Friday, July 31, 2009

Ah, Fridays

I forgot how good they were. It's just so refreshing how you can be doing a week of work, and suddenly you're sitting back on your laptop watching the TV until past 10 at night. I missed them, and now they're back. Also, title problems ensue. I'll get it eventually. Hopefully

Period 1 was Science, in which we watched more of the video about DNA, and answered more of the questions. A bit of a bludge, really. In the actual video, it turns out (well, not turns out, it happened over 50 years ago. But still. Bear with me here.) that Rosalind Franklin got no recognition for working out that DNA was a double helix using X-ray diffraction until 25 years after she did, and then died of cancer because of the X-rays. Sometimes life sucks, hey? Next was Computer Maths, in which we tried to hide in Room 10 again. I don't know how successful we were, though we definitely weren't as successful as last time. The actual period was just doing some work on Geometer's Sketchpad (and having it fail repeatedly) about working out geometrical proofs. It was then assembly, which was your standard 'we're only here because it's in the timetable.' Recess was 13.

Periods 3 and 4 were double Ag, which was going down to one of the paddocks so that people could ride tractors and ready the ground for potato planting. So that was more than a bit boring, or it would have been if I had not gotten into a conversation about coding (warning: these next sentences may contain nerdiness. Although, in my blog, what else do you expect?). It all started off with me getting a supposed uncrackable code from Matt. I quickly deduced it was monoalphabetic (and therefore fairly straight-forward to crack), and I started telling Ebony what that was (the most surprising thing is that she was interested). From that we got into polyalphabetic coding, and the Vigenere Square. So I explained that to her, and we got into an argument into if it can be made uncrackable with a shorter base password and a longer plaintext, by recoding the coded message using the password again, but in a different way (explaining it would take a long, long time). Ebony said it that it was uncrackable, I said it was just making the password longer (making it harder to crack, but not theoretically uncrackable). We ended up agreeing to disagree, and ended up just asking each other questions. Which was arguably more interesting.

Lunch was lining up to pay for one of those things like Cheap Thrills (*shudders*), and afterwards, more coding (yes, I know! No 13! For shame...). Period 5 was English, in which we talked about literary merit, as essentially nobody but the English staff knows what it means. It sort of makes sense, but people are still confused. As am I, to a degree. Period 6 was History, which was helping people out with the speech. Clarifying things for other people helps to clarify things for yourself as well, I've noticed. So after school, I did a bit of work on my assignment, and then around 7, I went in to watch the Blues-Roos game (lol, Blues-Roos). I also played Battlefield Heroes while doing it. I worked out more of my Gunner ability and strategy, and got up to Level 6. The actual footy game was a really close one: Carlton ended up winning by 10, although North Melbourne made it a real contest. I went to bed around 11.

And that was my day. Sorry about the later post, this type of thing happens on the weekends. I can procrastinate on weekends; it's my blog after all. I can do what I want, can't I? (Yes. the answer is yes.).

No comments again... Ah well,

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chemistry Comp '09

Ah, back to the days of having uncreative yet technically informative titles. I don't like them, but sometimes they are unavoidable. Like today. Anyway. My title really speaks for itself here; I did a Chemistry Competition. Also it's 2009. Well, obviously.

Before school I posted, but as normal, not enough. When I actually got to school, I talked with John and Kevin about which is better, a Gunner or a Soldier in regards to abilities and health. I was thinking about getting a new character, just to try out something other than a Commando. Period 1 was Geo, which was finishing off that video about Asia from Tuesday. Today: Singapore, and how it is illegal there to chew gum or for guys to have long hair. No, really. The first one makes some sense (it's something to do with cleanliness), but the second just seems pointless, verging on retarded. There's probably some reason, but I don't see it. Period 2 was Science, in which we watched a video on the discovery of DNA, mostly centring around how Rosalind Franklin got ripped off (And she did. There's no arguing the fact.). Recess was the usual.

Period 3 was the Chemistry Competition, which I wholeheartedly took part in as a nerd who has memorised the Periodic Table (you want further proof? Look at the bottom of the screen. You'll see a montage of elements. I've needed an excuse to say that for a long time, by the way.). It went for about an hour, and it was fairly hard. I don't know many I got wrong, though I think it's at least 1. It was really fun, or at least the most fun you can have while doing a test (I love Chemistry. Though I think Physics is better.). When it was finished, we went to PE, where we started our new topic. It's something about the media. Lunch was more 13.

Period 5 was Maths, in which I made a shocking discovery: Mr Pollock's book was broken (I borrowed a book by Oliver Sacks a little while back, before the holidays). Specifically, the whole front cover has come off. I mean, it was an old book, but still. I absolutely panicked. And, to top it off, Mango forgot his Maths textbook. Just my luck. So I basically read for the whole period. As I would. Last was Drama, in which we fleshed out the plot for our ad for our assignment. We're going to be doing a 1 minute one, because our whole idea is long. And funny. But long regardless. After school, I blogged, and also played some Battlefield Heroes. I got a new character, a Gunner, named after the character I used to play on the school's Counter Strike: SuicideBait. I'm already Level 3. But I didn't get to post, so here I am.

To comments now, 1 from the 1 person.
*Ebony: Andy isn't just uncorrupted, he's completely unknowledgeable (he doesn't know what a Rolex is! That's insane!). My iPod running out of charge is not funny, it's very annoying! And I didn't know you weren't that uncoordinated, but that's the impression you give off. And E-V is not that awesome. Just coincidental.

And that was my day. Sorry about the late post, but this assignment is killing me. I'll finish it off soon, and then practicing will be easy (well, easier), and take less time. Much less. Apart from that though, I have no real excuse, other than procrastination. Well, obviously.

I love that new Battlefield Heroes name,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Good, The Bad and the Funny

OK, don't pretend you don't know what this title means. You know what it means. Well, maybe not Andy. Anyway. I'll get to that. What the title basically means is that there were good things, bad things, and funny things that happened during my day. ...Nobody said making titles was easy.

Before school, I blogged about Tuesday. But I didn't get to finish it. Before school, I talked mainly about Battlefield Heroes (I'm thinking of making a new character. You know, just because.) and the identity of The Anonymous Aeroplane (seriously, I have no idea.). First it was Role Call, which was reading. Ah, reading. Period 1 was Commerce, in which we got our assignments back that we did in April. (I know, because I had a look in previous posts. I love how I can do that now.). We also looked back on that pixie story from yesterday. Period 2 was Drama, in which we got an assessment. We got into groups (Kolodziej seems to love these). In the group that I'm in is me (no duh), Cameron, Ebony, Oscar and Shane. We've already got a really good idea going (though I'm not going to say, just in case.).

Recess was 13. My luck is improving, though it's far from awesome. Next was Period 3, which was Maths. I went to listen to my iPod before class, when it turned off. I tried again, and it turned off again. It turned out that I left my iPod on a video podcast that I was watching before school (Abridged, of course), which completely drained the iPod of power. So, yeah. Really lucky. In the actual Maths period, we proved that the square root of 2 is irrational. Wikipedia has the answer (we used the first proof). It seemed too... simple to be correct. But it was, so the square root of 2 is irrational.

Lunch was 13, and also making jokes. John told a joke about a Rolex (it was pretty funny, although I'd heard it before), and afterwards Andy said 'What's a Rolex?' After a long period of silence by the people who thought he was completely clueless (i.e. all of us), he went on to say 'Isn't it a type of tissue?' We then replied in unison: 'That's Kleenex!' (However, this is coming from the guy who thought you kissed with necks, so we probably shouldn't be surprised. Proof.) Sport was basketball, although as we didn't shoot for the hoop much, I did fairly well. Ebony was in the group I was in, and she actually did stuff. I mean, she threw and caught the ball repeatedly (This is actually pretty good for Ebony, though.). After school, I talked with Ebony, as I do on Wednesdays after school when Victor is gone. And when I got home, I watched TV and went on my laptop, until it was time for hapkido.

Shay actually came today, although Shirisha didn't (it turns out she's only going to be coming once a week. I think that's a bit strange, but ah well.). Today we just did a bit of basic stuff, and for the first time in a while we did some rolls (I learnt I need to work on them). I also showed a new white belt the ropes. I think his brother is a yellow belt. However, all that pales into comparison to what I got today: my third tip! That means I have only three signatures left before I can get my orange belt, with those three being the turning kick (I still need some work on it) and the rolls (I'm good on a good day. Today was not a good day for rolls.). So I got my third tip, and then waited around for Jo to pick us up. But I didn't blog all the way, so here I am.

To comments now, 1 from 1 person.
*Ebony: E and V, V and E... Bloody hell. Somebody has way too much time on their hands. It was indeed funny, although being a weirdo is fun.

And that was my day. Sorry about the lateness of the post, soon my schedule will be back to normal. Procrastination and many things getting in the way (like assignments and hapkido) are stopping me from blogging when I'd like. Well, that happens. Ah well.

School has now become the norm,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Normality Resumes

It's funny how you can go on holidays, yet on the second day, it's like you never even left. We also did the first actual work. Not much work, but still. We actually did some work. The hilarity (OK, maybe that's an exaggeration) from yesterday continued, with jokes made in Maths and English (and the one in Maths was by me. So it was a really good/bad pun. I love puns.). Also, sorry for the late post, I got caught up in other stuff. We must blame society, people!

On the way to school, I read and watched Abridged on my iPod. I never get tired of it. Period 1 was Ag, in which we did our first actual work for the term. It didn't involve much thought, only weeding through some of the double-talk from a sheet and writing the remaining facts down. But still, it was the first real work. I finished it in time, but as I'd finished my book, I had nothing left to do. So I waited around for the bell to go. When it did, we all went up to Geo, where we watched a video on how South Korea and Taiwan improved their economies. It was fairly interesting, but it was also a massive bludge. We didn't even have to write anything down. I forgot how good period like that were. Recess was the usual.

