Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Over at Shay's

The title speaks for itself here. The alternate title was 'Pi Approximation Day.' It's 22/7, which is approximately pi. Yes, being possibly the biggest nerd you will ever meet pretty much compels me to mention that. Also, I couldn't think of a better title. Although, with pi, nothing much is better. Everybody likes pi! In actual news, I stayed over at Shay's for a while today (dun dun dah!), for no real reason, other than we wanted to. Well, why not? I also went to hapkido.

I woke up at 7:30, and then got ready to go over to Shay's place. I was picked up around 10, and I brought my laptop, of course. I also brought the home phone, by complete accident. When I got to their place, I watched Lachlan play some game, and then went on Battlefield Heroes myself. I was apparently one of the first million people to sign up, so I got double experience for a week. So I played that for a bit, and got up to Level 9. Sweet. Soon, I got off BFH, and went to surf the net, while watching TV with Shay and Jo. For lunch, around 12, I had chips and white chocolate, while looking at Questionable Content. I also played against Lachlan in bowling from Wii. I ended up winning, but not by much.

Around 2, EJ, Lachlan, Shay and I all went out to take their dog Casper for a walk. We took the basketball, and when we got down to the local park, Australis, we went to play handball. With the basketball, but still. We played for something like an hour, with strange rules. Well, I don't suppose they were strange to Shay and Lachlan, but I'd never heard of them. Anyway. We started going back just after 3. About halfway to their house, Caspar broke free of his leash (he is a big dog), and absolutely bolted. We ran after him, and when we got to hom, he was nipping at this other dog. The guy who owned the other dog had to literally lift him up and kick him away. And then he kicked him again. I'm not entirely sure who was in the wrong, but I think that he probably shouldn't have kicked him so hard. It was a pretty grey situation (as in, neither black nor white). Back at their house, once we got back, I took more time on the laptop, and around 4, we left for our house. As Jo went to drop Shay off at work, Lachlan and EJ came over, so that they could pack EJ's bag. He's sleeping over at their place, which is good for everyone. He left around 5. For dinner (and I have to mention this), we had pie. On Pi Approximation Day! That's great. Then, around 7, I left for hapkido.

At hapkido, before lessons started and just before I was going to go on the mat, I saw someone at the front desk, talking about starting lessons. I didn't think people did double-takes in real life, but I did. It was Shirisha. Man, when worlds collide. You wouldn't see her as the hapkido type. Then again, I don't seem the hapkido type either. The actual lesson was a good one, even if Shay was at work and signatures weren't being done. I learnt that I need to practice my back rolls; and my front snap kick is getting better.

To comments, now, 2 from 1 person.
*Anon: Zpv’sf hpjoh up ibwf up xpsl pvu uif bdspozn zpvstfmg, boe J xpvme tbz uibu uif ibjsdvu jt cfuufs. Boe uibu dpef xbt ibsefs, J’n kvtu mvdlz J xspuf b qsphsbn po Tdsbudi b xijmf cbdl uibu dbo efdpef uijt uzqf pg uijoh gps nf.
*Anon: I love coding. That Caesar Shift code above took a while to fully work out, but it was worth it.

And that was my Wednesday. Sorry for the later post, as usual I am beginning to catch up on my schedule, and promptly falling straight back down. Ah well. It happens.

Happy Pi Approximation Day,

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