Saturday, February 28, 2009

The REAL List

After yesterday's post, you'll probably want to know the outcome of the big argument. I'll get to that, and everything up until right now, and the list, for real this time. So let's go straight into it.

Basically, the argument was resolved that night, just before bed. And in the morning, nothing was said of it. It's like it never happened. And it's probably best if it stays that way, with everything just the way it was and no tension. (Or so it seems. I think that it was good that everything got into the open.) So, on to this morning.

I got up at 6:30 to go to cricket. Rush around, rush around. We got to cricket, did a warm-up. Luckily I brought my iPod, and I listened to it. We were batting, and I... was towards the lower end (second-last, specifically), so I spent the time on my iPod and reading. I also got this brilliant photo (or, rather, it was my idea, and Callum took the picture. Basically, Jacob and Teagan were sitting together, listening to my iPod, and so I took the opportunity to make a heart with my fingers, and put it in between them, so we get a 'Jacob, *heart* Teagan' situation. When I get the photo off Speedy (if I ever get it off Speedy) I'll put it up. Anyway, I didn't get to bat until 8 people were out and we were pretty much doomed. So you can imagine what happened. (I got a duck. I thought I got a one, but it was a bye. Damn.) We lost, by the way, by about 40 or so runs, but luckily Fairfield RSL won (they were first, so they should've), so we made the finals. And we're playing the same team we just played. It looks to be exciting. Anyway, skip to after cricket, and I'm bundled off to my grandparents' place, where I'm currently typing this. My brother also has to use my laptop, unfortunately, so we go in shifts (I know. I hate it too. *sigh*). Oh, and Episode 33 of Abridged is finally working on iTunes. W00t! Now, to the list. However, before I get into 'Things You Probably Don't Know About Me,' I'd like to finish with my granddad's favourite 2 quotes: 'Old age and treachery will always beat youth and skill,' and my favourite: 'What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable.' Lol! So, to the list, of which all 5 of you reading this have probably not been waiting for since Thursday! (But, really, I don't care. I don't blog so that people can read it, I blog and so people read it. I hope that makes sense. But I doubt it):

* I have a love/hate relationship with my internet. It's quick, but it's always cutting out in the middle of anything I'm doing, seemingly every day. But without it, I probably couldn't function (and that's probably only a half-exaggeration. I remember this holidays, I went without the net. *shivers*).

* I tend not to tell people my age. If I do, people generally start to freak out. Luckily my height works out nicely in my favour.

* My New Year's Resolution is to be more social. It's actually really working; I've gone to a concert, I've stopped reading that much in Recess and Lunch, I'm on MSN, Skype, I'm talking to more people: things are looking up.

* I love to blog. It's become really great, just to type, and to say what I feel. I love it.

* I like to write. Not just blogs, but songs, the occasional poem. But not singing the songs. God no. I don't want to deafen anyone (lol).

* I usually have a song stuck in my head. A few days ago, it was 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen. Before that it was 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley. Now I don't really have one. Hmm.

* I'm always on my laptop. By that, I mean I'm on it in the mornings and the afternoons. And that's on a weekday.

* I love to make jokes. They might not be great. But it keeps people laughing. I hate to see people down. It really gets me. Speaking of which...

* I am really empathetic. That's not me bragging or anything. When people are being hurt, physically or emotionally, it always gets to me. Like I have to stop it. And when people don't let me, that really hurts.

* I hate my magnet. I've already explained what that is here. Really, it's very annoying and it makes me really depressive. Luckily it seems to be weakening.

That's all I can think of. (Oh, and if you're wondering why I didn't use actual bullet points, it's because for some reason they're flowers. Yeah.) Anyway, my brother wants the computer, so I'm gonna have to sign out. I'll talk to you all on MSN tomorrow (hopefully) when I get my computer to myself again.

Can't wait for tomorrow (when I get my laptop to myself again),

EDIT: Here's the photo I was talking about:

Friday, February 27, 2009


If you don't know what that means, it's Student Development Day For The Win. OK, even that didn't make that much sense. Um... hooray for the day off! Anyway, I'll go into my day, then talk about 'Things You Probably Don't Know About Me.'

Woke up at 7, got up half an hour later. I just couldn't be bothered really. That's what days off give you. (OK, I could probably have said that a lot better. Eh, thinking is for school.) Ended up actually finishing everything (breakfast, brushing teeth, doing the dishwasher, etc etc.) at around 9. Get on my laptop, chuck on the TV (...that means put it on). I checked my websites, went on MSN and Skype, and chucked on Family Guy. (Please note: everything after this was written in a notepad, and I'm typing more or less verbatim at 1:15 pm on Saturday at my grandmother's house. Really, I'm lucky I even have the net. Everything in italics is not in my notepad. It'll get clearer as you read, I swear.) I talked for a while on Skype and MSN with Victor and John. Later I picked up my brother from the bus stop (Yeah. I know. Exciting. To quote myself, it was ' a good kind of nothing.' I never get tired of that quote.). Skip forward about 2 hours and I'm rushed out of the door for cricket training. We're practicing for tomorrow's big game. I'll tell you all about it. (Oh, I'm writing this at 20 to 10 at night on a notepad, and I'll put it up on Saturday and make it look like I posted today. Hopefully it won't happen again.) I got home, had dinner, and went back on MSN. This went until 9:30, when I got offline, and heard my dad and my brother fighting. Long story short, I'm postponing this 'Things You Probably Don't Know About Me' until this is settled, this referring to my Dad just walked out the door and we don't really know where he is. OK. Now it's about 10. I'm writing this in real time if you're wondering (Sounds like 24.). But, I'm still postponing this. This takes precedent. Dad just got back, but he's really angry. I'll write more about this in the morning (or, rather the afternoon. In other words, Saturday. This is confusing.) The list can wait. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is a new day.

See you tomorrow,

(P.S. I'll finish what happened today. Saturday.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Three-Day Weekend! W00t!

Three-day weekend! Yep, I'm not going to school until Monday! W00t! But, let's see my day, and contrary to yesterday, I'm in a much lighter mood.