Maths was doing work on Pythagoras' Theorem, and from that, transcendental numbers and that type of thing. I mean, it was just recapping everything we already knew, but we were about to start work on transcendental numbers (and a proof that any number is transcendental. That is amazing.). I also came up with a joke: Q: What's another name for a circular sheep? A: Shepherd's Pi (Quite frankly, I think that's hilarious. But not many other people do. Come on, it's great!). Next was Science, in which we were doing a bit of work on the structure of DNA. Which was actually pretty interesting. I liked it, anyway.

Lunch was the usual. Period 5 was Commerce, in which we read from a story intended to teach the class about taxation. Only one problem: It was about pixies. Dear god, I wish I was kidding. There was Mr. and Mrs. Pixie (no, really), and the taxman, Mr. Toady. It was also packed full of jokes that would keep Year 1s entertained (It was a Year 11 story), if not for the whole thing being about tax. Hey, did you know pixies are adults at 134? Guess what? That was the only thing I learnt from that story. Retarded is an understatement here. Anyway. Last was English, in which we talked about the values set down by Animal Farm. Rhys then steered us into if prostitution is considered good in Animal Farm (I don't know why: There is no prostitution in Animal Farm.). We then got into a discussion about where it's legal and where it isn't, and after learning that it was legal, but you had to get a license first (on a side note: this is a very strange thing to be blogging about), Rhys made a joke: 'What if you were getting a license and somebody said 'You'll never make any money?'' Very funny. After the bell went and I got home, I watched TV, blogged, and talked on MSN. Though I didn't blog nearly enough, so here I am.

Let us proceed to comments, 3 from 2 people.
*Ebony: Wow... that comment was... thanks? Did I miss you, that's a good question. Comments are good, I suppose.
*Anon: Gszg'h LP, hgfuu szkkvmh. Znw bvk, hxsllo szh ivgfimvw. Yfttvi. 4891 rh wvurmrgvob mlg zylfg xlnnfmrhn.
*Anon: Thanks for not using any false trails: that helps a lot. Same with the help with the riddle, but next time, please don't do that. I want to work it out myself. It'll be more fun that way. (Also; who are you!?)

And that was my day. Sorry about the extreme lateness, I'm still getting used to blogging on time. Soon I will get back to schedule, and that will be great. But until then, just bear with me. Thanks for understanding, Generic Reader Guy!

Can you believe this second-last line has been around since Day 1?,

Monday, July 27, 2009

Off to a Great Start

That was sarcasm, of course. It's the beginning of school, a Monday, and many little things went wrong. Mostly during the latter half of the day. I mean, my sports jacket broke (the whole left pocket is now mutilated), and I stuffed up several times in hapkido. Although, I did, finally, get the signature for my cross. But yeah. Just a lot of little things. Ah well. Stuff happens.

I woke up around 6 (I am going to kick this habit of telling people when I get up. This is the final day.), as I do on weekdays. I got ready, and I ended up getting to school at around 8:15. I then waited for people in the group to arrive, which was luckily only about 30 seconds. Eric came to the table first, then Kevin, Andy, and gradually people began to filter in. I talked about Battlefield Heroes with Kevin and Andy, Spore with Eric, and utter randomness with the whole group, when they got there (barring John and Victor, the former did not come and the latter was late). Example of the randomness: What if Shafi were Wolverine. This came about somehow and was the funniest thing I'd heard in a long time. Ah, how I missed school. Period 1 was English, which was talking about communism in Eastern Europe and how books were banned in America for retarded reasons (1984 is not about communism). Hancock also mentioned Kazakhstan, promptly making everybody bar two people laugh at the (intentional) reference to Borat. Which I am still to see. Maths was a lot of algebra combined with a bit of geometry. Just your standard A1 stuff, really.

Recess was 13, back to normal. I was on a big losing streak. I think I got the 3 of spades once, and did not win a single game. Period 3 was Drama, in which we did a slight amount of work on storyboarding. Cam and I also talked about 'End of the World.' It's a great song, and we both like it. At another point, the school duck came to the door (yes, we have a school duck), and we pointed it out to Kolodziej. Who promptly said: 'It's not a duck, it's a pelican.' If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck (it was, in fact, a duck. Pelicans have a gigantic beak. This small water bird did not.). Next was Commerce, which was supposed to be doing the various pros and cons of casual employment, but which turned into talking about the various jobs people have, and what Kearney used to do before he was a teacher, and before he was a lawyer.

Lunch was more 13, and in which I continued my losing streak. Although there was a very funny hand. Andy had quad 2, but we played anyway. At one point he played double 2, expecting to win easily. Eric then got him with a double bomb, winning the game. It was epic. I won one game in this round. Well, maybe tomorrow. Periods 5 and 6 were double PE, in which we did some work on that game from a while ago called Tchoukball. It was mainly skills, though towards the end we did do a game of it. We were disadvantaged against the other team, as it was 6 against 5. And then Matt sat out, so it was 6 against 4. We were losing badly (the score was something like 9-3), until Wilson called out 'Last goal wins!' At that point, we had possession of the ball, and Tan threw it at the trampoline. Everybody crowded around a single point, and then Alan shot up into the air, and caught the ball. We won. Then, it was time to go, and I got home about 3:30. Around 6:45, we left for hapkido.

Shay came today, as did Shirisha. So I introduced Shirisha around, to Nick (who came after taking a break over the holidays), Amadeus, Vivian, and of course, Shaylee. The lesson itself was more of a skills one, focusing on the techniques rather than anything else. I learnt that my collar grab needs a bit of work, but that my cross is improving. So much, in fact, that I got my signature, on my third try. Third time's the charm, I suppose. We finished around 8:20, but we stayed so that Shay could get her second tip. I blogged after hapkido, but I didn't get to finish in time. So here I am, blogging the following morning.

There are no comments (sort of unsurprising), so this is the last paragraph. Today wasn't so much a bad day, but it wasn't not a bad day. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other, really. And this post itself wasn't too bad: finally something longer than 600 words. Tomorrow's post might be a bit shorter though; ah well.

Back to school, back to school,

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Farewell, Holidays

Yes, today was the last day of holidays, and tomorrow is the start of term. My brother goes back on Tuesday, but us Hurlstonians go back on the Monday. Ah well. It'll be nice to see people again. In news today, I went to the markets with my grandparents today, as well as played chess and Scrabble and so forth. And because of a lot of things, expect a late-ish post. And maybe a longer one as well. Or, maybe short. Could go either way, really.

I got up around 8, and then went to have breakfast. Around 9, we left my grandparents' house, and after a long car trip of about half an hour in which I read my book, we got to the Market. We started by passing by the fruit and veg stalls, and went to the clothes section. On Friday, Nanny had told EJ of a jacket she had seen at the Market, so we went to get that. The jacket had a skeleton on it, and the hood could zip up all the way, and was a skull. So, as you can imagine, EJ immediately found the size and bought the jacket. My guess is that he will now wear it as much as he possibly can. He likes skulls that way. When that happened, I decided to listen to my iPod, as there was not much else to do. So, until about 10:30, we walked around the shops, and I listened to my music. We then loaded 40 kilograms of carrots and two boxes of apples onto the car, and set off. We arrived at our grandparents' place at around 11.

While there, we played a few games of Scrabble (I'm OK at it; better than I am at chess, at any rate), and watched some 'Seinfeld.' Mum and Dad came by at about midday, as did Aunty Karen and Uncle Jason, by sheer coincidence. We left about 15 minutes later. When we got back home, I went to catch up on stuff I couldn't do at Nanny and Poppa's, Dad went to a meeting and Mum and EJ went shopping for lunch, leaving at about 1. They got home around 2. So, for the rest of the night, I played chess, winning one and losing another (He tricked me with a Scholar's Mate. I didn't even know he knew what it was); watched Seinfeld (it's getting good), chatted on MSN, listened to music, read and blogged. However, I lost track of time, and I didn't get to blog in time. So here I am.

And there are no comments. Unsurprising, considering when I posted, but I'd still like some. Ah well. Maybe for this post. Anyway. For this post, it is the last paragraph (Captain Obvious to the rescue!); and hopefully, the last (avoidable, anyway) late post, since school imposes a schedule on blogging. Imposes a schedule on a lot of things, really. Tomorrow's post should be longer, and most likely on time.

Goodbye free time,

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Beginning of the End

The beginning of the end of the holidays, that is. The end weekend. OK, I couldn't really think of a better title. My point being here is that it's almost the end of the holidays and the start of term. Bugger. Today, though, was a good day, so let's see it.

I woke up around 8, and we were off to EJ's footy game. We got there at about 9:30, and as his game didn't start for almost an hour, I went to read and listen to my iPod. Which I did. I ended up finishing 'King Dork' and starting 'Alyzon Whitestarr,' while listening to mostly 'End of the World' by Great Big Sea and Taylor Swift. Around 10:15, though, it was time for my brother's game, and I was boundary umpiring. From the outset, the game looked like it would be close, with a goal kicked by Camden and an immediate reply from the Tigers (my brother's team). I won't go into the details, of course, but I will put the results of the last quarter: At three quarter time, the Tigers were up by 2 goals, and looked to be in the clear. However, Camden came roaring back, and they came to within a goal; EJ's team was 56, Camden was 54. After much tossing back and forth, the ball ended up within Camden's forward line. A Camden player (I think it was 19. That's who I'll say anyway) picked up the ball. The hooter sounded. 19 kicked the ball. The ball sailed through for a goal. Camden started cheering. The umpires looked confused. The end decision was this: 19 had kicked the ball just after the siren had went, and so the goal was disallowed. EJ's team had won, by 2 points. They started celebrating, and Camden was disheartened to say the least (19 was crying, because he was convinced he kicked the ball just on the siren. But that's footy.). The game ended around 12, and we got home around 1:00.

Once we got home, we went straight to getting ready to go to our grandparents' place, as Mum and Dad were going to a Trivia Night. We got there around 2, and launched straight into 'Seinfeld,' EJ's insistence. So for the rest of the night, until about 9:30 (no, I'm not kidding), we did a lot of things, including playing chess (I'm not too good), watching Monty Python, watching Mythbusters, watching Seinfeld (all great), playing a few games I had on my computer, and going on MSN. And with us having to share the laptop, I only just got to post before I went to bed. Ah well. Late posts are annoying, but sometimes inevitable. Procrastination also doesn't help.

