Sunday, May 31, 2009

Meetings and Relaxings

Yes, I know 'relaxing' is not a noun. Whatever. Anyway, to my Sunday, which mostly involved chilling and basically not doing much at all.

I got up at 8:35 (yes, I'm gradually improving), and went to watch TV. I also went on my laptop, and started to blog for Saturday, though I didn't do much for a while. Over the next 7 hours, until 3, I watched TV, blogged more, played DS, went on MSN, and every now and then I was called upon to do some chores like washing or folding. But barring that, it was a pretty soothing while. But at 3, we all had to go to a footy meeting, so I decided to bring my New Scientist magazine and my DS. When I got there, I finished my mag (this issue had string theory in it. Hooray for string theory!), and then went out to watch my brother and some of his mates from footy do stuff like kick balls around, get balls stuck on roofs, kick balls at each other... well, you get the picture. After 15 minutes of watching the mayhem, I decided to just go inside and play DS. I played Pokemon Sapphire (yes, I play Pokemon. Also, I don't really care about the apostrophe above the e.), and tried to get Latias. I had real trouble doing it, and gave it up and started on Pearl. I'm trying to get a few Pokemon. (OK, paragraph. Happy?)

After a while there, I went outside, and played some DS there. Later, one of the kids there, Mitchell, got his DS, and I tried to help him out. He's gonna need some time though. When it got cold (and it got cold quickly), we went inside, and I did more work on Pearl. Then, around 6:30-ish, it was time for dinner. I had pizza and garlic bread. I love garlic bread. Hell, I love garlic in general. I'd never make it as a vampire. Anyway. After that, I played more DS, and then I was set upon by the assault of the small kids. I figured it was no use going all high and mighty and just decided to muck around with them. I mean, it gets boring being 'I don't do that, I'm too old. So there!' So I listened to their (mostly childish) jokes, and somehow ended up singing 'Lobachevsky' to 3 of them. No idea how that happened. We also did a round of 'Jingle Bombs' by Achmed the Dead Terrorist. He is hilarious. Anyway.

Later the parents kicked us all out of the meeting room, so the kids all played Bullrush in a hall while I played more DS. Around 7:30, we left Club Italia (which is where we were), and went home. At home, I played more DS, watched some TV, which specifically was Masterchef (mmm, Masterchef foods...), and I also went on my laptop a bit. I also had a Paddle Pop, and here I am, blogging so it doesn't look ridiculous if I post three times in a row late with little excuse.

More lists! I mean, they're easy to write, and a space filler. Also, I didn't get any comments. But I actually don't mind. I mean, my blog is just that, MY blog. Not commenters. Hmm. Maybe I should do a list on my blog. Reasons why my blog exists, in no particular order:
*Memory extension: This is one of the big ones. I have a really bad memory, but now with my blog I can go to any day from February the 10th 2009 and see exactly what I did. Most people I know don't blog about their days, they rant, but I haven't had much to rant about in a while. And there is no 'right' or 'wrong' in your own blog, it's your domain.
*Writing: I am trying to write a book, and this blog has really improved my writing style. I think clearer, remember better, and I write much better. I can write fiction (like in the English exam) for longer, and there is no real filler in the story. I really like how my blog turned out like that.
*So people can know me: Let's face it, to many people I am just that nerd over there. But I am much more than a nerd, and to me it's you who are over there (I'm also a bad comedian. Just one of my many talents.). This blog is also so people can see me, get to know me when they read it, and so I can get to know others. It really works.

Well, I'll finish up. I can't wait for tomorrow, it'll be 13 for a long day. I might get some of my book done... It'll be a great day. I love the Athletics Carnival, for the sheer reason that it's a day of utter bludge. I love it.

It's shaping up to be a great week,

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Like Saturdays

Though I like Sundays more. I also could not think of a better title. It's also another late post. From now on, expect Friday's and Saturday's posts on Saturday and Sunday. I might post on the day, but weekends are made for procrastination.

