Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Normality Resumes

It's funny how you can go on holidays, yet on the second day, it's like you never even left. We also did the first actual work. Not much work, but still. We actually did some work. The hilarity (OK, maybe that's an exaggeration) from yesterday continued, with jokes made in Maths and English (and the one in Maths was by me. So it was a really good/bad pun. I love puns.). Also, sorry for the late post, I got caught up in other stuff. We must blame society, people!

On the way to school, I read and watched Abridged on my iPod. I never get tired of it. Period 1 was Ag, in which we did our first actual work for the term. It didn't involve much thought, only weeding through some of the double-talk from a sheet and writing the remaining facts down. But still, it was the first real work. I finished it in time, but as I'd finished my book, I had nothing left to do. So I waited around for the bell to go. When it did, we all went up to Geo, where we watched a video on how South Korea and Taiwan improved their economies. It was fairly interesting, but it was also a massive bludge. We didn't even have to write anything down. I forgot how good period like that were. Recess was the usual.

Maths was doing work on Pythagoras' Theorem, and from that, transcendental numbers and that type of thing. I mean, it was just recapping everything we already knew, but we were about to start work on transcendental numbers (and a proof that any number is transcendental. That is amazing.). I also came up with a joke: Q: What's another name for a circular sheep? A: Shepherd's Pi (Quite frankly, I think that's hilarious. But not many other people do. Come on, it's great!). Next was Science, in which we were doing a bit of work on the structure of DNA. Which was actually pretty interesting. I liked it, anyway.

Lunch was the usual. Period 5 was Commerce, in which we read from a story intended to teach the class about taxation. Only one problem: It was about pixies. Dear god, I wish I was kidding. There was Mr. and Mrs. Pixie (no, really), and the taxman, Mr. Toady. It was also packed full of jokes that would keep Year 1s entertained (It was a Year 11 story), if not for the whole thing being about tax. Hey, did you know pixies are adults at 134? Guess what? That was the only thing I learnt from that story. Retarded is an understatement here. Anyway. Last was English, in which we talked about the values set down by Animal Farm. Rhys then steered us into if prostitution is considered good in Animal Farm (I don't know why: There is no prostitution in Animal Farm.). We then got into a discussion about where it's legal and where it isn't, and after learning that it was legal, but you had to get a license first (on a side note: this is a very strange thing to be blogging about), Rhys made a joke: 'What if you were getting a license and somebody said 'You'll never make any money?'' Very funny. After the bell went and I got home, I watched TV, blogged, and talked on MSN. Though I didn't blog nearly enough, so here I am.

Let us proceed to comments, 3 from 2 people.
*Ebony: Wow... that comment was... thanks? Did I miss you, that's a good question. Comments are good, I suppose.
*Anon: Gszg'h LP, hgfuu szkkvmh. Znw bvk, hxsllo szh ivgfimvw. Yfttvi. 4891 rh wvurmrgvob mlg zylfg xlnnfmrhn.
*Anon: Thanks for not using any false trails: that helps a lot. Same with the help with the riddle, but next time, please don't do that. I want to work it out myself. It'll be more fun that way. (Also; who are you!?)

And that was my day. Sorry about the extreme lateness, I'm still getting used to blogging on time. Soon I will get back to schedule, and that will be great. But until then, just bear with me. Thanks for understanding, Generic Reader Guy!

Can you believe this second-last line has been around since Day 1?,

1 comment:

  1. You know with yesterday's code V is E, and E is V.
    ...not that that has any relevance to anything...

    LOL @ prostitution conversation. Rhys is such a weirdo.

    I'm an aeroplane.