To comments now, 2 from 1 person.
*Anon: You. Are. Kidding. I spent 45 minutes trying to work those lines out, trying different permutations of Caesar Shifts and monoalphabetic codes, and they were fake? A ploy to throw me off? I got the other lines... I must say, well played. And congrats on the acronym; I find it fun.
*Anon: I ended up figuring that one out. Thanks, though. Just, for next code: no more tricks. Nonsense strings drive me crazy.

And that was my day. Sorry about the late post, the explanation is above and due to come in the next post. Well, this sorta stuff happens. Once school starts, the schedule should right itself and all will be well. In a manner of speaking (late posts are still going to happen, people.).

One last day,

Friday, July 24, 2009

These Annoying Assignments

And how! Yes, today I started my English speech on 'Animal Farm,' although I did watch movies and the footy in-between. But, yeah. I started the speech. I got something like 2 minutes into the speech, which is pretty good for a 4 to 5 minute speech. I also fleshed out the main ideas for the speech. Well, let's see my day, shall we? (Yes, it's an incredibly late post, I know. Nature conspired against me.)

I woke up around 8, as usual, and Dad, EJ and I all went to Westfields to get breakfast, for no reason apart from that we could. We first dropped by JB Hi-Fi to get seasons 3 and 4 of 'Seinfeld' (which I plan to watch at my grandparents' place tomorrow), and then we went to get some pancakes from McDonalds. However, they ran out (seriously, how can McDonalds run out of pancakes at 9:30 in the morning?), so we went and got some bacon burgers from Oporto. And as they screwed up our order, we got complementary chocolate mousse. So a pretty good day out at the shops. We got home around 10:15, and we promptly went out to put the washing. While out there, Nanny and Poppa stopped by, and Nanny helped us out.

Around 12, I started to work on my English speech after blogging about Thursday, as I figured I needed to get to work on it. About an hour later, however, Dad pulled me out to watch a movie he had bought on Foxtel, 'Seven Pounds' (which you may remember from this post). While I was watching the movie, I scanned my computer, and synced my iPod, after getting a song from Cam. It was pretty good, although it takes a while before you work out who is doing what and why. In the end, though, it makes sense and everything fits together. I'd recommend it. I got back to my laptop around 4, and then went to finish off the part of my speech I was doing. I've got a good thing going, so I'll do some more later.

After dinner, I went to watch the Blues-Magpies game. I had tipped Carlton to win by 2, because I was optimistic about their chances. But I don't think anyone expected the actual result. Carlton ended up losing by 54 points, with the final score being 40-94. Carlton's in-depth result: 4 goals and 16 behinds. Fevola only got 1 goal. By the fourth quarter, we were just going through the motions. I ended up playing some Battlefield Heroes by the end of it. I went to bed around 10.

To comments now, 1 from 1 person.
*Anon: It's official; I give up. Every line is coded differently, I got maybe 25% decoded, and if it's polyalphabetic like I suspect, there's no way I can get it. Monoalphabetic seems impossible. You win. Give us a few hints though, maybe I can decoded it if I can understand how it's encoded (Vigenere Square? Caesar Shift?).

And that was my Friday. Sorry about the incredibly late post, everything just seemed to team up to stop me posting. (society is to blame, of course). But, not me, I will post regardless. Expect a longer post about Saturday: I actually did stuff.

This English speech is harder than I thought,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Is What Holidays Are For

I had originally planned for this title to reflect 'Rasputin,' (something like Res-phew!-ting) the song caught in my head today, but it didn't turn out at all like I planned. So I had to change it, in order for the title made sense. However, the song is pretty good, I'd recommend it. OK, moving on. As you could probably get from the title, I just relaxed today, and that is what the holidays are for. Just relaxing. Although tomorrow I will need to be doing a lot of work. Damn.

I woke up around 8:30, after absolutely crashing in my bed. I had to force myself to my feet. I guess I'm getting as much sleep as I can in before school sets in. For the first hour or so, I just plodded around the house, trying to wake myself up. After that, I took advantage of the fact that EJ was over with Lachlan at Shay's place to watch 'Family Guy.' I can't usually watch it, because my brother is too young to. And if I watch it, he would come out to watch it. So I'm stuck in the middle. So whenever he's somewhere else, I pull out one of the DVDs, and just watch. Which is what I did. While doing that, I also blogged. After a bit blogging and watching TV, I decided to do some Battlefield Heroes, as I wanted to make the most out of my double experience this week. I didn't level up, and I didn't get to snipe as well as I could have liked, as the games were mostly in Buccaneer Bay. Ah well.

EJ got home around 3, and we then promptly watched some TV other than Family Guy. Unfortunately. Dad got home around 4, and he had got me, from Questacon, possibly the nerdiest shirt ever to exist. Get this: it's got the entire periodic table on it up to ununbium (element 112, to the right of roentgenium and below mercury, soon to be officially named) on it, including symbols, names, state at room temperature, group and period. Quite frankly, it is one of the best shirts I have ever seen. I even offered to do ironing to pay Dad back, and if you read my blog, you know how much I hate ironing. Anyway. Later, EJ and I watched the end of the 'Seinfeld' DVDs we got. And they are getting progressively better. I can't wait. After that, for the rest of the night, I just blogged, talked on MSN, and watched TV.

What, no comments? Damn. I love these coding games between myself and The Anonymous Aeroplane/Lord Voldemort. They're fun. So, as there are no comments, I guess this'll be the last paragraph. Thinking about it, today was a great day, what with 'Family Guy,' 'Seinfeld' and the Periodic Table Shirt and all (I can't wait for a mufti day). Sorry for the late-ish post, once school starts, my schedule will have to be set straight.

There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Over at Shay's

The title speaks for itself here. The alternate title was 'Pi Approximation Day.' It's 22/7, which is approximately pi. Yes, being possibly the biggest nerd you will ever meet pretty much compels me to mention that. Also, I couldn't think of a better title. Although, with pi, nothing much is better. Everybody likes pi! In actual news, I stayed over at Shay's for a while today (dun dun dah!), for no real reason, other than we wanted to. Well, why not? I also went to hapkido.

I woke up at 7:30, and then got ready to go over to Shay's place. I was picked up around 10, and I brought my laptop, of course. I also brought the home phone, by complete accident. When I got to their place, I watched Lachlan play some game, and then went on Battlefield Heroes myself. I was apparently one of the first million people to sign up, so I got double experience for a week. So I played that for a bit, and got up to Level 9. Sweet. Soon, I got off BFH, and went to surf the net, while watching TV with Shay and Jo. For lunch, around 12, I had chips and white chocolate, while looking at Questionable Content. I also played against Lachlan in bowling from Wii. I ended up winning, but not by much.

Around 2, EJ, Lachlan, Shay and I all went out to take their dog Casper for a walk. We took the basketball, and when we got down to the local park, Australis, we went to play handball. With the basketball, but still. We played for something like an hour, with strange rules. Well, I don't suppose they were strange to Shay and Lachlan, but I'd never heard of them. Anyway. We started going back just after 3. About halfway to their house, Caspar broke free of his leash (he is a big dog), and absolutely bolted. We ran after him, and when we got to hom, he was nipping at this other dog. The guy who owned the other dog had to literally lift him up and kick him away. And then he kicked him again. I'm not entirely sure who was in the wrong, but I think that he probably shouldn't have kicked him so hard. It was a pretty grey situation (as in, neither black nor white). Back at their house, once we got back, I took more time on the laptop, and around 4, we left for our house. As Jo went to drop Shay off at work, Lachlan and EJ came over, so that they could pack EJ's bag. He's sleeping over at their place, which is good for everyone. He left around 5. For dinner (and I have to mention this), we had pie. On Pi Approximation Day! That's great. Then, around 7, I left for hapkido.

At hapkido, before lessons started and just before I was going to go on the mat, I saw someone at the front desk, talking about starting lessons. I didn't think people did double-takes in real life, but I did. It was Shirisha. Man, when worlds collide. You wouldn't see her as the hapkido type. Then again, I don't seem the hapkido type either. The actual lesson was a good one, even if Shay was at work and signatures weren't being done. I learnt that I need to practice my back rolls; and my front snap kick is getting better.

To comments, now, 2 from 1 person.
*Anon: Zpv’sf hpjoh up ibwf up xpsl pvu uif bdspozn zpvstfmg, boe J xpvme tbz uibu uif ibjsdvu jt cfuufs. Boe uibu dpef xbt ibsefs, J’n kvtu mvdlz J xspuf b qsphsbn po Tdsbudi b xijmf cbdl uibu dbo efdpef uijt uzqf pg uijoh gps nf.
*Anon: I love coding. That Caesar Shift code above took a while to fully work out, but it was worth it.

And that was my Wednesday. Sorry for the later post, as usual I am beginning to catch up on my schedule, and promptly falling straight back down. Ah well. It happens.

Happy Pi Approximation Day,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's the End of a Few Things as We Know Them

And I Feel Fine... OK, I have 'It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) caught in my head. And not the REM original; the Great Big Sea remake (yes, I said Great Big Sea. Cameron would be laughing his head off if he found out, as he has been going on about this band for ages. Luckily, he doesn't read my blog.). But you know what? I like their version better. It's faster, and it's catchier. But that's my opinion. Anyway (as I just went on a huge rant there)! The things ended were my current hair style (please note: style is being used loosely), the book I was reading and the webcomic Circle Versus Square. Now, after all that, to my day, after this long, long, long first paragraph.

I woke up around 8, and about 9, Mum, EJ and I all went down to Hammondville Shops, as Mum decided we (me and EJ) would get haircuts. EJ doesn't really like getting haircuts, as he likes his hair long, and I don't really care, apart from the fact that I don't like taking time off to cut something like hair. It's only hair. Some people will avidly disagree with me here, but really, that's what I think. The haircuts took about 45 minutes in total, after which I came out of the store with a haircut similar to the one I had when I went in. But it was thinner, which is good for me. Anyway. After that, we went to the local shops, in which we went food shopping (I was going to say grocery shopping, but I didn't want to use a tired old Americanism). So while we were shopping, I just watched Abridged on my iPod. I love doing that.

