Friday, July 31, 2009

Ah, Fridays

I forgot how good they were. It's just so refreshing how you can be doing a week of work, and suddenly you're sitting back on your laptop watching the TV until past 10 at night. I missed them, and now they're back. Also, title problems ensue. I'll get it eventually. Hopefully

Period 1 was Science, in which we watched more of the video about DNA, and answered more of the questions. A bit of a bludge, really. In the actual video, it turns out (well, not turns out, it happened over 50 years ago. But still. Bear with me here.) that Rosalind Franklin got no recognition for working out that DNA was a double helix using X-ray diffraction until 25 years after she did, and then died of cancer because of the X-rays. Sometimes life sucks, hey? Next was Computer Maths, in which we tried to hide in Room 10 again. I don't know how successful we were, though we definitely weren't as successful as last time. The actual period was just doing some work on Geometer's Sketchpad (and having it fail repeatedly) about working out geometrical proofs. It was then assembly, which was your standard 'we're only here because it's in the timetable.' Recess was 13.

Periods 3 and 4 were double Ag, which was going down to one of the paddocks so that people could ride tractors and ready the ground for potato planting. So that was more than a bit boring, or it would have been if I had not gotten into a conversation about coding (warning: these next sentences may contain nerdiness. Although, in my blog, what else do you expect?). It all started off with me getting a supposed uncrackable code from Matt. I quickly deduced it was monoalphabetic (and therefore fairly straight-forward to crack), and I started telling Ebony what that was (the most surprising thing is that she was interested). From that we got into polyalphabetic coding, and the Vigenere Square. So I explained that to her, and we got into an argument into if it can be made uncrackable with a shorter base password and a longer plaintext, by recoding the coded message using the password again, but in a different way (explaining it would take a long, long time). Ebony said it that it was uncrackable, I said it was just making the password longer (making it harder to crack, but not theoretically uncrackable). We ended up agreeing to disagree, and ended up just asking each other questions. Which was arguably more interesting.

Lunch was lining up to pay for one of those things like Cheap Thrills (*shudders*), and afterwards, more coding (yes, I know! No 13! For shame...). Period 5 was English, in which we talked about literary merit, as essentially nobody but the English staff knows what it means. It sort of makes sense, but people are still confused. As am I, to a degree. Period 6 was History, which was helping people out with the speech. Clarifying things for other people helps to clarify things for yourself as well, I've noticed. So after school, I did a bit of work on my assignment, and then around 7, I went in to watch the Blues-Roos game (lol, Blues-Roos). I also played Battlefield Heroes while doing it. I worked out more of my Gunner ability and strategy, and got up to Level 6. The actual footy game was a really close one: Carlton ended up winning by 10, although North Melbourne made it a real contest. I went to bed around 11.

And that was my day. Sorry about the later post, this type of thing happens on the weekends. I can procrastinate on weekends; it's my blog after all. I can do what I want, can't I? (Yes. the answer is yes.).

No comments again... Ah well,

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