I woke up at 8:30, and around an hour later, we left for my brother's footy match. While I was there, and before the actual game started, I played my DS. But when the actual game started, I was "volunteered" to be a runner for my brother's team (in quotes because I didn't actually volunteer, I was forced to. As usual.). Me being a hater of running, I complained, but in vain. However, thanks to a save by EJ's coach, I was called on to be the boundary umpire, which I preferred as it meant I could actually use the ball now and again, and walking was allowed. That was fun, as I could use the whistle and stuff like that. I only stuffed up once, in the second quarter. I fixed it up quickly though. In the fourth quarter, things got a bit boring, so I did commentary in my head ('24 kicks to space, 3 by Campbelltown picks it up, tackled by 3...' and so on.). After the game, I played more DS, and around 2, I got home with my Mum.

At home, I went on my laptop and DS, until around 3. Then, we all left for Shay's place. There, we watched TV, and I finally finished my Friday post. We got home around 6, and then we had dinner. I just played DS for the rest of the night. And here I am, trying to stop procrastinating and blog.

Hmm, I still want to write a bit before comments. How about... things I still have to do on my book before starting to write:
*Flesh out the plot: I've got most of it in my head, but I still have to put it all on paper/my computer, and expand it a bit more. There are still some loose ends that concern me.
*Character bios: I've got their names and a few words down, but I really need to realise them (as in make real, or real-ise). Once I do that, it should be easier to write, or at least better to read. If it's one thing I need work at, it's character. There might be romance, though it won't be directly plot-based.
*Powers: I have to work out what powers the werewolves have, how they look, and all about the werewolf. I'm still to get the powers, abilities, histories, and things like that about the werewolves. And before anybody asks, there are no vampires, and the full moon doesn't have much to do with it.

To comments now, one from one person. I seem to be surviving without Ebony and Victor's comments. Cool!
*Rosa: I'll do the survey later, I will. Sorry about that.

Well, I'd best finish up. I've got urgent stuff to do. Sunday's post may not be very long, but Monday's probably will be.

I'll stop procrastinating with posts... later,

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hooray for Fridays!

I have been waiting for this day for weeks now. Because... it's Friday after exams! I love Fridays, and with exams finished, it'll be a bludge of a weekend. So, without further ado, to my day. And sorry it's a late post, I had friends over. All to be explained.

It was a mufti day today, and I just wore a long-sleeved shirt, trousers and a jacket. I'm out of funny shirts. Period 1 was Science, which was doing some experiments on magnets and electricity. It was a pretty bludgy period. Period 2 was Geography, in which we did work on some suburb in Sydney. The questions were pretty NTR, but there were a lot of them. Noone really did much, as it was a Friday. It was shaping up to be a good day, except for the constant cold. Next, it was Assembly, on the Pool Lawn. It was one of the best assemblies ever, for largely pointless reasons. These reasons being that Kevin and I got the sun's reflection from our watches, shined them on Ebony's back (who was sitting in front of us, next to you-can-guess-who), and chased them around. I have no idea why, but it was fun. Recess was the usual.

Period 3 was English, which was listening to more Macbeth, as well as doing some work on my conversation from yesterday. At one point, I had to say, after a few minutes of confusion and when the class was silent: 'Ebony, why are you wearing Victor's jumper?' A brief moment of silence. '...No reason.' Hancock smiled, and remained silent, which is unusual. After that humour, it was Maths, which was the non-calculator test. I finished in 15 minutes (it was a fairly simple test), and spent the rest of the time doing doubles on the back page (eg, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on). At the end of the test, we marked the test. I got 23/25, which is pretty good. Mango and Ihsas got the same thing, though we got different questions wrong. Lunch was talking about the test, and playing more 13. Another quote: Me: 'I got 23 out of 25.' John: 'Bull, you'll never get that.' Kevin: 'His class marked it already.' John: 'Crap.' I enjoy stuff like that.

Period 5 was Drama, which was getting our marks back for the half-yearly. I got 35/40. Cam got 28/40, but on second review, he got 31/40. On third and fourth, 36 and 34. I'm still not sure. But it was something mid-30s. We also listened to Kolodziej, as he was telling anecdotes, who was in a good mood for once. Last was Commerce, which was watching more of the video. We didn't get to finish it, so we'll probably finish it on Tuesday. I was picked up from school, and around 5 Shay and Lachlan came to our house. I didn't blog because, well, it's a bit rude. So I didn't.

