play. Why? Who knows. We also did some work. Not much. Following that was English. I love English, it's the best period. That and Drama. Half the lesson was taken up with jokes and the whole other side of the class, mostly Ebony, Lana and Courtney, just erupted into conversation at least twice. Yeah. When I got home, I found out two things: 1. Victor deleted his blog (so the link I gave yesterday is completely useless) for some reason. *sigh* and 2. Victor appears to have given up on his problem. Ah, the world is insane.

Well, that's about it for today. Interesting in some ways, but nothing you can really write in the greatest of details about.

Looking forward to Friday,

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