Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sports and Shopping

And I bet we can all guess exactly what sport I'm talking about (AFL. I'm talking about AFL.). Shopping was at Macarthur Square. OK, the title sucks, I know. You could blame me. Or, you could blame society. Personally, I prefer the latter.

I got up at about 7:30 (Shock! Horror! Something different!), and after we'd done everything to get ready, we all went out to Macarthur Square. It's a sort of tradition in our family that if you get a good report, we get a prize. And we were going to Borders to pick something out. After something like 2 hours in the store, trawling around for fairly priced Physics books, I picked out two books within the price range set: 'King Dork' by Frank Portman (which nobody has heard of and everybody should have) and 'Alyzon Whitestarr' by Isobelle Carmody (which looks pretty good, even if it doesn't have its own Wikipedia page). After we'd had a look in the shop and we'd bought the books we all wanted, we went shopping for some essentials, and to that end we split up. EJ went with Dad to go look at technology, and I went with Mum. Mainly because I know I could sit outside wherever she wanted to go and watch Yugioh Abridged on my iPod. Which I did, to great effect.

When we got home, we got some stuff together (aka, my laptop) to go to Shay's place to watch the Carlton-Sydney game. My Dad, being a bit of a smartass (it must be genetic) decided that we would go decked in as much Carlton gear as possible, to display our pro-Blues attitudes to Shay's family. So we pulled together as much uniforms as possible, as well as flags and hats and such. We got there around 1:30, and around 2, the game started. I spent the time in their loungeroom, watching the game and surfing Questionable Content. At this point, I could go through all about the game. But allow me just to condense it into a few sentences, that should hopefully convey the sense of the game. At quarter time, we were up by 3. At half time, we were down by 9. At three quarter time we were up by 9. By the end, we had won by 61 points. In short, we kicked ass in the last, say, 1.5 quarters. Here's a full summary of the game, if you want to have a look at it. We don't have the best run home, but if we do through all of the games what we did in the last quarter, we'll make the finals for the first time since 2001. Here's hoping. After the game, we got home, and we watched 'Eragon,' which EJ had bought at the shops. All in all, it was OK. If you don't compare it to the books, it's slightly confusing. If you do compare it to the books, you get really disappointed. I would say it's more inspired by the books than based upon. I went to bed around 11, after blogging.

To comments, now, 1 from The Anonymous Aeroplane (they need an acronym. Because they're awesome. Would you like to be Amp? Taa? Tap? Your choice here, Anonymous Aeroplane.).
*Anon: Yes, it's just you and me, as Ebony and Victor have gone on yet another utterly pointless strike. Thanks for the philosophy comment, although it doesn't compare to John's. That whole third paragraph was very confusing. Though I will agree with you: you sure are a lot of things.

And that was my Saturday. It's sorta funny how my brother doesn't play AFL, but we still do a lot of footy-related stuff. This is our family for you. We're very sport-centric here.

Finally, a day where we actually did something,

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