To comments; 2 from 2 people.
*Rosa: Under orders from some shameless advertising, go here for the camp survey. This link is now under official promotion from AB: Advertising Brilliantly.
*Anon: I have absolutely no idea who this is, except that they are in 10M. Besides Ebony (who doesn't comment anymore), I don't know who wrote it. And I'm starting to think that I should take employment under 'providing people with a laugh unintentionally and not doing it intentionally.' Ah well.

Well, I'll finish up. I apologise for the extremely long delay to this post. I'll try not to do it again. I don't expect many comments. These things happen.

Fridays FTW,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Half-Yearlies '09: Mathematics

It is finished! No more half-yearlies for a year! Hooray! Thank god for that. Now, I can relax. And with mufti on Friday, the athletics carnival on Monday, and an SDD the Friday after that, work starts to slow down. About time.

Period 1 was Ag, which was doing some work about breeding goats. I also experienced a major 'what the hell?' scenario, as I was reading (I'm not finished). I look up from reading; and the whole class has their chairs facing the other way. Completely backwards. I am the only one facing to the front. I have no idea why, and in the end I just turned backwards as well. Why not? Next was Geography, which was watching a video on some suburb in Sydney in the library. That was a big bludge, as I didn't do much, besides occasionally take notes and stare blankly at a TV. I enjoy periods like that, as they seem to be 'filler' periods: no real work is done.

Recess is the usual. I don't need to tell people. Then, it was Period 3. The last half-yearly examination. We got in the Hall in Maths classes, and after setting up, we went into the exam. I spent most of it in 'go,' with a bit in 'ready,' and 'zoom.' It was basically all about statistics and graphs, and we haven't done that for weeks, maybe months now. So I was a bit rusty. But all in all, I think I did pretty well. I'll have to see how I went when I get the exam back. But the best part about the exam: it was the last one. Thank god! Period 4 was Science, which was Robson talking to us about some stuff on motors, as well as writing some stuff in our book. That's one of the good things about Science with Robson; you learn stuff, without doing loads upon loads of work, like Science last year with Fernandez (I never want to go through that again. I mean, she was OK, but she gave us so much work it wasn't funny.).

Lunch was the usual. It was 13. And from now on, I'll probably just say 'the usual.' It saves time. Period 5 was another bludge, as our Commerce class all went to the other Commerce class's room, and we squashed together and watch a video on Law. I'm surprised everyone was able to fit in; it was certainly a close-run thing. The video itself was OK, but it was a school video. So we just watched it. Last was English, which was doing some work on Macbeth's 'Banquo's Ghost!' Scene (so, from memory, Act 3 Scene 4.). We were pretending to be people from the banquet, and I wrote down a conversation between two people. And because I got utterly bored, I tried to do it Shakespeare-style, as in 10 syllables per line. It was slow to write, but it sounded good. I liked doing that. After I got home, I had some Burger Rings (mmm, Burger Rings...), and went on my laptop for a while. My brother's sick, so he couldn't go to training (I'm also not feeling the best, but it's only a sore throat and a runny nose; nothing major.). And after dinner, I watched TV and went on my laptop, and here I am, blogging.

Comments now, 1 from 1 person. Better than zero. Victor and Ebony continue their comment boycott unreasonably (in my opinion). I give up.
*Kevin: Exams are over, thank god, but I thought we only had the English assessment. Maybe it's just your class. I also can't wait for the weekend. And I am stopping saying '13' over and over again, it is getting a bit repetitive.

I'd best sum up now; this cold is getting to me. Hopefully I'll be right to go to school on Monday; I don't want to miss missing school. I get to talk with friends and there's no work. How awesome! I'll also bring cards, as I so love doing. That post will be either a long one or a short one; I'll have to see.

That's all of them down,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Brief Respite

Meaning that I've had a short break, from exams specifically. Thursday is Maths exam, Friday I think is non-calculator (not that I get told anything), and then the only thing close is the English assessment, which is still 2 weeks away. So celebrations all soon. But not now.

