Sunday, July 5, 2009

No Relaxing Today

No, I did not really relax at all today. That being said, I didn't do much work either. Basically I was mostly out doing stuff. Or inside, trying to blog as much as possible. A good day, don't get me wrong, but I'd prefer to have a day of not doing much. Ah well. Maybe for the holidays. And I do apologise for the late post, as explained in previous posts, things just seemed to happen.

I woke up around 8:30, and woke up a bit. I only barely did some stuff before we left for Westfields an hour later. We all went to see 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.' Before the movie, however, my brother and I played a Level 20 battle. I won, but he accidentally turned it off before it got a chance to record. Ah well. Anyway. To the movie. I won't give the whole plot away, of course, but I will give my opinion on it. Critics all seem to hate it for some reason. I actually really liked it. It was enjoyable, it had action, and it was funny. Then again, I enjoy a lot of movies that critics seem to hate. There's only a few movies that I thought were genuinely bad, most notably 'Knowing.' But I'm way off topic here. The point is, in my opinion, it was a good movie. And I would say that people should see it.

After the movie, EJ went to Toys R Us to get a Secret Key onto his Platinum game, thus allowing him to get the alternate forms of Rotom (to anyone who doesn't understand Pokemon, I apologise. But this is my blog, and I do understand it.). When we got home, I watched my brother play computer, and then around 4 (in the intervening time, I ate lunch, and watched more of my brother's computer), I went to blog. However, I was on and off MSN for a while, so it only got done slowly. Around 6, we had dinner (mmm, Mexican food...), and watched the Blues-Dockers game. I only saw the last half, so suffice to say that the Blues won in a convincing last quarter. They sucked in the first quarter, but at least we came back. That seems to be Carlton's specialty, coming back. It doesn't always work, but that happens. Then after the game, I blogged about Saturday. But I didn't get Sunday done. Damn my thrown-off schedule.

To comments! These are retro, referring to Friday's post. I missed the comment replies by about 15 minutes. So I'm doing them now.
*Ebony: Believe me, Uyen was not doing much. I actually did well (surprisingly), so don't blame me. Usually Fridays are awesome, it was just that Friday.
*Ebony: If that aeroplane wasn't you... Now I'm confused. Who else would be an aeroplane?

And that was my Sunday. Again, sorry for the late post, I'm catching up slowly. Monday was an eventful day, so expect a long post. It was originally a bad day that got a lot better. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I thought it was a good movie,


  1. Revenge of the Fallen sucked because it drifted sooooo far from the original storyline that any die-hard fan of transformers would only be able to 'like it.'

    While I must admit Jetfire was fun to listen to, the storyline did get a wee bit cheesy at times.



  2. Hello Victor *waves upwards*
    I'm sure Uyen did a lot more than you give her credit for. Be nice. I suck too.
    Sundays are ok days, I earn money $$D, but no school =(.
    I'm an aeroplane.

    (Today, you were unlame enough to get a comment from someone other than me. Amazing!)

  3. I am an aeroplane.