When we got home, I did some work on my Ag assignment, as well as surfed Questionable Content (it's still funny). I also looked at a lot of the other webcomics I visit (xkcd, Dinosaur Comics, Circle Versus Square), when I came across the new CvS comic (if you read the first paragraph, you will see where this is going). And instead of a conclusion to the previous comic, there was a note saying how the comic is finished. Gone. A shame, too. I loved that comic. Lest we forget. Anyway. I also watched more 'Seinfeld,' and it is getting a lot better. I can't wait to see the rest, now. I went to bed around 10, after finishing 'The Mind of God.' I can't say I agree with its conclusion, but it was a good book.

To comments now, 5 from 2 people (finally, more than 3 comments).
*Anon: Mynorca eht evol od I dna. Lla dna ffuts sdrawkcab eht htiw, naem I. Tromedlov Drol era uoy taht tcepsus llits od I hguoht, tsil eht no tnemilpmoc eht rof sknaht. (I couldn't resist.)
*Anon: Haha?
*Victor: I have absolutely no idea what you just said. So at this point, I will just smile and nod. *nods*
*Victor: Exactly, like before, I shall nod, for that makes little sense to me. *nods*
*Victor: I did indeed check it out: I now understand. Relatively catchy song, in fact.

And that was my day. Sorry for the very late post, these things happen. Ah well. You win some, you lose some. All in all, it wasn't a bad day, although soon I will have to work on my assignments in a big way. Well, that sucks.

The song in the title is fun to sing (if you can catch up),

Monday, July 20, 2009

AB, Meet Seinfeld

Seinfeld, meet AB. Yes, today my Dad decided to show me the TV show known as Seinfeld. Which, so far, is pretty good, though I'll have to see a few more episodes. I'll do a so-far review when I get around to it. But yeah, that was pretty much the highlight of my day. Nobody say I'm lame; I know that already. Oh, I did do hapkido, so that might combat some of my lameness. I'll also do a list, as I need to expand this post, and I've been thinking about this one for a while.

I awoke at around 7:30 (yes, I said awoke. I wanted some sort of difference here.), and after getting chores done, I settled down and went on my laptop, and went to watch some TV. After the long day yesterday, I just wanted some rest. About 10, once the DVD we were already watching was up, I went to put on Seinfeld. By 12, we had already watched two discs of it. (Yes, I'm already up to midday. I'm talking about watching TV here.) It seems... I don't know. It seems like it could be a lot better, but it is good. Like I can see how it could be really good, but it just isn't there yet. I expect if I watch a few more episodes, then it will get awesome. I mean, it's considered one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. Right now, it's merely good.

After 12, we just watched TV for a while, and I did some of my Ag assignment. Around 7, I left for hapkido (yes, I know. Those 7 hours were very repetitive and weren't very exciting. Which are both post poisons.). Shay actually did come today, as she wasn't on holidays and she didn't have work (although she isn't coming on Wednesday, due to her work). Grandmaster Geoff was back today, and today we did mostly self-defence: 30 minutes of it. We did all sorts of evasions and defences, and Grandmaster Geoff even showed us some advanced ones. There was one in which you got out of the grab, then twisted their head back. Now I can't look up properly without hurting my neck. It's getting better, but it's still annoying. Hell, in meditation, I had trouble keeping my head up without consciously trying (no, really). After hapkido, I did some blogging, as well as got up to date with Questionable Content. Sort of a mixed blessing there: Yes, I caught up, but I liked reading them. Ah well.

List time! This one is songs that they made a lot worse by changing, in order from best to worst changed songs they are:
*'Let's Get Retarded' by the Black Eyed Peas: This was the first song that I remember that the radio stations changed. I always thought I had imagined the first version. I still did, until this year, actually (yep, weirdness at maximum levels here). Sure, the changed version was good, but it didn't compare to the original after they changed it.
*'Low' by Flo Rida and 'Not Fair' by Lily Allen (tie): Let me get this straight: I understand why they changed those songs. The point is, when they censor those songs, some of the meaning behind the songs is lost. At least they don't entirely change the lyrics by censoring them, like this next one.
*'Don't Trust Me' by 3OH!3: The chorus goes 'Don't trust a ho' 3 times. The censored version goes 'Don't trust a ...' Not even music. Silence. And, they're changing the entire bloody song. And, to make it worse, they only play the changed song late at night. When the people they don't want listening to it (i.e., kids), are in bed. Pointless. And, the biggest thing; this isn't even the worst changed song.
*'Everytime' by Britney Spears: They don't change the lyrics here. They change the music, the tempo. The whole point, the whole meaning behind this song is a slow, remorseful song, in Wikipedia's words, a "tragic ballad." I heard a version where the whole thing is sped up, so it's very 'pop-y.' That defeats the whole point of the song and makes it meaningless. The original is brilliant. The changed version is crappy.

OK, that's that list off my back. Time now for comment replies, or rather, a comment reply.
*Anon: Thanks for the compliment about catching up; I slowed right back down anyway. I didn;t burn myself, thank god. And... You-Know-Who? You're Voldemort! OMNEG, Voldemort is the anonymous aeroplane. (Courtesy of Ian, that acronym there. It's funny. See if you can work it out.)

And that was my day. Sorry, everyone, about the late post, that happens. I could also apologise for padding the post out with lists, but I won't. I like lists. They're fun to write. Although sometimes I'm short of material. Not today.

That list was fun, I like to rant,

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Bit of Domestic Work

Yes indeed, today was all about work at the house. I would usually say in the house (to avoid such grammatical nightmares as these), but it was mostly doing the lawns. There was also some ironing involved. That was my Sunday in a nutshell.

I woke up at 8:30 (dun dun dah! Not 8!), and I promptly went on my laptop for a while. Around 10:30, though, we all went out to do the lawns. They hadn't been done in ages (so far, in fact, I don't even want to find it in previous posts), everybody was at home and we had nothing planned, so today was a day as good enough as any. I am personally honour-bound to do the lawns, as I have a deal. It basically goes: if I do the lawns, then my magazine subscription will be extended. It sounds like blackmail if you put it that way, but it isn't. Anyway. I was in charge of whipper-snippering (that looks ridiculous in writing), and we were doing all of the lawns. I brought my iPod, which is normal when I do the lawns. I mean, I have to listen to something besides the relentless whizz of the whipper-snipper. I ended up listening to a lot of rock-type stuff, as I could hear the beat better. We worked and worked, and after hours of music, grass and machines (that is a killer name for something and I don't know what), the lawns were done. By this time, it is 1:30.

After the lawns, we had lunch, and then it was time to get on my laptop and relax for rest of the day, by which I mean, blog and go on Questionable Content. Or so I thought. Reality struck as I had to go and do some ironing while watching the Roos-Tigers game. Well, you lose some, you win some, in that order. I've already gone on a rant about ironing. I finished at about the time that the game ended, which ended with a draw after the Roos came up from being 7 goals down at half-time. The last quarter was intense. After ironing and footy was done, Dad and I dropped by the shops to get some dessert (white chocolate + White Magnum = mmm...), and I then returned to watch the last Masterchef episode. I don't really think I need to tell everybody who won, but here's the news article just in case. And after all that, I went to my room, blogged, and talked on MSN.

And since there are no comments, presumably because Ebony and Victor are on strike and the Anonymous Aeroplane hasn't been on their computer (they haven't commented on Ebony's blog either), this'll be the last paragraph. Allow me to say at this point 'Thank god!': for I have finally caught up with posts. Theoretically. I mean, I could post normally at this point. Whether I will is another matter. Anyway. That was my Sunday. And I hope there are more comments. Ah well.

Doing the lawns isn't actually that bad,

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sports and Shopping

And I bet we can all guess exactly what sport I'm talking about (AFL. I'm talking about AFL.). Shopping was at Macarthur Square. OK, the title sucks, I know. You could blame me. Or, you could blame society. Personally, I prefer the latter.

I got up at about 7:30 (Shock! Horror! Something different!), and after we'd done everything to get ready, we all went out to Macarthur Square. It's a sort of tradition in our family that if you get a good report, we get a prize. And we were going to Borders to pick something out. After something like 2 hours in the store, trawling around for fairly priced Physics books, I picked out two books within the price range set: 'King Dork' by Frank Portman (which nobody has heard of and everybody should have) and 'Alyzon Whitestarr' by Isobelle Carmody (which looks pretty good, even if it doesn't have its own Wikipedia page). After we'd had a look in the shop and we'd bought the books we all wanted, we went shopping for some essentials, and to that end we split up. EJ went with Dad to go look at technology, and I went with Mum. Mainly because I know I could sit outside wherever she wanted to go and watch Yugioh Abridged on my iPod. Which I did, to great effect.

When we got home, we got some stuff together (aka, my laptop) to go to Shay's place to watch the Carlton-Sydney game. My Dad, being a bit of a smartass (it must be genetic) decided that we would go decked in as much Carlton gear as possible, to display our pro-Blues attitudes to Shay's family. So we pulled together as much uniforms as possible, as well as flags and hats and such. We got there around 1:30, and around 2, the game started. I spent the time in their loungeroom, watching the game and surfing Questionable Content. At this point, I could go through all about the game. But allow me just to condense it into a few sentences, that should hopefully convey the sense of the game. At quarter time, we were up by 3. At half time, we were down by 9. At three quarter time we were up by 9. By the end, we had won by 61 points. In short, we kicked ass in the last, say, 1.5 quarters. Here's a full summary of the game, if you want to have a look at it. We don't have the best run home, but if we do through all of the games what we did in the last quarter, we'll make the finals for the first time since 2001. Here's hoping. After the game, we got home, and we watched 'Eragon,' which EJ had bought at the shops. All in all, it was OK. If you don't compare it to the books, it's slightly confusing. If you do compare it to the books, you get really disappointed. I would say it's more inspired by the books than based upon. I went to bed around 11, after blogging.

