Thursday, July 9, 2009

Enjoyment and Interviews

It may have been Parent-Teacher Interviews today, but it was also a really fun day. We tricked teachers, watched videos, and basically did no real work all day. Hell yeah. It was an awesome Thursday.

Period 1 was Science, in which we did some work on DNA. That was a pretty good period, because it raised so many questions. From a science nerd point of view, an answer that raises questions is something worth getting into. And DNA did that. How does that determine this? What proteins do which, and how? So on and so forth. Point is, it's interesting. To me. Period 2 was Computer Maths, which was an awesome period. Rawson usually comes late to Computer Maths periods, and it just so happened that the room next door to the computer lab (we were in Room 10, the computer lab was Room 11) was open and unlocked. So we started to go into there, just for some warmth. Then someone hit on the idea of getting everybody into the room, and pretending to do work (believe me, I'm building to something here). So we did. Anyway. Everyone in the class eventually comes to class, and goes into the room. Our heads are down, and we are looking like an ordinary class. The door is closed, but the windows are open. (I'm trying to paint a mental picture here). And along comes Rawson. Who promptly stops. Just think, you've come to teach and your class is missing. He looks around, with his back to us. Meanwhile, we're all trying to suppress a laugh, lest he find us. Rawson eventually turns around; and sees people in the room next door. He puts 2 and 2 together (as, well, a Math teacher should), and finds us. Apparently, he was about to go to the Maths staffroom to try to figure out what was going on. Which would have been epic. But, he does find us, and he's not bitter or anything. It was a really awesome joke. The period itself was a bludge, as I just mucked around on Geometer's Sketchpad. Long story short: Kickass period.

Recess was 13. Periods 3 and 4 were double Ag, which was almost as awesome. We started off filling out a sheet, and if you finished it correctly in time, then you got a Mars Bar. I was one of those who did. Mmm, chocolate... We then, once that was done, drew pictures of potatoes and described them. Less awesome, but still good. Because it involved essentially no thought. Or artistic skill, because, well, you're drawing a potato. And then, once that was done, we watched a video on potato growing. No prizes for guessing what topic we're doing in Ag. Then it was Lunch, which was the usual.

Period 5 was English, in which we got our assessments back. I got 13/20, which was a mark higher than average. I'd just like to point out 3 things here: The average mark for the Year 10 English assessment was 59%; for the Year 10 English half-yearly: 65%; and for the Year 9 English half-yearly: 49%. Are we seeing a pattern here? Something to do with English assessments being marked way down? Anyway. Take from that what you want. The whole period was talking about the assessment, as well as Tiana having trouble differentiating between right and left. To the class. Then taking a few minutes as she works it out which way is right by waving her hands. Funny stuff. Last was History, in which we watched a video. And that was my school day. Though not the end of my day at school.

It was Parent-Teacher interviews today, and considering how the first one started around 3:45, there was no real point in me leaving. So I killed time by listening in to Ebony and Sandie doing an IPT assessment. The Library was closed. When the family arrived around 3:35, Ebony waved to EJ, and EJ tried to escape. The results of yesterday's events still linger. Since we get out early tomorrow, I'm hoping I can go back again. It's always funny. The interviews themselves went surprisingly smoothly, as the English one went better than I expected. I dodged a bullet there. And we managed to sneak a few subjects in while waiting and while the teachers had spare times, so we finished 20 minutes early. And when I got home, I went on MSN, and surfed the net. And here I am, blogging.

To comments, 2 from 2 people. Ebony seems to be getting back to the very long comments, and the anonymous commenter strikes again.
*Ebony: The Kolodziej thing was indeed fun. Stop bagging the PE sub, he was a good teacher. He raised many good points. The whole 'kissing... lucky' thing was funny; I wish I got lucky! (That's only half a joke.) Anyway. Aunty Pat was stupid. We already know Wednesdays are epic (although last time, you called them OK. Hmm.).
*Anon: For some reason, you seem to be saying you are an aeroplane. Perhaps you could be a sheep. (There is a long story behind those 2 incredibly random sentences. Suffice to say there is an in-joke: I am a sheep, Ebony is an aeroplane. Why either of those things are is beyond me. And I came up with one part. Yes, I know I'm weird. It's fun!)

And that was my day. One more day of term left, and then it's 2 weeks of relaxation! Well, not really, I've got assignments to do. But for many intents and purposes, relaxation. Everyone needs a break, and this is ours. And I think we're welcome to it.

This was a bloody awesome day,


  1. I totally get what you mean about the questions and DNA and stuff. This is the first topicwe've done that Robson has answered questions with "to be honest, I don't know", it's so intruiging.

    LOL @ tricking Rawson. I think if we did that to Crancher, she would blow up, tell us off for not taking anything seriously, and keep us in at recess to make up for "wasted time". But Rawson is tres awesome. You are mui lucky.

    But I got the FIRST Mars Bar. (Well, me and Shiri did) That was promptly stolen by Andrew and put in Alan's pencilcase :L.

    I have been bitching about the English staff at every possible opportunity of late. There is someting SO wrong when you look at all those averages. We are soo screwed for our HSC...

    I'm an aeroplane.

    He only escape when you're there. I hope you understand that. You are a huge embarassment to him. And, well, everyone else in the world who you choose to talk to...

    You wish you got lucky?

    It's not 2 weeks ok, it's longer than that. 16 DAYS okay, 16 DAYS. ='(

  2. I'm an aeroplane.

  3. i'm not doing too bad in english :S
