Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Bit of Domestic Work

Yes indeed, today was all about work at the house. I would usually say in the house (to avoid such grammatical nightmares as these), but it was mostly doing the lawns. There was also some ironing involved. That was my Sunday in a nutshell.

I woke up at 8:30 (dun dun dah! Not 8!), and I promptly went on my laptop for a while. Around 10:30, though, we all went out to do the lawns. They hadn't been done in ages (so far, in fact, I don't even want to find it in previous posts), everybody was at home and we had nothing planned, so today was a day as good enough as any. I am personally honour-bound to do the lawns, as I have a deal. It basically goes: if I do the lawns, then my magazine subscription will be extended. It sounds like blackmail if you put it that way, but it isn't. Anyway. I was in charge of whipper-snippering (that looks ridiculous in writing), and we were doing all of the lawns. I brought my iPod, which is normal when I do the lawns. I mean, I have to listen to something besides the relentless whizz of the whipper-snipper. I ended up listening to a lot of rock-type stuff, as I could hear the beat better. We worked and worked, and after hours of music, grass and machines (that is a killer name for something and I don't know what), the lawns were done. By this time, it is 1:30.

After the lawns, we had lunch, and then it was time to get on my laptop and relax for rest of the day, by which I mean, blog and go on Questionable Content. Or so I thought. Reality struck as I had to go and do some ironing while watching the Roos-Tigers game. Well, you lose some, you win some, in that order. I've already gone on a rant about ironing. I finished at about the time that the game ended, which ended with a draw after the Roos came up from being 7 goals down at half-time. The last quarter was intense. After ironing and footy was done, Dad and I dropped by the shops to get some dessert (white chocolate + White Magnum = mmm...), and I then returned to watch the last Masterchef episode. I don't really think I need to tell everybody who won, but here's the news article just in case. And after all that, I went to my room, blogged, and talked on MSN.

And since there are no comments, presumably because Ebony and Victor are on strike and the Anonymous Aeroplane hasn't been on their computer (they haven't commented on Ebony's blog either), this'll be the last paragraph. Allow me to say at this point 'Thank god!': for I have finally caught up with posts. Theoretically. I mean, I could post normally at this point. Whether I will is another matter. Anyway. That was my Sunday. And I hope there are more comments. Ah well.

Doing the lawns isn't actually that bad,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on catching up on your blog posts
    Looks like you had a quite a green day
    Had fun ironing? or did you burn yourself
    As always