Before school was talking to Victor, John and Ian, but then when Ebony came over, it was all-hands-to-stations, as I follow new procedure and walk away. Probably for the best, I think. Period 1 was English, which was listening to a tape and reading from the book. This part was the part around when Banquo gets killed, and the acting was actually OK. Not great, but not bad either. Next was Maths, which was watching some videos, as well as doing an extremely brief amount of work. It was much of a bludge, and when Faulds went to turn the computer off, he clicked 'Shut down and install updates.' So what happened was a small message appeared on the screen: 'Installing update 1 of 50. Please wait until the updates are installed before shutting down your computer.' The whole class cracked up laughing, and Faulds just turned off the projector; the computer was still installing. I expect it's still installing now.

Recess was 13, with John, Kevin, Victor and Eric, and the most amazing thing was that I won with my highest card being a King of Spades (though, in all fairness, I did have a quad Jack. But still.). There was also much annoyance with John playing his 4 to 10 before I played my 3 to 9, and also much hilarity as it turned out that in one round, I had a 3 to 5, John had a 3 to 5, and Victor had two of them. Which was funny. Period 3 was Drama, which was us acting out our Drama mini-play from yesterday. To put it concisely, we sucked, with much improvising and bad timing resulting in Amy having to ad-lib while Rutherford made his way out of a box. I ended up just falling to the ground after cracking Amy's neck (don't ask); I wasn't told what I was supposed to do. The next one was much better, with Jayson, Shane, Kale, Tri and Oscar all in one group. Shane does the best voices, in this one he was a Jamaican. Great accent. Jayson was also a Jamaican at one stage, before realising he wasn't supposed to be. Hilarity ensued (yes, that's hilarity twice in one paragraph. Now three times.).

Lunch was yet more 13, with me, John, Kevin, Andy, Eric and Victor, to memory. After John and Eric left for tennis and Victor left for Ebony, Kevin, Andy and I played 31. We also noticed that Hamish and Andy's Andy Lee matched up perfectly to Andy Pham and Kevin Lee. That was funny. Also, as it was raining, just like last Wednesday, we all went inside and watched a movie. This movie, someone strangely, ended up being Cars, and we finished about the part where there is no satisfying conclusion at all. Part of the plot had started and no real threads had ended. Before the movie, however, I had a brief amount of enjoyment pretending to be a Christian preacher for no particular reason, and trying to convert Kevin and Victor to Christianity. The joke being Kevin, Victor and I are all atheists. I considered that funny, I don't know if anyone else did. After the bell went (or so we can assume, nobody heard it), I went up to the library, and watched Mango and some Year 9 kid play chess, as Victor and Ebony were just being Victor and Ebony, if that makes sense. Mango kicked the guy's ass, with a really good knight-queen combo. I put it down to the fact that the Year 9 guy developed his queen too early, and spent most of his time protecting it. But I'm no expert (mostly I gleamed that from books I read). When I got home, I studied a bit, and about 6:45, it was time for hapkido.

Shaylee didn't come to this session, for reasons that I'm still not perfectly clear about. Whichever way you put it, she didn't come to hapkido, so I went alone. I was asked more than once where Shaylee was, and once where 'my sister' was. These things annoy me. But overall it was a really good session, as before class Dylan, Tara, Jackson and I played dodgeball against all the Falcons (not quite adults, but still doing hapkido. 10 to 13 by the looks of things. I'm not 100% though). In the class itself, I was taught how to backroll, which was important (but I still need to practice), as well as better work on my kicks and how to punch in training right (I was doing the actual punching OK, but I was getting into a rhythm which wouldn't happen on the street. That's the best way I can explain it). I got home around 8:45, and here I am, blogging as fast as I can.

