Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Work But Wit

Yes, I couldn't think of a title that summed up today as not doing any work as well as a funny kind of day. I mean, really couldn't think of a title. That's the best I could come up with. These things happen. Hmm, who to blame, who to blame...

First was Role Call, in which I read, as usual. I also noticed how everyone came back. I mean, there were 13 people here yesterday, and now everyone is here. It was weird. Anyway. Period 1 was Science, which was starting the topic on genetics. We just basically watched a video about genetics and Gregor Mendel. It was a fun, bludgy period. Next was Computer Maths, which was some messing around on Geometer's Sketchpad with circles. I love Geometer's Sketchpad. I didn't get to do my spare Sketchpad project (make a person on it for some reason), Recess was the usual.

Period 3 was Ag, in which we all went out to see the goats. In I think Michelle's words, there was an 'estrogen sigh,' as all the girls simultaneously saw the baby goats. I also copied down the Ag assignment due next term (dun dun dah!), as I couldn't find the sheet. But don't tell Schippers. Anyway. The whole period was fun, if for the fact that we did no real work. I also possibly conclusively proved that goats don't like me. I couldn't even get them to eat hay. And they were eating it like no tomorrow. But not when I tried to give it to them. Bloody goats. I may like them; the feeling is not mutual.

Lunch was the usual, as well as trying to salvage my cards after a session of throwing them around again. Cards are for playing, not for throwing. Then, it was School Sport, which was soccer. And, I sucked. More than usual. The first time I went to get the ball, as it was coming toward me, I went to kick it. Instead of forward, it went behind me to the right. And it all went downhill from there. So for the rest of sport, I tried to come up with jokes. I got one. I've just created a new political system: it's gonna be in schools everywhere. Basically, it's a combination of Capitalism and Marxism. The main point behind it is that if you know your Capitals, you get good Marx. I love puns. Nobody else does. Shame.

When the bell went, we went up to outside the Donut Quad, and after Victor left (because we know Ebony doesn't like to talk to anyone else while Victor is present), we all told each other jokes. I started with my favourite: 'I'd tell you the joke about the blunt pencil, but there's no point.' (Why does nobody like that? That's hilarious!) Then a Year 11 who was there told a similar joke: 'I'd tell you the joke about the butter, but I don't want you to spread it.' These are brilliant. But here's the thing: the internet doesn't know about them. Well, thanks to my blog, it does now! You're welcome, internet! After school, Ebony's 'people' weren't there, so we talked on the bus. At one point, she said something that was pretty good (I forget exactly what it was), so I tried to come up with a joke. It eventually went something like 'I like the way you think. And you, and you...' (in reference to her voices. Why aren't you laughing?) Then at home, I blogged a bit, and then it was time for hapkido.

Today marks 3 months since I officially started hapkido, which means that all that stands between me and the orange belt are signatures. Hooray! Shay didn't come again today, so I went alone. There weren't too many people in class today. Not even Grandmaster Geoff. Anyway. I decided not to get signatures today, if only for the fact that I want an extra lesson just to straighten things up. My right back rolls are also now fine. I have no idea what happened on Monday. And when I got home, I blogged. As usual.

To comments, and surprisingly I actually have one. Here we go:
*Ebony: Tuesdays are indeed good. I also have no idea how to respond to that second sentence. ...What, that's it? Only 7 words, 8 pushing it. This is sad. Really.

And that was my Wednesday. And guess what? I've caught up! Thank god! This is good news. And it only took me a week. But the point is, with a few hours of non-major procrastinating (i.e., not just doing something else), I could have caught up whenever. Meh.

Thank god these long blog breaks are finished,

1 comment:

  1. Wednesdays are ok days. I don't like wearing skirts.
    I'm an aeroplane.
    Fist. =)
    Long comment today!