Last night (and I blog around 5 or 6, maybe 7 usually, so I have to post last night today. It's not usually that interesting.), I got Skype, and Cam, Victor and I did a bit of chatting. It's really good, I recommend it. Anyway, today. I've had enough of my brother getting up at the same time as me, when I'm getting ready for school. It's bloody distracting. (And before you ask, I get up at 6. Yeah.) Moving on: Period 1 was Geo, with Johnson, which was basically just talking about last night's homework. We didn't actually do any work. Thankfully. Science was next, and Robson wasn't here. So we had the same sub as yesterday. I don't know her name. We did some stuff from the textbook, again. Recess was talking, mostly about random gangster names. ...It wasn't my idea. John (Vitale) was J-Dog, Cam was C.M. Hammer (which was my idea)... that's all I remember. Ah well. Period 3 was Ag, which was cutting and pasting stuff in order. Schippers seems to love that type of thing. Next was PE, which was doing some work with alcohol. No, not drunk, we were working with alcohol. No, not like... screw it. You know what I mean. After that I had to rush to the registrar to pay for the Geography excursion. If you're wondering why I rushed, it's because everyone paid today. Proof? Lucy Hee positively sprinted to the registrar and within maybe 2 minutes the line stretched at least 5 metres. Yeah. After luckily being first in line, Eric, John and I spent Lunch talking about basically movie and TV quotes. For some reason. We ended up testing each other on quotes. I said 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.' Eric's response? Wind in the Willows. The children's story with the animals. (It's Gone with the Wind, by the way.) Next was Maths, which was some work, but not much. Then Drama, which was a prac, thank God. And what a prac! We did impromptu stuff, and when you're in a class with Jayson, Oscar, and Sandy, nothing is G-rated, the funniest of which came from Oscar, which was: 'Do you like mayonnaise on your sandwich.' And yes, it's exactly what you think. I did an impromptu with Jayson, where I was Lex Luthor attacking him (Superman) with Kryptonite. That was pretty funny, if I do say so myself. Cameron wasn't there, so I explained it to him later. Apparently he didn't know who Lex Luthor is or what Kryptonite is. W. T. 7. Sounded like Shafi.

You'll notice I didn't mention anything about what I said yesterday. I think I was overreacting. A lot. Oy. Anyway, that concludes my day. Tomorrow I'll tell you about 'Things You Probably Don't Know About Me,' which might be another list. We'll see. Oh, and as a side note, I have a love-hate thing with my net. Something else I'll talk about on Friday.

Lovin' tomorrow,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Feel Like Atlas

That means I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. (If you don't know what I mean, now you do.) Let me go straight into the day, I'm in no mood to make small talk. You'll see why. So unlike most posts (that rhymes), no jokes. Well, not many.

Period 1, Science. Robson MIA again, so we had some other teacher teaching us. I don't know her name. We basically did some work, nothing major. I also had Atlas experience number 1, which was 2 separate people asking me the difference between an analysis and a conclusion. Oishi, Hewie: I don't know. I am not the source of all humanly knowledge. That's Wikipedia's job. Same for next period, Geography, except Johnson was here. Then Recess. Meh. Before Period 3 I ended up talking to Corinne. Period 3 was English; we did basically nothing. Oh, we got a vaccination thing. Joy. Then Lunch, which was playing Solitaire with and listening to my iPod. Sport was with Kevin, Patrick, Justin, and May Lyn, to name a few. We played Rugby, in which I performed with... less knowledge than average of kids in NSW (read: I sucked and didn't know the rules.), 2 games, and European Handball, 2 games. The first game (of European Handball) I did pretty well, scoring 2 goals, against Ben Winter, no less, and winning 3-2 against Roshan, Chris Arsenis and John Kim (I think.) That was probably a fluke, because against Wendy, Jannice and Noa (I think that's how you spell her name) we drew 0-0. I didn't get any goals (obviously). Skip to home, in which I had to do an hour of homework *hits head*, and then I got on MSN. I went on with Cam, and he seemed pretty OK; Vitale, who was fine besides dislocating his leg (ouch); and Victor, who I wish I could say was good. Long story short, he's bloody depressed. Atlas situation number 2. And I'm going to do something about it. Somehow. Here's hoping we (me, Vitale, and anyone else, really) can snap him back to life. As opposed to last year, in which he threatened to do the worst. He said he's [EDIT: not] gonna do it this year, but I want to stop this slim chance. And if you're reading this, then, please, help someone save one of their best friends from depression. I'm one person. You are many. And Victor, if you're reading this, I am going to help you. I don't know what. But something. To quote Vitale: 'Even rivers change with time.'

This isn't the longest post, but that MSN thing took precedent, and that's not something you can really express in words. But, anyway, I'm going to do something, and there's not much on heaven and earth (it's an expression. Atheist, remember.) that's going to stop me.

Hope you don't feel like Atlas,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Very Different Tuesday

Hello, people! Welcome to all readers of my blog, which to my knowledge is me, Victor, and sometime readers Cam, Vitale and Shay. There could be others. But not that I'm aware of. Anyway, after that completely random opening part (and I've said before I suck at these things), let's see how my day went.

All in all, it was a very... unorthodox day, in that everything just seemed to completely differently. Today was also mufti, in which I wore my 'Stop Animal Testing' shirt. That's also a humorous shirt. I guess it's more a visual thing. I caught the bus to school, and listened to the Abridged movie on the way on my iPod. Took me over half an hour. Yeah. Anyway, periods 1 and 2 were both down at the hall, in which these guys from Invisible Children (rest assured before I knew what it was, several jokes were made.) came and talked to us about their mission: to end child soldiery in Uganda (Apparently that's a word. Huh.). And me bringing the books for those periods. *hits head* They were very good, I'll say that. That video was... brutal, really. That was not afraid to tell it as it is. Yeah. Next was Recess, which was just chatting again. We talked about yesterday's post, and people just seemed to think Cam was 4. No, he isn't. Period 3 was Maths, which was also really out there. The teacher did not show up for half the lesson. Instead, a sub was called in, who was there for about half the rest of the lesson. Eh, gave me a chance to read. (Speaking of reading, my book's falling apart. And it's only new. I hate that.) After that was Science, again with a sub. Really, there's gotta be something going on. We did a prac instead, and I was with Tan, Hewie and Alan again. Luckily, nothing happened. It was a pretty uninteresting period really. Lunch was also talking with the group, and Cam (finally) had a look at the song I wrote last year (called 'For You.'). Apparently it's really good. With any luck we can actually write music to it, as I've been campaigning for for a long time. I also found out that there's no school on Friday. W00t!

Next was Period 5: Commerce with Kearney. Seating plans were put into play. Why? Who knows. We also did some work. Not much. Following that was English. I love English, it's the best period. That and Drama. Half the lesson was taken up with jokes and the whole other side of the class, mostly Ebony, Lana and Courtney, just erupted into conversation at least twice. Yeah. When I got home, I found out two things: 1. Victor deleted his blog (so the link I gave yesterday is completely useless) for some reason. *sigh* and 2. Victor appears to have given up on his problem. Ah, the world is insane.