To comments, 6-actually-5 from 5 people. I say 6-actually-5 because one was deleted. Still, really-5 from 5 is pretty good. And none of them are Victor or Ebony, though that doesn't mean I don't want you to comment.
*Rosa: Well, I missed out on that hydrocarbons thing. So that's one mark down, we'll see how many more to go.
*Anonymous: Probably Dad, my book is so far not coming along too well, because exams are getting in the way. It's always in the back of my mind, however, and I plan to get to it from Friday. I'll really get into it once the English assessment is done.
*Corinne: I lost a mark as well, don't worry. And that History DVD wasn't that exciting, you didn't really miss much.
*Kevin: Moving on...
*Kevin: I do say the Science exam was fairly easy, though there were some rough patches. And I want comments because I want to know what people think of my blog, what they think of my day, and I like to respond to them. I would still blog if not for comments; I blog for me; but I still like comments. And I did put the blog link in my pm, but now it's not in it any more. Though I'll probably put it in later.
*Karen: I'd agree on all of those counts: I also remembered alkane + alkene + alkyne for nothing, as well as the meth/eth/prop/but thing. I studied that; it was really annoying. And, though, yes, I am a nerd, you can never be too sure about exams. But you're in A1 as well, I wouldn't worry too much either.

Well that was my Wednesday. I'll enjoy tomorrow; as the real half-yearlies end (I'm not counting the non-calculator test). It was a good day, as there were no exams, and there wasn't much real work. I also did a lot of 13. I love Wednesdays.

Almost finished,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Half-Yearlies '09: Science

Well, with Science down, that's only Maths left. In unrelated matters, Ebony and Victor have agreed to end their boycott of my comments section, revealing reasons that are devious, harsh and fair all in one. I will get to this. They said they would start commenting tomorrow, but thankfully I got comments today. In yet more, even more pointless news, I am still to make a theme song. I will make one when I get bored (luckily, I wrote a program on Scratch a while back that lets me write music. But don't expect a miracle.). Now, to Tuesday. And yes, I will stop doing this 'news' thing.

Period 1 was Maths, which was doing some revision work on algebra. Pretty straight-forward stuff. We also did some Science study, as per usual. Next was Drama, which finally was a prac lesson that was actually Drama, and not walking around with our eyes closed. We did it in our groups (so me with Ebony, Amy, Pradeepti and Rutherford), and we were making a play. We were doing 'Something Supernatural.' It ended up being a voodoo thing, with Rutherford playing the doll (his idea), Pradeepti being the witch doctor, also known as 'Lady Charcoal' (her idea), me being the person being 'voodooed' on because Ebony put Lady Charcoal up to it because I was cheating on her with Amy (Pradeepti, Pradeepti and Pradeepti). We spent a while working out the basic storyline, and with 10 minutes to go we all went inside, and started on our mini-plays. Cameron's group was first, which was a bus trip. That was pretty funny. We were next (thanks to Pradeepti volunteering), but we only got through 30 seconds before the bell went. Saved by the bell.

Recess was 13, as usual. That was good. I like 13. Period 3 was Commerce, which was studying for Science. Thank god Kearney let us. That was too short a period, because it was time for the Science half-yearly. I spent most of the time in 'go,' with a short amount of time in 'ready.' All in all, it was like any other Science exam: 10 multiple choice, 5 short-answers, and a few extended responses. Most of the things they examine us on are fairly straight-forward, but inevitably I stuff up at least one small thing, that gets noticed immediately after the exam. This one was alkane instead of hydrocarbon, which in hindsight was obvious. Ah well. But apart from that, I think I did OK. I'll just have to see when I get it back.

Lunch was, for the first 5 minutes, the Science exam. Actual lunch was first managing to arrange some people to play 13: and then noticing that the cards are not in my bag or in my pocket. So I get everyone together before I find the cards are gone. This is my luck. I pulled apart my bag twice, asked the Science teachers and checked the bin (I have no idea why), all to no avail. I then set upon looking around the school (those are my good cards), and then came across it in Room 10, where I had Commerce. When I finally got back with the cards to play 13, the half-time bell went. Oy vey. The second half was 13, which was your average play, with Kevin, Andy, Victor and Shafi (John wasn't here.).

Period 5 was English, which was looking through more of 'Macbeth,' and specifically the part when Macbeth has just killed Duncan, so the end of Scene 2. That was a bit of a bludge. Last was History, which was watching a DVD (finally!) of the Stolen Generation, and taking notes. That was also a bludge, as all video-watching classes are. When the bell went, and after I got home, I did some Maths homework, and then went on MSN. After a few minutes of pleading, Victor and Ebony unveiled their master plan: they would comment if they got some alone time. Now, that is reasonable, but I have one thing wrong with it (not with the idea, but the strike). One, they never actually asked me to stop, and I have told them they can just tell me to go away and I will. Really, that's two things, but who cares. My point remains valid. Hopefully they can get back to commenting.

