Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Good Kind of Nothing

Hello, everybody. Today, like yesterday, nothing happened, but; unlike yesterday, it was a good kind of nothing. You know, the nothing where you can curl up and read a book, or surf the net for a while, or just zone out and watch TV. Not the nothing where you're up at 9 thinking too much about life like yesterday. Not like that at all.

I was reading my blog post yesterday, and you know I what I think? That's just depressing. It's... haunting. And that's not me (usually). I forgot my number 1 motto, that simple phrase I try to live by. Not quotes, mind you, mottos. Though of course, there are some quotes I really get. Too many to name, really, but if you want to see some, anything by Douglas Adams or Albert Einstein are good. Anyway, my 3 mottos are, in order:

1. Always look on the bright side of life.
2. If you can't laugh at yourself, you can't laugh at anyone.
3. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

I completely disregarded number 1. I'll try not to do that again. But, enough thinking about yesterday (because that's what happened yesterday. Metaphorically speaking.), let's talk about what I did today.

I woke up at 8, and surfed the net for a while. Basically on and off for the entire time, barring TV and having to do the dishwasher (4 times today!). I synced my iPod, so now it's got 'No Air' by Jordin Sparx on it (which I downloaded yesterday; I don't pirate.), The Greatest Hits I of Queen, including Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites the Dust, etc. All amazing songs. Oh, and the entire Abridged Series. Yeah. Not an exciting day, but a good one. Oh, and I meditated. Nothing much, I got it from Hapkido, which I did... the Wednesday before school started, so, the day before school, which I did as a trial session. I'm due to start it in a few weeks, I think. Oh, and I'm going to a concert (The Veronicas, I think) on Wednesday with my friend Shaylee. I'll blog more about it as it comes closer.

I'm sorta looking forward to school tomorrow. Yes, because I really want to see You-Know-Who's expression when Shafi asks them why they sent a sing-o-gram, as well as, I suppose, getting people to see my blog. I'm fine if they don't, but I'd still like people to see it. I also just counted how many words I have in all my posts now, since I got bored: 3,713 words. Really, that's... just stunning, really.

Anyway, that just about wraps up today. I'll finish with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi that I love, and really speaks to me.

'An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind,'

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