Well, that's about it for today. Interesting in some ways, but nothing you can really write in the greatest of details about.

Looking forward to Friday,

Monday, February 23, 2009

Smooth Sailing and The List

That's right people, I'm still using that metaphor. I like it. It's good. Anyway, I'll tell you about my day, then I'll get straight into The List. (That's right, I'm using capital letters. Dun dun dah!)

I woke up half an hour late. Bloody iSlim. I mean, it's good, but not as an alarm clock. Meh. Before school, there was, how shall we say, some difficulties that were cleared up in Recess. I'm not being very specific, and I'll get to why in a minute. Period 1 was English, in which the only interesting thing that happened was that I was called into Ms. Webber's office to check up on something that happened in Sport. That was cleared up in Recess. Period 2 was Maths, and was even less exciting. ...I don't think anything actually happened. W00t! Recess, and the ship came out of the choppy waters with Cam, and it looks like smooth sailing from now on. (This metaphor shouldn't come out anymore. Emphasis on shouldn't.) Matt also knows I know about his blog. Eh, might as well give a link. Period 3 was Drama, and it was theory. Joy. Then Commerce, which was more work. Lunch, and nothing particularly exciting happened. Then it was prac PE, and we worked out out groups for Dance. (...I know. Dance. Joy.) I'm with Oishi and Nancy. They're new. They seem really nice. I think it'll be fun working with them. Then I caught the bus home with my brother. More joy. OK, now to the list. Victor may have done 10, but I'm doing 9. 9 is fine (which rhymes. W00t!). No, scratch that, I thought of someone else. 10 people. Friends, not family. OK, they're random. And probably unlike Victor's, it's fairly straight-forward who you are. So, let's see.

1. OK, I'll start with you. Why not. You're a fun guy to be around, you love the same things I do (reading and Abridged come to mind.), and you sort of remind me of me. I don't understand why people pick on you. They just do. But no matter what anyone says, you're a great guy. Here's to you.

2. Wow. This is random. You're also really great, my fellow nerd. You've changed a lot. You're more sarcastic, less gullible, and shorter. Sorry. We don't talk that much since I went up in Maths, but I still consider you a great friend.

3. Speaking of short, you definitely aren't anymore. You're fun to be around, as you always have been, and to my knowledge we've basically never fought (maliciously). You also have the same name as my brother (OK, that gives it away. Ah, screw it.). You also have to see more Abridged. You also like popcorn, I'll say that (:P lol). Way to go, man!

4. Hmm. OK, sure. You are also fun to be around, if you stop hanging around with Number 9. How ironic that you're number 4 (on my list). But, I should let go of that. Keep hanging around with him, don't let me stop you. You're fun. You also love soccer. A lot. But, seriously, you're a great dude. See you in Maths, man.

5. OK. You're a great friend, and I'm glad after all these years, such storms (screw it, I'll say it. Celtic Storms.) can be forgiven and we can get on with our friendship. Remember that I'm here for your 'problem,' and also to just learn to laugh at yourself. We all have. But, seriously, despite your flaws (or perhaps because of), we'll always be friends. Cheers!

6. I haven't seen you since last year. Hopefully we can be pen pals when you go off to Uni. That's all I can really say, other than thanks for the bookmark, and I hope we'll always be friends. Thanks for the chocolate!

7. Speaking of not seeing each other, I haven't seen you in... wow, just over 3 years. And yet still we're as close as ever we were. Really. I don't care what other people think, you're one of my best friends. Hopefully I'll see you sometime in June or July. Wouldn't that be awesome, hey! With any luck, I'll see you then. Sweet!

8. Mate, you're an amazing friend. I love our in-jokes, and it's great that you're always there to talk to. I think you're a great guy, and I consider you one of my best friends. Just remember that I'll always be here if you need me. Rock on!

9. Ah. You. You're only here because I wanted to rant about you; I don't consider you a friend. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. What I think of you could fill up a lot of pages. Stop acting the victim, stop pretending you're something you're not, andstop bloody being a caricature of yourself. I don't wish you any harm, I simply wish you to piss off.

10. My best friend. They do say save the best 'til last. And that's just what happened. We've known each other for ages. We'll always remain friends. I owe you a lot. Hopefully we can rant some more, if we want to. Just remember: Black Fingernails, Diet Coke! Thanks for everything.

It's been a while, but that's it. I have withheld names, but I suppose it's pretty clear who you are. And now, I feel much better. Really. This feels nice.

Thanks for being a part of my life,

Sunday, February 22, 2009

An Actual Conclusion

I figured after my 500 word rant yesterday, we all needed 'An Actual Conclusion' to the problems raised (I used that title because 'A Good Kind of Nothing' was already taken. I love that title.) It's also a quote from Abridged (Seto Kaiba's Real Father). If you think I quote this series way too much, well, I have proof. So, on to my Sunday.

Let me just have a look at my last blog. ...The thing with my Dad kinda just dissipated. The storm passed and hopefully it'll be relatively clear sailing from now, if I can consciously figure out how to control my bloody ship. OK, enough of this metaphor. Next problem.

Cam and his censorship issues. I basically said to him, over MSN, you can't contact Blogspot admin, according to their content sites, they have no problem with it, we're both as stubborn as each other, let's let bygones be bygones. That storm has passed (OK, I like this metaphor), but it still could be choppy waters. Let's see tomorrow.

Today, my Dad had our local footy club committee over for a meeting (he's the president), and all the kids, all about 6-10. Joy. Let's just say my Dad took my charger and I had to go on my laptop. Out where they all can see me. MSN was difficult, let's say that. Victor can testify. I also did some short Scratch projects. I'll get around to uploading 1 or 2 later. Maybe. Whatever. Other than that, I had lasagna for lunch and dinner. If that sounded disgruntled, it's not. I bloody love lasagna. (OK, I sound like abridged Bakura with all my bloodys. Cool!) Anyway, my excessive quotation: My brother said 'Screw the rules, I have money!' (W00t Kaiba). He's never seen the series. ...I'm not gonna stop quoting though. LK is hilarious.

Something else: next blog post I'm going to do something like what Victor did on his blog (I really want to know who if I am, or if I'm mentioned. It's actually really fun to guess.). I'd do it today, but my brain is not supposed to work on weekends. So tomorrow then. I'm doing it because, well, I love the idea.

OK, I'm overusing the word 'OK' and paragraphing. Meh, who cares. My blog, my rules. W00t! Tomorrow will hopefully be good, and I just have this 'feeling' that tomorrow will be great or suck. Let's see, hey? To end I'll just say my views on what I'm doing with Victor's idea: with an Abridged quote. Hooray!