To comments, now, 1 from The Anonymous Aeroplane (they need an acronym. Because they're awesome. Would you like to be Amp? Taa? Tap? Your choice here, Anonymous Aeroplane.).
*Anon: Yes, it's just you and me, as Ebony and Victor have gone on yet another utterly pointless strike. Thanks for the philosophy comment, although it doesn't compare to John's. That whole third paragraph was very confusing. Though I will agree with you: you sure are a lot of things.

And that was my Saturday. It's sorta funny how my brother doesn't play AFL, but we still do a lot of footy-related stuff. This is our family for you. We're very sport-centric here.

Finally, a day where we actually did something,

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Return of Philosophical Ramblings

OK. So here's how it'll go. I'll go through all about my day, and then I will go on my philosophical rant. Which, due to unforeseen circumstances, may be incredibly, incredibly late. That happens. We all have to pitch in and blame society together, folks.

I woke up around 8 (of course; this is how all of my posts start now. I should seriously stop.), and I then, after everything was done, I decided to play a bit of Battlefield Heroes. I started at 10, and played continuously until 12. I didn't level up, but I did do a lot of sniping from the shipwreck in Buccaneer Bay, the cliff and church in Victory Village and the lighthouse in Seaside Skirmish. Especially the lighthouse: good for setting troop traps and going sniping. And if they shoot you off, you can hide under a few trees and snipe the sniper. But, I digress. After 12, I went to blog a bit, as well as go on this new webcomic I found called Questionable Content. Here's the link to the first comic. The art (and the storyline) gets way better as it goes on. I then went on my laptop and blogged a bit until 2.

Around 2, Dad got home, and then we went to watch a movie Dad bought on Foxtel. It was pretty good, in my opinion. After that, I did some more blogging and webcomic-surfing. After dinner, I went to go watch the Bombers-Dogs game. The Dogs ended up pulling ahead in the last half, thank god. Otherwise, Carlton's chances could be very slim. As it is, we're already playing Geelong and Adelaide at AAMI. After the game, and for the rest of the night, I just talked to Ebony on MSN. I went to bed around 11.

It's time now, to go on an adventure into my own mind. I started thinking about this while looking at taps in the bathroom (bear with me here). I was absent-mindedly wondering how the turning the knobs makes the water go out. And then I thought: how does that work? How does the water get there? I ended up going into this whole tangent about how complicated the water system. And what else? The internet, for instance. You could be reading this in, say, London. You might be out in the middle of the street, reading something written halfway around the world by a laptop, in another laptop, with no apparent way that this could happen. There's no cords. There are electromagnetic waves flying through the air, that your laptop decodes. Then there are mobile phones and gaming systems and TVs...

What I'm leading up to is this: if you think all about the stuff, you end up realising how complicated everything is. How would you make a TV? How does a mobile phone work? How does water get from hundred of kilometres away to your bathroom sink. You might understand how a bit here and there works, or how the basic principle works. But how does it really, at the core of it all, work? Physics can answer a lot of the questions. But that just relegates the question to how does the atom function? How does it all fit together? How do things, in effect, work?

I do have a point here. My point is, we take all of these things for granted to some extent. If it's not watching TV, it's typing on a laptop. If it's not that, it's talking over the phone. If it's not that, it's simply the fact of being. When you get down to it, we might superficially understand how things work. We know that pressing the key 't' makes the letter 't' appear on the screen. If I press 'Publish Post' right now, I know it will send this post to my blog for everyone to see. That's simple. But how it really does this is very complicated, and I'm guessing that not many people fully understand it, if anyone. If the world were to work from the knowledge of one person, society would collapse. We need other people. Everybody wants to know more. That's the heart of science. I started this without knowing how it would end. But it's not really the end I was concerned about. Just the journey was good enough.

OK, I've just done a lot of writing and thinking there. It's time for comment replies; 3 from 2 or 3 people. I'm really confused.
*Ebony: Another strike? Jees, play another tune, why don't you? Seriously here: I have no idea what your strikes are really about.
*Victor: Sure. Go for it. I don't quite understand why, but why not.
*Anon: Finally, someone who gets the whole pointlessness of it. Also, someone who is a chair. Apparently.

And that was my Friday. Sorry for the really late post, and the long 'drawn-outedness' of the post. But I felt like doing some thinking, and that's what my blog is here for. For me to vent and think and go on. But, right now, I've got to go to bed. Bye, everybody!

I haven't philosophised in a long time,

Thursday, July 16, 2009

iTunes and TV Tropes

These are the two things that, arguably, featured most prominently in my day. Also I couldn't think of a better day. But that first one is my excuse. If worst comes to worst (i.e., getting copped out for not being creative with my titles), I can always blame society. Damn them.

I woke up around 8, and it took me 2 or so hours before I actually started doing stuff. This is my serial problem: procrastination. It gets way worse when I'm sick, because I have little energy. Usually, I surf the net when I procrastinate. When I'm feeling really unwell, I can't do that. Ah well. When I actually did start doing stuff, it was watching TV and doing some work on and off. Around 12, I started blogging. Which, in classic holiday-style, started off slow and proceeded at a snail's pace. It's true what they say: deadlines make everything go quicker. Nobody likes them, but everybody needs them. But, I digress. I then blogged and watched my brother play Xbox for a while.

Around 2, Mum, EJ and I all went to Casula Shops, and especially, K-mart. We were shopping around for books and music and such, on a 'why-not' impulse. I looked around for books, but I couldn't find good books. And I don't buy albums, not when I can get them off iTunes (I don't pirate). And so, to that end, I got myself a $30 iTunes voucher for my iPod. My brother got $50 worth of books, and he was planning to get another $50 game. But the store didn't have it. Ah well. We got home around 3:30, and for the rest of the night, I blogged, but mostly surfed the net. Specifically, I had a look at TV Tropes. I'm not entirely sure how I got on to the website, but I did. And it's completely true what xkcd says about it (as it always is): it's addictive. Same with Wikipedia. But, I'm off-topic. TV Tropes is insightful, clever, very hyperlink-prone, and has a lot of good pictures. Here's one of them (that's not the TV Tropes website, although it is the picture. My laptop is annoyed with TV Tropes for some reason). And that was my day.

To comments now, three from one, two or three people. It's sorta hard to tell. Really, I'm not sure.
*Anon: I've told him about the game, and he now really wants it. I actually think that Rome looks like a good game, but I get bored of RTS games pretty easily.
*Anon: I have no idea who you are. Seriously, I don't know, especially with the next comment.
*Victor: If you're not, you're not... then who is? And thanks for the 'I rarely even check your blog these days.' (That was sarcastic by the way.) Eh, who cares, it's my blog. The people might be here for it, but it's not here for the people. Of course that implies a lot of people look at it... OK, I'm way off topic here.

And that was my Thursday. Sorry again for the short-ish post. Tomorrow, I think, I will do a philosophical-type post; a post on how complex the world is, and how we don't even really notice. So, that will hopefully be good.

I am really running out of titles,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This Goddamn Cold

It's not that it is, literally, cold (although it really is), it's this bloody sickness I have. Trust me in saying this is very annoying. I am getting better, thankfully, but I'm still incapable of doing many things (like getting up in the mornings. More than usual.). I couldn't even go to hapkido today. That's how sick I was. So expect a shortish post. A really short post. Unfortunately.

I woke up around 8, as usual, and I had breakfast; the usual. I didn't do any Battlefield Heroes today, believe it or not, as I was spending most of the day in front of the TV, blogging and gradually doing some of my assignment. Meanwhile, EJ got tired of Rome: Total War (I'm surprised that he did: the game involves military tactics. Hell, I'd have thought he loved it just from the name.), and so he thought he'd try to get the Xbox working (just some backstory here. We have an Xbox that we haven't been able to get to work for years, basically because every single controller broke, for some reason. So we got a new controller, and it has been sitting in a cupboard for a while.). And, surprisingly, he did. Although one joystick is broken (of course), he managed to get most of it working.

Around 5, I had blogged and I had done what I needed to do, so I tried to get on to BFH. And it didn't work. So I tried again. And then it didn't work. So I spent over 2 hours trying to get it to work. In the end, I basically just gave up, and spent the rest of the day just going on my laptop. I decided not to go to hapkido, mainly because I figured that if I wanted to get better, then I might as well get some rest. But, like all days in the holidays, I didn't get to blog, so here I am.

To comments now, 2 from 2 people.
*Mango: I really, really didn't like 'Knowing'. I would recommend seeing 'Ice Age 3' (and I'll just forget that downloading thing was mentioned. What downloading thing? See, now I'm confused.).
*Anon: Wha- Huh- No, you're not! That honour is reserved for me and me alone! You are really running out of things to be, aren't you Anonymous-really-Victor? (I have an idea: be a sheep!)

And that was my Wednesday. Sorry again about the really short post, but nothing really happened today. Maybe tomorrow (well, yes tomorrow, considering I'm writing this on Thursday. But pretend I'm not. See, that's how I work.). Ah well. That happens. Repeatedly.

Late posts and short posts are neither one of them good (was that grammatically accurate?),

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Work and Westfields

That being, I did work (specifically, the Ag assignment), and I went shopping. Hey, nobody said my titles had to be good. I really can't think of anything. Ah well. That happens.

I got up around 8, and about 45 minutes later, Mum, EJ and I all went to Westfields. Mum and EJ both wanted to see Ice Age 3, and I went along. We got into the movies around 9:30, and left around 2 hours later. The movie itself was pretty good, despite what a lot of people might think. As I've said before, accepting movies as they are and not what they could be is the key to liking a lot of movies that might otherwise be very bad (I still didn't like that 'Knowing' film. I accepted it for what it was and what it was was total crap.). I would recommend it if you can, like me, still enjoy kid's movies and not overanalyse things, as well as you liked the last Ice Age movies (although this one was more comedic than sentimental. Quite frankly, I didn't care.). If you didn't like the other movies, though, then you probably wouldn't like it. I did, at any rate.

