Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Good, The Bad and the Funny

OK, don't pretend you don't know what this title means. You know what it means. Well, maybe not Andy. Anyway. I'll get to that. What the title basically means is that there were good things, bad things, and funny things that happened during my day. ...Nobody said making titles was easy.

Before school, I blogged about Tuesday. But I didn't get to finish it. Before school, I talked mainly about Battlefield Heroes (I'm thinking of making a new character. You know, just because.) and the identity of The Anonymous Aeroplane (seriously, I have no idea.). First it was Role Call, which was reading. Ah, reading. Period 1 was Commerce, in which we got our assignments back that we did in April. (I know, because I had a look in previous posts. I love how I can do that now.). We also looked back on that pixie story from yesterday. Period 2 was Drama, in which we got an assessment. We got into groups (Kolodziej seems to love these). In the group that I'm in is me (no duh), Cameron, Ebony, Oscar and Shane. We've already got a really good idea going (though I'm not going to say, just in case.).

Recess was 13. My luck is improving, though it's far from awesome. Next was Period 3, which was Maths. I went to listen to my iPod before class, when it turned off. I tried again, and it turned off again. It turned out that I left my iPod on a video podcast that I was watching before school (Abridged, of course), which completely drained the iPod of power. So, yeah. Really lucky. In the actual Maths period, we proved that the square root of 2 is irrational. Wikipedia has the answer (we used the first proof). It seemed too... simple to be correct. But it was, so the square root of 2 is irrational.

Lunch was 13, and also making jokes. John told a joke about a Rolex (it was pretty funny, although I'd heard it before), and afterwards Andy said 'What's a Rolex?' After a long period of silence by the people who thought he was completely clueless (i.e. all of us), he went on to say 'Isn't it a type of tissue?' We then replied in unison: 'That's Kleenex!' (However, this is coming from the guy who thought you kissed with necks, so we probably shouldn't be surprised. Proof.) Sport was basketball, although as we didn't shoot for the hoop much, I did fairly well. Ebony was in the group I was in, and she actually did stuff. I mean, she threw and caught the ball repeatedly (This is actually pretty good for Ebony, though.). After school, I talked with Ebony, as I do on Wednesdays after school when Victor is gone. And when I got home, I watched TV and went on my laptop, until it was time for hapkido.

Shay actually came today, although Shirisha didn't (it turns out she's only going to be coming once a week. I think that's a bit strange, but ah well.). Today we just did a bit of basic stuff, and for the first time in a while we did some rolls (I learnt I need to work on them). I also showed a new white belt the ropes. I think his brother is a yellow belt. However, all that pales into comparison to what I got today: my third tip! That means I have only three signatures left before I can get my orange belt, with those three being the turning kick (I still need some work on it) and the rolls (I'm good on a good day. Today was not a good day for rolls.). So I got my third tip, and then waited around for Jo to pick us up. But I didn't blog all the way, so here I am.

To comments now, 1 from 1 person.
*Ebony: E and V, V and E... Bloody hell. Somebody has way too much time on their hands. It was indeed funny, although being a weirdo is fun.

And that was my day. Sorry about the lateness of the post, soon my schedule will be back to normal. Procrastination and many things getting in the way (like assignments and hapkido) are stopping me from blogging when I'd like. Well, that happens. Ah well.

School has now become the norm,

1 comment:

  1. Try and leave Andy uncorrupted.
    Haha for losing all power on your ipod.

    You know, as wowed as you were by my throwing and catching repeatedly, I am not THAT uncoordinated.

    The E and V thing is awesome, you're just JEALOUS. And I didn't figure it out, I don't have that much time on my hands.

    Yay for school being the norm.

    I am an aeroplane.