Webster's Dictionary defines plagiarism as... but what it really means is that you can be popular simply by following another person's example. (Wow, that was long. And... I just used 'plagiarism' again. W00t!),

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The World is Crazy

That's my quote. Right there. The world is insane, crazy, mental, twisted, and everyone is caught in some 3-D Escher painting. And sometimes you're caught by its mangled web, and sometimes you spin it. This may seem a bit cynical, but, really, you have to acknowledge that fact. So in view of what I just said, let's see my day.

I got up at 6 to go to cricket, and played until about 10 or 11. In that 4 hours, I didn't really do much. I didn't bowl, and our team didn't really bat (read: only for about 2 overs). So we can basically skip that part. I get home, mow some of the lawns, and at about 3 or 4, everything just collapsed. I can take a look at these in order; first my Dad, who makes a fair point, from his point of view, and second Cam, who went, in my opinion went a bit, let's say, odd. If you're wondering why I made that bold, I'll get to that.

First, my Dad. I think it started when he was mucking around with my brother (who is about 10 and a half) and he ended up squashing him, inadvertently of course. Long story short, my bro tried to stop him crushing him, and my Dad thought he was just kidding. I hate misunderstandings. Anyway, my Dad, who works in Canberra, started feeling underappreciated, and called us in for a talk. It made fair sense, and he seemed very distressed. It would have been nice should he have let my brother make his side, but that's what you get for being 10. I didn't get to say much anyway.

Second, and this is the bloody annoying one. Cam sends me an email, apparently finding something wrong with this and this post. And then he starts onto me about how he 'didn't give him forms to fill out about using his name.' WT7? So he says he'll start informing people (read: Head of Student Welfare, or something) within 24 hours. As you'll see, there is nothing changed. That's because there is such a thing as freedom of speech. Cam used these expressions: defamation, slander, and cyber-bullying. As you can see, those last three things link to Wikipedia articles (all hail thine information god. I'm being sarcastic here, I'm a bloody atheist.) To defend my freedom of speech (that phrase is used twice now.), defamation is supposed to be false being passed off as true. As the article says, opinion is not counted, and is 'inherently not falsifiable' . Cam, my opinion of you has, in all honesty and bluntness, dropped several notches. I hope you're happy; I'm not.

That ends my rant. This is making me pissed off, so I'll stop. This post was supposed to be about Episode 33 of Abridged coming out and the podcast of it not working as well as misquoted expressions (to quote Ep 33: 'The enemy of my friend is also my enemy,' as well as 'I'm not British, I'm just gay.' See the series to know what I'm talking about.), but more important things came out. Ah, how crazy is the world.

May your day have not been as insane as mine,

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday, w00t!

Thank God it's Friday! But work isn't over for the week, I have cricket in the morning. It's a two-dayer, but it might rain tomorrow, and if so, it'll just be a one-dayer. Anyway, my day (and I'm writing this on my friend Mick's computer, and I've seen faster snails. So bear with me.)

Today was mufti, and I wore my 'A salt with a deadly weapon' shirt. I think it's funny. Anyway, Period 1, I think, was Maths, with Faulds, which was just basically doing an introduction to a topic we did last year. W00t. Next was Drama, which was some impromptu work, my first prac in ages. We (ie me and my partner) did pretty well, I think. After that, since it's Friday, was Assembly, in which the hall was very cramped, and there were some guest speakers; firemen. The assembly went massively over time, so Recess was kept the same length, and Period 3 and 4 each shortened to about 25 minutes. Recess was talking about everything and nothing, so naturally I was all for it. After that was Commerce, in which Kearney was just... dictator-like. Kearney was talking to Kimberly, and the conversation went something like this (Kearney speaks first): 'Listen!' 'I am listening, Sir!' 'Shut up and listen!' 'But I am listening, Sir!' Etcetera until Kearney tells Kim to get out of the class. WT7? (I say that. To quote Abridged: 'Hey, shut up, it's what I do!' It's an actual quote by the Nameless Henchmen who is always talking about his hair. Yeah.) So in the end it was great that the period was shortened and we got into Science. That was just doing some work. Lunch was also chatting, and with the thankful absence of Matt, everything flowed pretty good. More chatting and joking. I also sat on a chair, that turned out to have a leg missing and I almost fell off. Sometimes I feel like a retard, seriously.

Period 5 was English (we didn't do that much work), and the oddest thing happened. Besides me getting Oishi's MSN (a new girl, very friendly), which I'll have to put on my account when I get home, at one point, Corinne just started staring at me. For a while actually. It was really unnerving. I put it down to just getting lost in thought; I do it all the time. Anyway, next was History, which was basically doing nothing again. Hooray for bludging! I took the bus home, and ended up having to mow some of the lawn (*sigh*), and then it was cricket training, which was fairly average. Jacob started to hassle me about going to the Veronicas' concert (light-heartedly, of course), which I responded to him with 'I went with 2 14 year-old girls.' Problem solved. Remind me to thank Shay later.

Anyway, that was my day. When I get home I'll have to get on MSN. (Yes, I have no better ending than that. Sue me.)

Make sure the computer you're on actually bloody works,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quips and Quotes

How's it going, peoples? (OK, I don't know how to write opening sentences of blogs. Don't ask me why. So I'll go straight into it.) Me, I'm great, cause today seems to be a day of laughter, jokes, and funny quotes. Which will probably feature heavily in today's blog.

OK, let me first recap last night. Matt contacted me over MSN, ranted about something for 20 minutes (I wasn't paying that much attention) and then blocked me. Beat me to it. Anyway, rest assured I won't be hearing anything from that area. Anyway, no more Matt in this post (if only real life was that easy), today was funny. In different ways. Period 1 was Science, in which we did another experiment. As on Tuesday, Tan strikes again. We were doing an experiment (actually fairly well), and when it came to the end, everything seemed like it was going well (ruling out Tan dropping a test tube about 15 minutes earlier) when he knocked over the entire test tube rack, breaking a test tube and knocking copper sulfate onto my hand. Genius. He's a great kid and everything, but he's not too experiment-wise (not a word? It is now!). Anyway, next was Maths in the computer lab, in which we did some computer work. Then, recess, in which quip number 1 was made: We (me, Victor, and Kevin) were talking about WoW, and somebody said Victor had no life, to which he replied: 'I'm a gamer, I have several lives.' Lol! Anyway (I love that word), Period 3 was a Year Assembly, basically an excuse to get out of class. It was fairly uninteresting, except quip number 2 was made, this time by Bella: OK, Bella was introducing a show type-thing (there's probably a name for it), which was Circus Skills, and she was saying it was people who did it last year, and she used the quote: 'They have the circus, but not the skills.' Lol! (I have basically no other way to show it was funny. Eh, whatever.)