After the movie, we went book-shopping, and I found this book called 'The Mind of God' by Paul Davies for $10. It looks like physics crossed with philosophy, and I picked it up straight away, as you'd probably expect. Judging by what I've read so far, it's pretty good, although some of the concepts are going way over my head (The universe has no specific beginning, but it doesn't stretch all the way back in time. Huh?) When I got home, I blogged, and did some work on my Ag assignment. When that was all done, I spent most of the rest of the day playing BFH.

It's Response Replying Time (I felt like something different)! 2 commenters, 2 comments.
*Ebony: Sure. You hold me to that. See if that works! Ciao indeed.
*Anon: Also, sure. Why not.

And that was my Tuesday. This post procrastination is becoming less annoying, probably for the reason that I'm used to it, and that I know I can stop it when I want (I actually can; the procrastination no longer goes until the following night). So, yeah. That was my day.

This second-last line is becoming a lot harder to write,

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hapkido on Holidays

I really can't think of a title right about now. Because I didn't do too much gaming today, and, well, it wasn't a really eventful day. I also don't feel like a list, so expect a shorter post. But, as I said, I did do hapkido, so that's... something (actually, thank god it is something, otherwise this post would be very similar to Sunday's. That's the holidays for you.).

I woke up around 8, and then spent some time blogging. Around 10-ish, I went on BFH, as well as going on and off MSN and blogging for a while. I'm now Level 8, which at this rate is pretty good. Today was also all about missions, as I completed mission after mission. I also rented a new gun and jacket, because I had spare points and figured I might as well. It's fun. I played that for a few hours, but soon people started dropping off the server. In the end, I was playing with John against two Royals, and John was doing stunts in a plane. So when he left, I'd had enough. So I left as well. And at that point, I was just about to start blogging when it was dinner. And after dinner, I had to go to hapkido.

Shay didn't come tonight, as she's in Canberra. There was only something like 12 in class. Even Grandmaster Geoff wasn't doing the lesson tonight, so we had a black belt I'd only seen around; he hadn't taught before, as far as I know. The lesson itself was a good way to take my mind off BFH, and in the lesson, we did some rolls, but no signatures. Ah well. I learnt two things: I can do a left back-roll from a standing position; and I'm shocking at right back-rolls from a standing position. I actually learnt the first one trying to do a back-roll before class and forgetting to kneel down first. The second one, well, I tried doing what I did with the left back-roll and almost cracked my neck. So that might need some work. And when I got home, I blogged and talked on MSN.

Comments now, 2 from 2 people.
*Anon: Hello, Victor. It became increasingly obvious, as Ebony wouldn't say that, and you were on MSN at the time. So, yeah. You are Victor.
*Ebony: Yes, yes, you're an aeroplane. And the thing about your second paragraph about filling up space: sadly, completely and utterly true. I don't like posts under 500 words. Call me crazy, I just don't. I don't enjoy them. Not a bit. It might be weird, but who ever said I was normal?

And that was my day. Sorry for the late post, they're getting, if not on time, then less late. Holidays strike again. I just need to remember not to game so much and I'll be fine.

There we go, a post that isn't rushed the night of the next day,

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Way Too Much Gaming

When you don't get to blog until way too late, you play Battlefield Heroes for the most part of, say, 9 in the morning until 8:30 at night, and you have time to go for an hour on a server with nobody actually playing (there were a few people on the server, it was a pre-game), this means you need to pause for a second and get un-addicted to the game you just found last night. So because this will otherwise be a shortish post, I'll be doing a list. Because, well, why not?

I woke up around 7:45, and promptly went on my laptop. I didn't go on BFH just yet, as you can't pause a live game. So I waited around until after breakfast, and then around 9, I went on. And I played. And played. I levelled up maybe 3 levels in the process, but more importantly, I worked out a lot of the essentials of the game, and I completed a lot of missions. I also got a feel for the maps. I can't pick a favourite; they're all good in really different ways (though I do love to snipe. I once took out 6 Royals from behind a crate up on the Shipwreck in Buccaneer Bay.). I didn't talk to John that much, as he was offline for a bit. But we played regardless. I played until I went to go watch Rove, as it was the season finale. And it was a really good one. Though it was a bit sad as well, as Hughesy and Carrie are leaving. But that happens, hey? At least they're not getting rid of Kevin Rudd PM, possibly the second-greatest parody series ever (the first, of course, is YGOTAS). After the show, I read '1984,' for a bit, and then it was time for bed.

List time! And because I can't get BFH out of my head, this list will be about the best things about being a commando (you will not understand much of this if you don't play):
*Stealth: It is really good just being able to sneak up some behind someone. Or even just being able to not be seen by anyone. Though I still need a lot of practice with my knife.
*Sniper: Again, similar to stealth, it's fun going off to some remote location and shooting a guy from a long way away. Safest way to play, though points-wise it's a bit lacking. You need to work out a good location.
*Troop Trap: Every so often, you put one on the ground. And every so often, someone will blow up. I was once killed by a guy, but my last effort was to put a Troop Trap down. The guy immediately blew up, sending him flying and earning me a post-mortem kill. I love the Troop Trap.

OK, now that I can't think of anything else, it's time for comments. Just the one this time.
*Anon: OK, you're close. Very close. Be a sheep. Incidentally, this also leads me to believe that you are either Ebony or Victor. My guess is Ebony. But it's just a guess. I could be way off.

And that was my Sunday. So long weekend, hello official holidays. Though they start to blur into each other after a while, with Mondays feeling like Sundays and similar. But that's how holidays go. Expect a longer post on Monday, as I do hapkido. Longer on Tuesday, considering we're going to the movies. But, I'm way ahead of myself.

Late posts are not fun and becoming way too much like the norm,

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Meaning Australian Football League and Battlefield Heroes. Because that's what happened today. OK, so it's not the best title. Anyway. This post was also subject to post procrastination, so it's very late. The actual procrastination came as a result of playing endless BFH. It's an epic game. Anyway. To my Saturday.

I woke up around 7:30-ish, and at about 8:45, we left for EJ's game. Before the game, however, I read my magazine, and talked to Shay. The game started not long after. It was against the other South-West side, and EJ's team, of course, won. But they did it the hard way, not like some of the other games. They worked for their win. But the main point of the sporting day was not on the field. Like last game, there was a big incident. Long story short, the opposition coach said something about punching someone (I'm not too clear on the details), as well as yelling at the umpires (the umpiring was a bit iffy on some occasions, but that's hardly an excuse. So after the game, Dad, as the President, had a word with him. Which quickly turned into an argument. Which turned into a long argument. We should have been home by about 11:45, give or take 15 minutes. Something like that. Instead, we got home around 1, after the argument was finished and nothing had come of it. Of course.

When I got home, I blogged a bit, and then watch the Blues-Tigers game. We won, thankfully. Let's face it: if we hadn't, we'd be in deep trouble. Fevola ended up kicking 9 goals, earning him a career record as well as propelling him to number one on the Coleman Medal list. After that, dinner and blogging, I decided to follow up on John's advice, and give Battlefield Heroes a crack. And it is amazing! Coming from the nerdiest guy you'll ever meet, enjoying a bloody war game (no pun intended): play it. I recommend it. Only downside is the net requirement. Mine stuffed up a bit, but that happens. I played until 11, when it was time for bed.

To comments now, 3 from 3 people.
*Shafi: Sorry, I thought it was by you. And it's post-procrastination: get used to it.
*Anon: Yes.
*Ebony: Lol to the pink dot: it is now the symbol of rejoicing! Yes, I do mean The Force (because everything looks cooler in capitals). I did go there because you did, and McCord had no idea what to make of it. That was funny.

And that was my Saturday. Sorry, everyone, about the late post: but that's probably going to keep happening. Ah well. Holidays aren't made for rushing (though these assignments are calling me. Shut up already!).


Friday, July 10, 2009

Say Goodbye to Term 2

Say goodbye, my baby! (Quote: 'Say Goodbye to Hollywood' by Billy Joel.) My point being here is that today is the end of term, and the start of the holidays. Rejoice, for the holidays have arrived! And it was a relieving end to the term, as we did minimal work, and just went random for the majority of the day. So, to my Friday.

Period 1 was Maths (I'm going to say the names of the periods, if only for some clarity), and as the majority of the class were here as the majority of the class are nerds, we actually did some work. We did selected questions from the HSC, which were surprisingly easy. My guess is that Faulds picked easy ones for a Year 10 class. But it was the only real work we did all day. Next was Drama, which was a prac, of course. Drama pracs are always, always a bludge (if you define bludge as doing no work; they aren't always good. That spatial awareness class wasn't the best.), and today was no exception. We did a game in which we were given a setting and a quote, and we had to work that quote in somehow. I went in twice. The first time I was a beatboxer in a community swimming pool (this was Cameron's idea, of course), and the second time I was a zombie. Not much talent needed, or in the case of the beatboxer, used. Recess was 13, as well as listening to stuff from John's iPod over his speakers.

Period 3 was Commerce, in which we did a quiz for chocolate. Kearney seems to like doing that at the end of term (he did it last time too). Our team won, so we got a lot of Pods (mmm, chocolate...). Period 4 was supposed to be Science, but as there were something like 8 people from our class here, we got split amongst the other classes. Ebony and I both went to 10I. I knew that Ebony would know what class Victor is in, and campaign for that. And I knew that there were more of our group in the class Victor is in. So I followed Ebony. 10I has Victor, Eric and Kevin in it, so I think I did pretty well. In the class itself, we did some visual brain teasers (eg: 'timing ti ming' was split-second timing) and a test of the longest word we can make out of 'Hurlstone Agricultural' (I won, with 'horticultural'). We also made a lot of paper aeroplanes and flew them across the room. Even the teacher got in on it. In Lunch, we flew some of the paper aeroplanes (breaking one and stranding two on a roof), and then we went to play 13, where we listened to some songs from my iPod (such as 'Any Means Necessary' and 'The Final Countdown'). Victor also played the best hand I have ever seen: A dragon with the 3 of spades. That's incredible.

