Sunday, July 12, 2009

Way Too Much Gaming

When you don't get to blog until way too late, you play Battlefield Heroes for the most part of, say, 9 in the morning until 8:30 at night, and you have time to go for an hour on a server with nobody actually playing (there were a few people on the server, it was a pre-game), this means you need to pause for a second and get un-addicted to the game you just found last night. So because this will otherwise be a shortish post, I'll be doing a list. Because, well, why not?

I woke up around 7:45, and promptly went on my laptop. I didn't go on BFH just yet, as you can't pause a live game. So I waited around until after breakfast, and then around 9, I went on. And I played. And played. I levelled up maybe 3 levels in the process, but more importantly, I worked out a lot of the essentials of the game, and I completed a lot of missions. I also got a feel for the maps. I can't pick a favourite; they're all good in really different ways (though I do love to snipe. I once took out 6 Royals from behind a crate up on the Shipwreck in Buccaneer Bay.). I didn't talk to John that much, as he was offline for a bit. But we played regardless. I played until I went to go watch Rove, as it was the season finale. And it was a really good one. Though it was a bit sad as well, as Hughesy and Carrie are leaving. But that happens, hey? At least they're not getting rid of Kevin Rudd PM, possibly the second-greatest parody series ever (the first, of course, is YGOTAS). After the show, I read '1984,' for a bit, and then it was time for bed.

List time! And because I can't get BFH out of my head, this list will be about the best things about being a commando (you will not understand much of this if you don't play):
*Stealth: It is really good just being able to sneak up some behind someone. Or even just being able to not be seen by anyone. Though I still need a lot of practice with my knife.
*Sniper: Again, similar to stealth, it's fun going off to some remote location and shooting a guy from a long way away. Safest way to play, though points-wise it's a bit lacking. You need to work out a good location.
*Troop Trap: Every so often, you put one on the ground. And every so often, someone will blow up. I was once killed by a guy, but my last effort was to put a Troop Trap down. The guy immediately blew up, sending him flying and earning me a post-mortem kill. I love the Troop Trap.

OK, now that I can't think of anything else, it's time for comments. Just the one this time.
*Anon: OK, you're close. Very close. Be a sheep. Incidentally, this also leads me to believe that you are either Ebony or Victor. My guess is Ebony. But it's just a guess. I could be way off.

And that was my Sunday. So long weekend, hello official holidays. Though they start to blur into each other after a while, with Mondays feeling like Sundays and similar. But that's how holidays go. Expect a longer post on Monday, as I do hapkido. Longer on Tuesday, considering we're going to the movies. But, I'm way ahead of myself.

Late posts are not fun and becoming way too much like the norm,


  1. Nope, not me. I'm an aeroplane. Not a goat. Not Legend. An aereoplane.
    And that person doesn't say first, now, who would miss an opportunity like that?

    And when you say "I'll be doing a list. Because, well, why not?" you really mean "Because I only have one comment, and have been playing a gane all day, both which are pathetic, and both which decrease the length of this blog, and I need to fill up space"

    Sundays suck nearly as much as holidays,
    I'm an aeroplane!