Period 4 was Ag, which was just work. Just work... Lunch was chatting to everyone, naturally. Period 5 was English, in which quips numbers 3 and 4 were unleashed by Tiana and Mr. Hancock. Number 3 was Tiana (who you may remember from here), coming out with 'Women can multitask, but men can't, meaning I can blink and breathe at the same time.' She's blonde of course. Quote 4 was Hancock replying to Tiana (again): Tiana got a joke after everyone else laughed (He who laughs last thinks slowest. Maybe they should change that to she.), and Hancock replies with 'Don't let it go to your head. It'll get lonely up there.' W00t! (Another way! Hooray!). Oh, we watched TV again. Period 6 was History, which was pretty average.

Skip to this arvo, and I'm on MSN with Victor (and I'm like, In America! ...abridged quote. Look it up.), and we're talking about someone (parodying, basically) and Victor says quip number 5: 'They can't decide which shoe to tie first... It's all just shoes and laces.' So whenever we talk about them, we just say 'Shoes and Laces'! It's brilliant, I love it.

Anyway, this was my day. I really want to end with a quote here, but I think I've used them all. Umm...


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Day After

Bloody Cameron and Matt, they don't know the meaning of social decency. I'm going to get to this. But, first, my day.

I woke up 45 minutes late, on account of not putting on my alarm. Meaning I got less than 7 hours of sleep last night. *yawn* Anyway, I got to school and this is the bloody problem. I told Cameron something private, and he tells Matt. Who is no help to anyone unless the mental hospital is missing someone. I could backspace that, but I won't. And Cam and Matt decide, hey, let's go see. If you know what I'm talking about, this makes sense. Cut a long story short (but it keeps going, after school), let's just say I'm not going to tell Cam much anymore. Anyway, I go to Role Call, blah blah. Period 1 was Geo, where I forgot my book and bludged (But those are completely unrelated. Really.). Then it was Science, in which we did our first actual work from the textbook (Shock! Horror!), not like last year, or the year before, where everything was by the book. Always. ALWAYS. Next was Recess, which was basically just chatting. Next was Period 3, Agriculture, which was talking about artificial insemination. Joy.

Lunch was basically talking, as well as playing cards. After that was Sport, or so it would have been if the grounds were dry. So basically we (me, Victor, Kevin, Andy, and everyone else in School Sport) went to the hall and watched some movie called 'Bring It On' with Kirsten Dunst. Not bad, actually. Now to what I was telling you. After school, I'm sitting on the bench on the station, and Cam (with Matt next to him, of course) yells across the tracks, 'I know who you like!' (nobody, by the way), and points to who he thinks. Who was on the same station. In earshot. *hits head* I swear, Cam and Matt... uggh.

Be careful who can hear you (hint hint, Cam)

Revenge is Sweeter: Tour '09

In one word: amazing. In another: incredible. We left at 5:30 to pick up Shay's friend Keira (a very nice girl) and we left for the concert. We drove around and around the arena, until Jo finally gave up and dropped us off. In the wrong line, but it was a simple mistake. They opened the doors at about 7, and we took our seats. We were up the top in a raised platform, to the left and back. It was still a great seat though, because we could see everything.

The first band was a band called Short Stack. I hadn't heard of them, but Shaylee had. They were pretty good, I say, and I'd like to hear more of them. I think they played about 3 or 4 songs, and then Metro Station. And I really love Metro Station, so I was up there dancing (by dancing, I mean shouting the lyrics and jumping up and down). They played about 5 or 6 songs, and ended with 'Shake It.' They were very, very good live, they played it up for the audience, and the songs were very well-played.

Next, came the Veronicas. They really played it up, and it was obvious this was concert hype at its finest. Lights, dancers, computerised light shows, disco balls, you name it. And the somgs were amazing. 'Hook Me Up,' 'Popular,' 'Untouched,' every Veronicas song you could care to name was there. I ended up buying their's and Metro Station's albums at the souvenir stand. the concert ended at 10:30, and I got home around midnight. I also slept in, thank god.

It's not many words, but a concert is not something you can express with words. I've learnt this, and I want to see more concerts. And I suggest to all of you to go see at least 1 this year. Britney Spears is supposedly going to be here in September, and you can guess who's gonna be pushing for seats.

Seeing it live,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

T Minus 2 Hours for the Concert

Yes, you heard me right, the concert is tonight, and I really can't wait. It's gonna be great, I'm going with my best friend Shaylee, and somebody else (not quite sure who, Shay's cousin Nicole dropped out, so I'm not 100%.) and it is gonna rock. But, this post will not be about the concert: That's going to be a separate post entirely. Rest assured that it's most likely going to be a huge post. Anyway, my day.

Period 1 was Science, in which we experimented with acid. No, not like that, hydrochloric acid. Our group admittedly sucked at it, and we didn't get any results. Still, it was very funny seeing Tan forget that there was acid in the water (admittedly very dilute, but still), and dunk his hand in it. Lol. Period 2 was Geography. Johnson's funny, but she gives out too much homework (and by too much, I mean some). Recess was playing some songs in the Music room. Period 3 was English: TV again. Next came Maths, in which I bludged. Lunch was average. So-so. Period 5 was Drama, which was theory since we had Contado (I think that's how it's spelled), the permanent substitute. Then Commerce, in which Kearney gave us a 'class consitution.' Retarded if you ask me. We also did some law stuff.

Since then, I've been basically getting ready for the concert. I'll tell you guys all about it. And it'll be great.

Rock on,

Monday, February 16, 2009

Bloody Mondays...

Back to school, and I had had enough of Monday by period 2. But, more importantly, I have had enough of Matt, Cam, and Mango, all together. Alone, Cameron is a great friend, as is Mango, (Matt, no comment.) but together they just get unbearable. I'll get into this in a minute.

Before school we saw the Shafi sing-o-gram video on Ian's phone. That is one funny video. Someone should Youtube it (hint hint, Ian). Period 1 was Ag. That was basically a bludge. Then, it was History. I swear, the only person who can even come close to Hancock in funniness is Johnson, and not intentionally either. Example: when calling the role, it's, to pick a name at random, 'Jordan of the Hall?' She's hilarious. Then, came Recess. And we (by we, I mean the 3 people I just mentioned, mainly Matt and Cam, talking to me) got into, for some unknown reason, why I do not have a girlfriend. 'Harden up' was mentioned more than once. Quite frankly, I've had enough from Cam telling me why I don't have a girlfriend (quite ironic, really), then Matt making 1 or 2 (bad) jokes, and then going on to say 'Ya mum... squid!' Yeah, yeah, if that ever happens again, I'll stop actually responding and just ignore it, especially Matt. There was also rather a large, shall we say, 'toss-up' at lunch with me and Matt. I'll get around to that. But, anyway, where were we?

