Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assessments and the Orthodontist

I got my Drama assessment back, we had a Geo exam, and I had to go the orthodontist's, as well as a few other things. By all rights, it should have been a bad day (well, maybe not bad. But still, they aren't necessarily especially good things.) But was actually a pretty good day. My guess is that as we near the holidays, moods go up. It just seems to be a good week, despite the seemingly bad things happening. Hmm.

Before school, I listened to my iPod (ah, how I missed you), and talked to people. Period 1 was Science, in which we did some work from sheets on cell reproduction. It was actually a bit of a bludge, as for most of the period, we marked the homework, and fixed up stuff we messed up. Then, it was Geography, in which we did a test on Geo definitions. I ended up getting 9 out of 10, which is pretty good for not studying. I really should have, I know, but I completely forgot. Ah well. These things happen. Recess was actually 13.

Period 3 was English, in which we were discussing exactly what the message behind Animal Farm was, and why the pigs were doing what they were. I thought it was pretty obvious (They wanted more), but Ebony pressed the teacher saying why. He said it was human nature. She asked why. 'Because it is' isn't the best response. But it is. Now she's confused. Anyway. Period 4 was Maths, in which we did some work on similar triangles. For some reason. We also proved that the textbook could be a lot clearer. And I mean a lot. A lot of the questions were vague, and essentially pointless. I blame society (as well as Mr. Yen. I mean, he wrote some of it.). Lunch was also 13. It's back to normal.

Period 5 was Drama, in which we got the results for our assignment. I got 14/20, but that's only because our play ran really short. I apparently did well, showing signs of something like doing my journal as I went along. Which is funny, because I essentially did it all 2 nights before. Thank god for blogging: Improving writing skills and pretending I wrote it 5 minutes ago is good by me! We also talked about ads. Last was Commerce, in which we were watching episodes of 'The Gruen Transfer' in the Library annex, particularly the segment 'The Pitch,' which are always really funny. We also might be watching it in Drama, which is especially awesome. When the bell went, we got out of class late, so I had to sprint as fast as I could to make it to the station in time for the train. And after school, I went to the orthodontist.

As usual, the actual appointment took all of 5 minutes, and the waiting around before and after it and the travel time took about 30. Ah, how the world works. The actual appointment held only one piece of good news: No more turning of the expander every day. Which I suppose is good, as if the gap were to get any bigger, there would be room for another tooth (sideways, but still). And when I got home, I blogged a bit, as well as going on MSN.

Now to comments, 1 from you-can-guess-who. Or, alternatively, you can have a look at the next line. Either way.
*Ebony (dun dun dah!): Most people laugh at my running. I used to look like Mr. Bean when I run (I might still. I'm not sure.). And indeed yay for finding my iPod. And guess what: you can no longer tell people how good days are. You're back to the beginning. So, take that!

And that was my Tuesday. Finally, I can get back to blogging normally. I thought I had caught up: I hadn't. Bloody hell. But that's what happens, I suppose. I have to stop procrastinating. Eh, maybe later.

Now the schedule has caught up,

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