Period 5 was Geography, in which Carter gave us a sheet about 'ecological sustainability.' So, I, being a smartass, decided to go completely stupid with it, and wrote a short essay about how the squirrels would become evil. One of the lines was, and I quote, 'the squirrels will have to be taken out by laser fire.' That makes a small semblance of sense (try saying that 5 times fast) if you read the whole thing, but really, I'm just being an idiot. Well, why not? Last was Ag, in which we went to put the goats back into their enclosure, as some of them had escaped, and 2 had even gone under one of the demountable classrooms. We could see them through the wire fence, eating weeds like it was perfectly normal. We also packed up the tables and chairs, and so on. Then, at 2:00, the bell went, and I got picked up by my Dad. At home, we tidied a bit, and I also watched the footy on TV. But I didn't get to blog, so here I am.

To comments now, 3 from probably 3 people.
*Ebony: It is intriguing. It was indeed funny to trick Rawson. And there is indeed something wrong with those averages. Of course, you're first; you're always first. I indeed wish I got lucky. Must I explain this?
*Anon: Be a sheep!
*Anon: Probably-Shafi, congratulations. I could be doing a lot better.

And that was my Friday, my super-fantastic, far-out and unreal Friday (to quote Johnson). I will enjoy the holidays, and I hope most people will. It's gonna be great.

Freedom at last!,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Enjoyment and Interviews

It may have been Parent-Teacher Interviews today, but it was also a really fun day. We tricked teachers, watched videos, and basically did no real work all day. Hell yeah. It was an awesome Thursday.

Period 1 was Science, in which we did some work on DNA. That was a pretty good period, because it raised so many questions. From a science nerd point of view, an answer that raises questions is something worth getting into. And DNA did that. How does that determine this? What proteins do which, and how? So on and so forth. Point is, it's interesting. To me. Period 2 was Computer Maths, which was an awesome period. Rawson usually comes late to Computer Maths periods, and it just so happened that the room next door to the computer lab (we were in Room 10, the computer lab was Room 11) was open and unlocked. So we started to go into there, just for some warmth. Then someone hit on the idea of getting everybody into the room, and pretending to do work (believe me, I'm building to something here). So we did. Anyway. Everyone in the class eventually comes to class, and goes into the room. Our heads are down, and we are looking like an ordinary class. The door is closed, but the windows are open. (I'm trying to paint a mental picture here). And along comes Rawson. Who promptly stops. Just think, you've come to teach and your class is missing. He looks around, with his back to us. Meanwhile, we're all trying to suppress a laugh, lest he find us. Rawson eventually turns around; and sees people in the room next door. He puts 2 and 2 together (as, well, a Math teacher should), and finds us. Apparently, he was about to go to the Maths staffroom to try to figure out what was going on. Which would have been epic. But, he does find us, and he's not bitter or anything. It was a really awesome joke. The period itself was a bludge, as I just mucked around on Geometer's Sketchpad. Long story short: Kickass period.

Recess was 13. Periods 3 and 4 were double Ag, which was almost as awesome. We started off filling out a sheet, and if you finished it correctly in time, then you got a Mars Bar. I was one of those who did. Mmm, chocolate... We then, once that was done, drew pictures of potatoes and described them. Less awesome, but still good. Because it involved essentially no thought. Or artistic skill, because, well, you're drawing a potato. And then, once that was done, we watched a video on potato growing. No prizes for guessing what topic we're doing in Ag. Then it was Lunch, which was the usual.

Period 5 was English, in which we got our assessments back. I got 13/20, which was a mark higher than average. I'd just like to point out 3 things here: The average mark for the Year 10 English assessment was 59%; for the Year 10 English half-yearly: 65%; and for the Year 9 English half-yearly: 49%. Are we seeing a pattern here? Something to do with English assessments being marked way down? Anyway. Take from that what you want. The whole period was talking about the assessment, as well as Tiana having trouble differentiating between right and left. To the class. Then taking a few minutes as she works it out which way is right by waving her hands. Funny stuff. Last was History, in which we watched a video. And that was my school day. Though not the end of my day at school.

It was Parent-Teacher interviews today, and considering how the first one started around 3:45, there was no real point in me leaving. So I killed time by listening in to Ebony and Sandie doing an IPT assessment. The Library was closed. When the family arrived around 3:35, Ebony waved to EJ, and EJ tried to escape. The results of yesterday's events still linger. Since we get out early tomorrow, I'm hoping I can go back again. It's always funny. The interviews themselves went surprisingly smoothly, as the English one went better than I expected. I dodged a bullet there. And we managed to sneak a few subjects in while waiting and while the teachers had spare times, so we finished 20 minutes early. And when I got home, I went on MSN, and surfed the net. And here I am, blogging.

To comments, 2 from 2 people. Ebony seems to be getting back to the very long comments, and the anonymous commenter strikes again.
*Ebony: The Kolodziej thing was indeed fun. Stop bagging the PE sub, he was a good teacher. He raised many good points. The whole 'kissing... lucky' thing was funny; I wish I got lucky! (That's only half a joke.) Anyway. Aunty Pat was stupid. We already know Wednesdays are epic (although last time, you called them OK. Hmm.).
*Anon: For some reason, you seem to be saying you are an aeroplane. Perhaps you could be a sheep. (There is a long story behind those 2 incredibly random sentences. Suffice to say there is an in-joke: I am a sheep, Ebony is an aeroplane. Why either of those things are is beyond me. And I came up with one part. Yes, I know I'm weird. It's fun!)

And that was my day. One more day of term left, and then it's 2 weeks of relaxation! Well, not really, I've got assignments to do. But for many intents and purposes, relaxation. Everyone needs a break, and this is ours. And I think we're welcome to it.

This was a bloody awesome day,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

All Slowing Down

It just seems like, as the term comes to a close and the holidays beckon, work begins to lessen. There's not much to be done, and everyone is going to enjoy their two weeks off. I certainly am. And today seemed to be the epitome of that slowing down. Let's see the day, shall we?

First was Role Call, in which nobody really did anything, though we did get an 'excursion' sheet for next term. It's another one of those 'let's stop bullying through paying money and go to a hall to watch people act badly! Hooray!' Like that 'Aunty Pat' thing a few weeks ago. *shudders* I'm not going to be volunteering for the thing next term, that's for sure. Period 1 was Drama, in which we were supposed to be looking up the history of advertising. Although half the computers were broken, so most of the class just bludged around. Ebony, Amy and I spent the period seeing if we could guess the answer to people's secret questions. Not to change the password or anything (I want to make that very clear), but just to see. We only got Cameron's and Victor's, whose passwords were both very easy. Kolodziej had to change his, because he thought we could guess it (the answer was yes, yes we could.). Next was Maths, in which we were doing ratios. And you know what's fun about ratios? Absolutely nothing. They're crap.

Recess was talking, and the second half was 13. Don't know why, it just turned out that way. Period 3 was PE, and Wilson was away again, so we had a sub (or, as Kolodziej would say, a 'casual'). He spent a majority of the lesson talking about complimenting people, and how that can improve relationships. He came off a bit on edge at the start of the class, but he ended up being really good. I like classes like that, where teachers just talk about what people can do to improve their lives, not how they can improve their grades. Classes which have a direct link to life outside of school. But, I'm off topic. Good class. Lunch was 13, of course. On a side note, Andy can be very... weird. I was talking about kissing (for some reason), and he said 'With lips or necks?' There has got to be some logic behind that, but for the love of god I can't find it. Anyway.

Then it was Sport, which was basketball. I have a strange thing with basketball: I can run and dribble and pass pretty well, or at the very least, average. But put me in front of a hoop and I fail. Repeatedly. Yes, I do get lucky occasionally. But for the most part, I can't shoot. I've never been able to do it consistently. I usually just pass it to someone else. It's a lot easier that way. After sport, Dad picked me up, and we both went to pick EJ up from school. In which I had the most fun I've had in ages.

We found EJ's class, and we waved to him. EJ spotted us; and did nothing. Basically he pretended we weren't there. So I decided I'd have some fun. So I kept waving to him. But he decided he'd stop me, and he tried to close the blinds. But I just went up to the windows and kept waving. And I wasn't done yet: I went into the bagroom, and introduced myself to his class. When he came back from doing something, I went 'Hi, Eejee!' Ebony was also there for some reason, and she tried to do it as well. It was a classic. When we actually got home, I blogged, and then around 6:45, I left for hapkido.

I got a signature in hapkido today, for my uppercut. I still need to work on my cross, though. The session was an interesting one, as we did a lot of unorthodox work, or at least things we don't do so often. We also had a new white belt, whose name is Daniel. He reminds me a bit of me, as he's still getting used to all the kicks and exercises like that. When I got home, I blogged, but as usual after hapkido, I couldn't finish on time.

And that was my day. All in all, it was a really good day. I bludged around on the computers, I got a signature, I embarrassed my brother, and to top it off, it's near the end of the holidays. This was a great day.

I love the last week of a term,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assessments and the Orthodontist

I got my Drama assessment back, we had a Geo exam, and I had to go the orthodontist's, as well as a few other things. By all rights, it should have been a bad day (well, maybe not bad. But still, they aren't necessarily especially good things.) But was actually a pretty good day. My guess is that as we near the holidays, moods go up. It just seems to be a good week, despite the seemingly bad things happening. Hmm.

Before school, I listened to my iPod (ah, how I missed you), and talked to people. Period 1 was Science, in which we did some work from sheets on cell reproduction. It was actually a bit of a bludge, as for most of the period, we marked the homework, and fixed up stuff we messed up. Then, it was Geography, in which we did a test on Geo definitions. I ended up getting 9 out of 10, which is pretty good for not studying. I really should have, I know, but I completely forgot. Ah well. These things happen. Recess was actually 13.