Ah yes, Recess. Next was period 3, which was Maths and in which Mr. Rawson decided to give us 3 Unit Year 11 work. It felt like someone was drilling a hole in my skull, it was that torturous. Why did we have to do this? Let's move on. Period 4 was Science, a much-welcomed bludge after period. After this, it was Lunch. Basically what happened was that I was imitating Matt to Vitale (quite well, if I do say myself), when he heard me. If you'll imagine, I was talking to my right, and Matt came in to my left. At this point, I did a double-take, whereas Matt started on his 'the world is crap, my life has been one nightmarish event after a while, you're lucky I'm nice' crap. Heard it all before, had enough. Basically, I ignored it. I figured Matt wants to intimidate people. So I just became indifferent. Good. We (me, Eric, and Vitale) ended at making parody songs about that incident in Cam's cabin in Year 9. It's still funny. Period 5 was Commerce, in which we brainstormed some things for tomorrow (I think), and Period 6 was English, which was watching TV. Today, the bus was also late, and I got home around quarter to 4. Ah, well.

I also found out that the concert is actually tomorrow, not Wednesday. I blame Jo (Shaylee's mum), who told my dad, who told me that it was Wednesday, when it is, in fact, Tuesday. And cricket photos are also on Tuesday. Luckily, concert takes priority. W00t! I also found out that Metro Station is in it, which is good. Well, I guess that just about wraps up today. I predict that tomorrow will be a great day, with the concert, the first Drama lesson (in the Drama room) since last Monday, and my new ignoration of Cam and Matt with their annoying lectures. I end today with a quote I believe in (which I made up), and may or may not be true, and which I'm not sure if I should add to my list of mottos. Comment if you can! (Please. I wonder what people think of my blog. At least, people who read it.)

Don't change for anyone except yourself,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Good Kind of Nothing

Hello, everybody. Today, like yesterday, nothing happened, but; unlike yesterday, it was a good kind of nothing. You know, the nothing where you can curl up and read a book, or surf the net for a while, or just zone out and watch TV. Not the nothing where you're up at 9 thinking too much about life like yesterday. Not like that at all.

I was reading my blog post yesterday, and you know I what I think? That's just depressing. It's... haunting. And that's not me (usually). I forgot my number 1 motto, that simple phrase I try to live by. Not quotes, mind you, mottos. Though of course, there are some quotes I really get. Too many to name, really, but if you want to see some, anything by Douglas Adams or Albert Einstein are good. Anyway, my 3 mottos are, in order:

1. Always look on the bright side of life.
2. If you can't laugh at yourself, you can't laugh at anyone.
3. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

I completely disregarded number 1. I'll try not to do that again. But, enough thinking about yesterday (because that's what happened yesterday. Metaphorically speaking.), let's talk about what I did today.

I woke up at 8, and surfed the net for a while. Basically on and off for the entire time, barring TV and having to do the dishwasher (4 times today!). I synced my iPod, so now it's got 'No Air' by Jordin Sparx on it (which I downloaded yesterday; I don't pirate.), The Greatest Hits I of Queen, including Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites the Dust, etc. All amazing songs. Oh, and the entire Abridged Series. Yeah. Not an exciting day, but a good one. Oh, and I meditated. Nothing much, I got it from Hapkido, which I did... the Wednesday before school started, so, the day before school, which I did as a trial session. I'm due to start it in a few weeks, I think. Oh, and I'm going to a concert (The Veronicas, I think) on Wednesday with my friend Shaylee. I'll blog more about it as it comes closer.

I'm sorta looking forward to school tomorrow. Yes, because I really want to see You-Know-Who's expression when Shafi asks them why they sent a sing-o-gram, as well as, I suppose, getting people to see my blog. I'm fine if they don't, but I'd still like people to see it. I also just counted how many words I have in all my posts now, since I got bored: 3,713 words. Really, that's... just stunning, really.

Anyway, that just about wraps up today. I'll finish with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi that I love, and really speaks to me.

'An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind,'

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today, on Valentine's Day...

Nothing happened. And that was the entire problem. This blog might (emphasis on might) be shorter, and I'm going to have another rant; much like yesterday, except, today will be less poignant and maybe a bit more serious. (And this blog post isn't straight-forward, a 'that's what happened' post. It's more like a stream-of-consciousness thing.)

It is my belief that society revolves around 2 things: love, and war. And everybody wants one and nobody wants the other, but both are there, and, I think, will always be there. Valentine's Day is a day to cherish love, and forget war. And while I sit on my bed, writing on my blog, listening to music on my headphones at 8:55, I can't help but think about love, especially today. And how it seems that everybody has it but me. Of course, I know in my head that's a load of crap: so many people are single, and in my group, basically everyone is, and a few have given up on love. But I haven't. Still, it seems that way. The last paragraph in yesterday's post sums it up. And I realise I'm about the only person who reads this thing, but you know what: I don't care. Ever since Tuesday (has it really been only Tuesday?) I've written at least 2800 words on this blog, and it is my vent, just a place I can talk to myself and it seems perfectly normal. Anyway, this love thing. Who knows, hey? I don't love anyone (as in gf-wise, not family-wise), but I want to. And that just seems to nag at my gut.

I should stop. I'm depressing myself. All I know is, I'm here. I could say, and I heard this on TV today: 'I'm not single, I'm available.' I could say that. But it's not what I'm thinking. And I hear from Cam and Victor that love hurts, love eats you up. Well, lack of it is doing the same thing.

Writing music helps. I like to write lyrics. It's enjoyable, and it's another way to vent. Cryptically, in songs, but here it's straight-forward (sort of). And this is better. The blog I mean. There's a line in 'White Noise,' which says: 'How can something unspoken seem so loud?' That line is brilliant (as is the song.) and it really says what I'm thinking here.

That's my blog for today. It may seem like I didn't say much (and it's only about 400 words. Doesn't seem that much.), but I think I've actually said more here than in any other blog post. If you know what I mean.

Enjoy your Valentine's Day, *sigh*,

Friday, February 13, 2009

Philosophical Ramblings

Today, I'm going to make a slight tangent from the usual post. As you can see from the last 3 posts, all of them have been about basically how my day was. But, after reading a few blogs, it's actually a rant about basically what's going on inside (that sounded so... cheesy, cliché, you know what I mean), and considering the name of my blog site is 'From the Brain of AB,' that's what it probably should be about. So, that's what this blog will be about. I'm also writing this bit this morning (around 7:45, actually), because I know what I'm talking about (I think), and hopefully I'll know what I'm talking about this afternoon as well.

Isn't it interesting what life can throw at you? And I'm not saying, don't get me wrong, that I think this God's doing, because I am an atheist. If I can quote Douglas Adams (and I really hope I can. He was a brilliant writer.), 'Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?' And I think that's a brilliant quote. There's heaps of more Adams quotes here, and I recommend you look for more. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes.

Isn't it interesting what life can throw at you? (Déjà vu...) Great times and not-so-great times, life is a rollercoaster. I'll give you an example. Last night, one of my best friends started getting a bit weird on me, over MSN, and by weird, I mean bloody disturbing, literally. If you're wondering what that 'literally' is, I suggest you Google 'Sanguinarian,' or go to the Wikipedia article here. This, my friends, is not good. Leeza, if you're reading this, please, from the bottom of my heart, at least try to stop. Please. I know I told you this yesterday, but this is not healthy, and frankly you're scaring me. That would be an example of a not-so-great time. Now for a great time, which also happened over MSN. I was talking to a friend of mine, who I have not seen in... jees, a long time. We went to my first primary school together, which would make it... 6 years? Something crazy like that. Anyway, I struck up a convo with her (or, rather, vice versa), and it turns out that after all that time, she still trusts me. A lot. And that made me feel very good inside, as if my magnet was lifting.

Let me explain here. When I say my magnet (and I am going to say it a lot), I basically mean that I seem to 'repel' people. By repel, I mean people sometimes seem to want to disassociate themselves from me, or avoid me, or... I should stop. I'm depressing myself. Anyway, basically 'repel.' My magnet. So, when I say my magnet is lifting, it means people seem to be more associated with me. Yeah. I really hope you know what I mean, because that's the best I can explain it. Anyway (and I should really stop saying that, that's the third time this post. And brackets. But I like brackets.), on to my day, which was one of hopes and laughs.

Today, it was Hurlstone's Valentine's Day, as well as Friday the 13th. Personally, my Friday the 13th was last Tuesday (post no. 1), and the Wednesday morning (post no. 2), so nothing really unlucky happened. Today, I slept in; to about 6:45. While that may seem early (and reading it, it really does), I usually get up at 6. Why, you ask? I don't know. I just do. Moving on, I got to school regular time, and went to English, and I swear, Mr. Hancock is the funniest teacher I've ever had. Example: Sandy asks 'Can I read the Daily Notices?' (as always) and Mr. Hancock replies: 'I wouldn't think so.' Simple, brilliant. Work done was minimal, and me being an idiot say things that sounded a lot funnier in my head (don't they always?). Maths, was also a minimal workload. Recess was a time for discussion with Vitale about completely random ideas, with 1 example being a doughnut-shaped bullet. That seems strange, but he makes some good arguments. Period 3 was Drama, in which Cameron and I played a brilliant prank on Shafi. With a sing-o-gram, which is basically a bunch people going around singing love songs from people who paid to other people. Kolodziej got sung 'Sexyback' with Shane and Kale 'dancing' for him. Rest assured we leapt at the opportunity to give Shafi that (but not from us. Somebody else.) Work was also basically nothing, but it's around this point I got Rickrolled. By myself. Yeah. I got 'Never Gonna Give You Up' stuck in my head. Come on! Next was Commerce, where some NTR (No Thought Required) work was done. Lunch was fun, then it was PE. OK, but at that point, I did something very stupid: play up the pity factor. Brilliant, Alex, brilliant. We had to pick groups, and I said 'I'll just go with whoever's left. As usual.' Idiot! Why? I'll get to that in the next paragraph. They say familiarity breeds familiarity. Well, I think it sometimes works the other way. Hopefully, no-one picked up on it, and my magnet doesn't decide to strengthen. Here's hoping.

This post is nearly over (and it's been over 12 hours since I've started it) but I'd like to end with just one thing. How do you know if someone likes you? This is the reason I said I'd get to last paragraph. It's not that I like her. It's that I'm not sure if she likes me. And I'm almost completely sure she isn't. But still I cling to that single thread that she may like me. Why? Some may say I like her. Really, I'm desperate. I want a girlfriend. I've only known what it feels like once (which was for one month in 2007), and since then, I've wanted someone again. I don't want to seem desperate, but really, I am. And not for anyone in particular, just someone. Just someone. *Sigh*

Thinking about nothing (and everything),

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Swimming Carnival

To describe today in one word: water. Yes, today revolved around water in two ways: one, it was the swimming carnival. Two, it poured. Now, let us have a look at the swimming carnival. It started off before school, where everyone came in their house colours: Farrer, red; Wentworth, blue; Macarthur, yellow; and Lachlan Macquarie, green, which I am in. If I may be permitted to make a side note: why Lachlan Macquarie? Why two names? When we get themes (I'll come back to this), it's Macquarie, but we are normally called Lachlan. I say, pick a name and commit. But, really, it doesn't matter. Anyway, back to... houses. OK. our themes were: Farrer Festive, where people came dressed as holiday characters. You know, Santa Claus, Halloween characters, basically just everything holiday-ish. Wentworth was Wonderland, which took the title of 'Weirdest Theme for 2009.' W00t. So, people came dressed up as Alice (even the boys, again, which I'll come back to after this.), the Mad Hatter, and more than 1 person had jokes about 'Wonderland' (eg, a few girls had signs pointing to their chests, which said 'Your Wonderland.' Lol!). Macarthur was Magic, and had by far the best costumes. There were fairies, wizards (mostly Harry Potter), and the best costume came from here. One person had a Gandalf (the White) costume, which was perfect. The hat, the white robes, the staff, even the beard. It could have been Dumbledore, but I doubt it. And last (always), is Macquarie, which was Musicians. We had guitars, drums, many musical instruments. I couldn't find anything green, so I came in a black top with a DJ on it. Of course, like in every school, there is a time-honoured tradition, which came out with flying colours today. In Hurlstone, for some bizarre reason, that tradition is cross-dressing. Swimming carnivals, camps, Year 12 farewells, rest-assured there will be guys in dresses attempting to show... something.

In the morning, I spent the time with Cam, Eric, Vitale, Victor, basically the whole group, just basically doing nothing. Cards, sessions, walking, talking, etc, etc. The cheering contest was first, though, and I'd like to say that I think Macquarie was the morning's winner. Of course, that could have been because I was standing in that particular crowd.