Period 3 was English, in which we were discussing exactly what the message behind Animal Farm was, and why the pigs were doing what they were. I thought it was pretty obvious (They wanted more), but Ebony pressed the teacher saying why. He said it was human nature. She asked why. 'Because it is' isn't the best response. But it is. Now she's confused. Anyway. Period 4 was Maths, in which we did some work on similar triangles. For some reason. We also proved that the textbook could be a lot clearer. And I mean a lot. A lot of the questions were vague, and essentially pointless. I blame society (as well as Mr. Yen. I mean, he wrote some of it.). Lunch was also 13. It's back to normal.

Period 5 was Drama, in which we got the results for our assignment. I got 14/20, but that's only because our play ran really short. I apparently did well, showing signs of something like doing my journal as I went along. Which is funny, because I essentially did it all 2 nights before. Thank god for blogging: Improving writing skills and pretending I wrote it 5 minutes ago is good by me! We also talked about ads. Last was Commerce, in which we were watching episodes of 'The Gruen Transfer' in the Library annex, particularly the segment 'The Pitch,' which are always really funny. We also might be watching it in Drama, which is especially awesome. When the bell went, we got out of class late, so I had to sprint as fast as I could to make it to the station in time for the train. And after school, I went to the orthodontist.

As usual, the actual appointment took all of 5 minutes, and the waiting around before and after it and the travel time took about 30. Ah, how the world works. The actual appointment held only one piece of good news: No more turning of the expander every day. Which I suppose is good, as if the gap were to get any bigger, there would be room for another tooth (sideways, but still). And when I got home, I blogged a bit, as well as going on MSN.

Now to comments, 1 from you-can-guess-who. Or, alternatively, you can have a look at the next line. Either way.
*Ebony (dun dun dah!): Most people laugh at my running. I used to look like Mr. Bean when I run (I might still. I'm not sure.). And indeed yay for finding my iPod. And guess what: you can no longer tell people how good days are. You're back to the beginning. So, take that!

And that was my Tuesday. Finally, I can get back to blogging normally. I thought I had caught up: I hadn't. Bloody hell. But that's what happens, I suppose. I have to stop procrastinating. Eh, maybe later.

Now the schedule has caught up,

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lost and Found

I refer to my iPod, which was lost, and eventually found. It was the main event of my day. If it hadn't have been found, then I would be in deep trouble. Mainly because my iPod is nearly always with me, and it's a good release valve. But, I'm off topic. To my Monday, which was both better and worse than I expected.

I blogged before school, and then went to get my stuff to bring to school. And something struck me: my iPod was nowhere to be seen. Not in my room, not in my bag, not anywhere. I panicked. When Mum found out what I was looking for, she lost it (meaning she got angry. She didn't literally lose anything. That would be a very cruel coincidence.). We got to the station late because of it, and I ran for the train. The train was late. Very much so. So I ran all that way for nothing. Goddamn. Before school, I talked with people, and tried to remain calm. Period 1 was Ag, in which we drew for the order in which we would do our Ag assignments next term. I'm either 6th or 7th (and what's 6 x 7? 42!), depending on how Schippers is going to run it. Next was Geo, in which Johnson tried to get us to do a definitions quiz. But, luckily, she forgot to tell us on Friday, so we're doing it tomorrow. Thank god. More time to prepare.

Recess was not actually 13, but just talking. Call me crazy, but I didn't feel like 13. (Yes, I know. No, I'm not kidding.) Period 3 was Maths, in which we did some work on congruent triangles. Which, like most things is Maths, is essentially doing the same thing over and over, with a slight twist. But this class was especially a bludge, as Rawson ended up going on Geometer's Sketchpad to show us stuff. Next was Science, in which we watched videos about reproduction in cells. Also a bludge. These things happen. Lunch was talking about random things, as well as the odd game of 13.

Period 5 was Commerce, in which we had Cody instead of Kearney. In that, we just worked from a sheet. I also did my Science homework. Well, why not? Last was English, in which we did more comparisons between Animal Farm and the Soviet Union. After the bell went, I caught the bus home, and I spent the time at home doing some blogging, and I finally found my iPod. It was in my pants pocket in the washing machine, that wasn't put on yet. So a really, really close shave there. But, all's well that ends well. Then, after going on MSN and a bit of blogging, around 7, we left for hapkido.

In this session, I got 2 signatures, thus giving me 18 signatures. Only 6 to go before I can become an orange belt. Hooray! Today we did some work on evasion and self-defence, among other things. I finally fixed up my back rolls, and I taught a guy some of the aforementioned evasion and self-defence. Today was a great day. Apart from the iPod losing, of course, but apart from that, it was really good. After I got home, I blogged a bit, and here I am, a day late, blogging.

To comments, 3 from 3 people.
*Victor: Stop bagging the movie. I liked it, and I wasn't a die-hard Transformers fan. Accept it for what it is, not what it could be.
*Ebony: I'm not quite sure about which part to respond to about this comment. I think I've covered all of it in previous comments. But yes. I got another commenter.
*Anon: Who are you, Anonymous Aeroplane?!

And that was my Monday. Overall a good day, but it could have been better. But, I suppose, that's how life goes. Win some, lose some. Anyway. I'm starting to get philosophical, which means it's time to end the post.

Schedule caught up: Again,

Sunday, July 5, 2009

No Relaxing Today

No, I did not really relax at all today. That being said, I didn't do much work either. Basically I was mostly out doing stuff. Or inside, trying to blog as much as possible. A good day, don't get me wrong, but I'd prefer to have a day of not doing much. Ah well. Maybe for the holidays. And I do apologise for the late post, as explained in previous posts, things just seemed to happen.

I woke up around 8:30, and woke up a bit. I only barely did some stuff before we left for Westfields an hour later. We all went to see 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.' Before the movie, however, my brother and I played a Level 20 battle. I won, but he accidentally turned it off before it got a chance to record. Ah well. Anyway. To the movie. I won't give the whole plot away, of course, but I will give my opinion on it. Critics all seem to hate it for some reason. I actually really liked it. It was enjoyable, it had action, and it was funny. Then again, I enjoy a lot of movies that critics seem to hate. There's only a few movies that I thought were genuinely bad, most notably 'Knowing.' But I'm way off topic here. The point is, in my opinion, it was a good movie. And I would say that people should see it.

After the movie, EJ went to Toys R Us to get a Secret Key onto his Platinum game, thus allowing him to get the alternate forms of Rotom (to anyone who doesn't understand Pokemon, I apologise. But this is my blog, and I do understand it.). When we got home, I watched my brother play computer, and then around 4 (in the intervening time, I ate lunch, and watched more of my brother's computer), I went to blog. However, I was on and off MSN for a while, so it only got done slowly. Around 6, we had dinner (mmm, Mexican food...), and watched the Blues-Dockers game. I only saw the last half, so suffice to say that the Blues won in a convincing last quarter. They sucked in the first quarter, but at least we came back. That seems to be Carlton's specialty, coming back. It doesn't always work, but that happens. Then after the game, I blogged about Saturday. But I didn't get Sunday done. Damn my thrown-off schedule.

To comments! These are retro, referring to Friday's post. I missed the comment replies by about 15 minutes. So I'm doing them now.
*Ebony: Believe me, Uyen was not doing much. I actually did well (surprisingly), so don't blame me. Usually Fridays are awesome, it was just that Friday.
*Ebony: If that aeroplane wasn't you... Now I'm confused. Who else would be an aeroplane?

And that was my Sunday. Again, sorry for the late post, I'm catching up slowly. Monday was an eventful day, so expect a long post. It was originally a bad day that got a lot better. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I thought it was a good movie,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Movies, Meetings and Football

Today, we watched a movie at home, as well as going to football, and later a football meeting, although not in that order. And in between all that, I didn't get to post, thus ruining my blogging schedule (bloody meeting). And I only just completed it. Goddamn society.

We got to the ground around 8:00 (yes, I know, I'm skipping a bit. You're not missing much.), and I played my brother's DS for a while. Not because mine was out of charge, because I wanted something from his game. And I was prepared to wait some time before I go, t it. When I did, I quickly got bored, and I then went down to play some footy with the kids (it's actually a pretty even skill level; I'm not that great.). We played Piggy in the Middle for a while, and I got in once. I ended up getting someone else in by running and smothering the ball, which is pretty good considering my running speed. And the thing is, they were all better than me. But that's fine, I don't play it except for fun. I then played DS until it was time for my brother's game.

As usual, I will give a bit of an overview about my brother's game. I think they won the first quarter, but only just. When it came to the second quarter, I got the ball as the boundary umpire for the first and I think only time of the day. I stuffed up. Badly. It took me 5 goes, and even then I got help from the fifth umpire. The reason, or so I think, is that I threw it slightly higher than usual, and the wind kept blowing it too far from the contest. So, yeah. The third quarter they kicked ass, as well as the last one. In the last quarter, Ben (Lachlan's friend/cousin) was called arguably the worst insult, and punched in the back of the head by someone from the opposition. Too bad he picked the wrong person to mess with. This part I saw. Ben let fly with an almighty punch, and damn near knocked the guy out. Both kids came off the field, Ben in trouble (though I don't think he should be in that much trouble, it was, arguably, justified) and the opposition player holding his head and crying. Ben got a week's suspension, but I'm not sure what the other guy got. Probably 3 weeks suspension and a medical condition. I do know he got reported though, which is what should be done. After the game, I went home, and pretty quickly we had to go to a footy meeting. I still haven't even started to blog yet.

The meeting, and dinner, went for something like 4.5 bloody hours. I am really not going to get into the meeting, as it was as boring as it'd get, although one of the guys did spill beer on his laptop. After the meeting, I played DS with my brother in a Level 60 down non-legendary battle, and won. Sweet. After the meeting, we all watched a movie, which was Transformers, as we're watching the sequel tomorrow. I forgot some of the movie (though not most of it). Any other day I would be fine with watching, but with not blogging, it was a bit annoying. After the movie, I blogged for about 10 minutes, and then it was to bed.

And with no comments, I'll finish up. That was my Saturday. I apologise for yet another schedule-breaker; everything keeps happening. And it's bloody annoying. Soon it will be holidays. Thank god.

Why is the blogging always late?,