If I may be permitted to make a short side note: Is it just me, or does everybody at the swimming carnival seem drunk? Well, not everybody of course, but there's always those special few. I mean, we have shouting (cheering contests), strange behaviour (dancing in the rain), very little inhibitions (girls going around taking pictures of themselves with completely random people), I could go on. But I won't.

Continuing. Today, I lent Shafi my iPod, so that he could have a look at Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series. (If you don't know what that is, I strongly recommend you have a look at it at the link I just gave you, as it is brilliant. Or, so I think. I do have a very strange sense of humour.) I gave it to him at lunch, and didn't get it back until about 2 pm. Yeah. It's that good. Anyway, in the afternoon, I spent most of the time hiding from the rain, having a 'joke-off' with Vitale, in which we each tell the other a joke, and if they had heard of it, they get a point, and if not, you get a point. It ended with the score being tied at 8 a piece, when we decided to stop. Partway through the day, we got told the score: as usual, Farrer was first and leading easily, Wentworth coming second, about 50 or 60 points ahead of 3rd, who was, SHOCK, HORROR, Macquarie. We are always last. Always. Rest assured, we rubbed it in Mango and Vitale's faces, who are both in Macarthur. At this point, it stops sprinkling, and starts raining. Hard. It starts pelting down. Then, a teacher (I think it was actually an office lady) told us to go cheer. I promptly went into the pool area: and talked to Cam. Why? ...The stand was full. Then, I got sent to go get the score for Mr. Wilson (senior. Or, B. Wilson. I remember the B standing for bald, and that's how I tell the Wilsons, A. or B. apart.) Farrer, 1st, what a surprise. Wentworth, 2nd, of course. And... Macarthur third. Macarthur. Third. Macquarie had fallen to fourth. Again. They do say L for Lachlan, l for last. However, Mr. Wilson (snr) did say something interesting before being corrected: 'Farrer, fourth...' A misread of 1st for 4th due to wet paper. How funny would that have been, if Farrer really did come fourth. *sigh* Ah, well.

And that was my day. Really. Maybe there's more, but it probably wouldn't have been very interesting. (Oh, I lost my umbrella case. So that's... something...)

Proud to be in Lachlan (and also last),

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hello, people, and welcome to the second post of AB: A Blog! Today was a day of highs and lows, and, because I'm not in the mood for any original thought, I'm going to use a tired quote: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. (I was really struggling there not to replace worst with blurst.) Allow me to start with the worst of times, because that was how the morning started.

Nature continued her goal this morning to make sure luck doesn't go my way today (and it's not even Friday the 13th yet). Wake up at 6:00, to get to school at 7:30 am, which was when the excursion started. Or so I thought. I'll give you the compressed version. On Monday, there is a meeting about the excursion. Partway through it, I get called over the intercom to the office. I find out it's a false alarm, and go back. Today: I get to school. Nobody is there. The note for the excursion said be there by 7:30. What I found out about half an hour later is that in the meeting, when I was gone, Mr Pitt said: be there 15 minutes before the bell. When I found that out, I felt like a massive idiot. Stupidity turned to frustration. Frustration turned to anger. I felt like I could punch somebody out. As I said this morning, this is the sort of bad luck they burnt witches over. And that was just up to 9 am. Luckily, it got a whole lot better from there...

The bus ride there was subdued. There was chatter, so I got out Les Miserables and read. (On a side note, that book goes on for 40 pages about the battle of Waterloo. They thought it was relevant because a minor character was briefly involved. Maybe it's a major plot point, I haven't got that far yet.) When we got there, it was about 10:15. We were greeted by Rob Hollows, who took us for a brief tour, and we got straight into it. First, our group did some calculations on some software using measurements previously taken about the pulsars (basically, how far away they are.). Next, we watched some groups get the data virtually in real time from the telescope (we remotely controlled it.) Then, it was our turn: we had a look at two pulsars, or rather, their radio beams (after the computer ended up crashing. Twice). One, which had never been seen 'on' before, which we saw on, and one which was part of a binary system. It was amazing. Next was the bus ride to Hurlstone. Several phrases come to mind: indescribable, amazing, 'had to be there,' funny. It was great. We went to Hungry Jack's, and made very good jokes, one which went something like this: (you have to know that there, they said pulsar astronomers were the weirdest astronomers, and and Mr. Pitt just went to McDonalds.)

"Imagine if Mr. Pitt somehow got breath-tested."
"And it turned out positive!"
"Yeah, he's like: *acts drunk*!"
"He hasn't had beer, that's what he's like when he drinks Coke!"
"No, *imitates policeman*: Sir, it came up negative. Are you a pulsar astronomer?"

At which point, we said we couldn't say anymore, as that was not going to be topped. Near the end, we decided that the 'epic' bus trip needed a name. The Name: "Magic School Bus: Epic Trip." Comedy Gold.

So, yeah. Longwinded, I suppose, but it was a great day. Photos to come soon (maybe), but for now, see this link to see what the PULSE@Parkes project is all about. Hopefully, there are pictures there of me.

Listen to the radio (waves),

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post the First

Welcome to my blog, where I shall talk about basically what happened during the day. If I mention you, congratulations, follow this link to get a prize (maybe)! What happened today I hear you asking (or, not.). Well, let me tell you...

Today, I believe that nature and the world teamed up to make me feel like an idiot. This is one of those days where you just go, 'This is why I'm an atheist.' Everything seemed to go wrong. I woke up; and the dishwasher didnt wash properly. Just as I'm about to leave home, my laptop crashes. It's raining by this point, of course. Get to school: science 1st, eh. maths, eh. Recess. Then, double ag. What fun, drenching goats (generally with great difficulty) in the rain. Lost the back of my mechanical pencil, and trod in, well, you can imagine (it is Hurlstone), then found it back in the classroom in my pencilcase. Joy. Lunch: 1st half, spent in line for a bus pass. 2nd half, pretty OK. 5th period, English. Tiana is, I swear, one of the funniest people I've ever met, and not intentionally. The stuff she comes out with is classic. I also make a (bad) joke about Disney (why do I talk?) and get attacked by about 5 girls simultaneously. 6th period, preview of excursion tomorrow: I'll tell you all about it. After school, the bus is late. At home, I get bitten by a bird, (our pet), and attempt to prove to my brother that the lighter never lights. By holding it to my shirt. While it was on. You can guess what happened. Luckily, my shirt did not catch on fire. That's my day in a nutshell. I shall see you tomorrow.

May your day be a lot better than mine,

EDIT: If you do go to that link, make sure you don't have anything important running.