Speaking of which, it's time for comments, and thanks to occasional begging I did, I got two comments. I don't like no comments (though, I do realise they're not crucial. I still want them though.).
*Karen: There is no 'should' read my blog, though, I'm actually not sure anymore how many people actually read it. And my blog is more of a 'memory extension,' as well as a vent. I can go any day from February 10 2009 and see exactly what I was doing. And we all like 13 (though we have been known to play 31 and Speed, and we used to play poker every now and then). I don't actually know what leaf I tasted, Ebony just said 'eat it.' I'll hand it to her, she's very persistent. And I stick by the fact that I'm weirder. I take pride in it.
*Kevin: I never liked Computer Maths on Excel, I always like the Sketchpad lessons. They're the best. I hope I did well on Ag, and I think I did well on Science. We'll have to see. And our group sucked at the coil, I'm not 100% sure why. We just did. Ah well. Win some, lose some.

Well, that was my Tuesday. I don't have any exams tomorrow, thank god, and Thursday is the last one. I'll enjoy the end of them, as it means I can get back to semi-bludging without studying getting in the way. There will be much work on my book, reading, and doing random things for no particular reason. Hooray!

7 down, 1 to go,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Half-Yearlies '09: Agriculture

Well, this is it. The big one. Ag exams and I don't get along well. This is the way it's always been. In other news, Victor and Ebony begin their comment strike for reasons unknown. All this and more, in today's edition of AB: A Blog (cue the theme music. Wait, I don't have theme music. I need theme music. I am weird.).

Period 1 was Science, which was trying to get an electric motor, much like this post here, back in March. That met with limited success, going through 4 paperclips, about 3 coils of wire, and other assorted materials. The best we got was the coil spinning for about 10 seconds at voltage setting 4, which involved several sparks. We also ran into other, more retarded problems, such as touching the wire while it was on (Alan), and attempting to make the motor go when the wire wasn't even attached (all of us). We tried fixing up the motor, moving the magnet, turning up the voltage, when I looked to the left and realised the wire was unattached. It was a period of unsuccessfulness, which surprisingly is actually a word. Proof. Next was Computer Maths, which would have been fun, except Rawson wasn't here, so we were stuck with some substitute teacher. It was brilliant planning, with about 6 people bringing Maths textbooks, to share with 30 people. So that was a complete and utter bludge. I spent some of the time cramming for Ag, and more time working out the formula for Pac-man (I got as far as his mouth is between 70 and 80 degrees before it set in that what I was doing was completely pointless). It was a long Maths lesson.

Recess was more 13, with John, Andy and Kevin. Period 3 and 4 were double Ag. The first part of the lesson was spent talking to Ebony, as Corinne wasn't here (and neither was Victor). She somehow made me taste a leaf (long story short, I have no idea), and the 'secret/question' game came to real life, with significant problems on my part on trying to think of a question. I spent 10 minutes trying to think of one, and in that I was yelled at by Ebony (scaring the hell out of me, and presumably Schippers behind us), and annoyed by cows. The question wasn't even good. If you are reading this Ebony, I can't think of questions, and for the love of god comment. The second part of the period was spent cramming, which was fairly successful. It was pretty repetitive, and I zoned out more than once. I need to stop doing that.

Lunch was more 13, with me winning only once, I think, through a sheer fluke. I had pretty average luck. Period 5 was English, which was spending the first 20 minutes trying to study (though it degenerated quickly). We then spent 10 minutes reading through a bit of 'Macbeth,' and then it was time to go to the hall for our exam. I spent essentially the whole thing in 'go,' as I realised that 'ready' could really hurt my chances. Although, it was a fairly short test, so I didn't get up to 'zoom.' I finished with something like 15 minutes to go, and spent that time checking my answers, writing my name, and signing things in pencil. I got bored. It was easier than I thought it would be, but it wasn't easy, if that makes sense. All I can say is I hope I pass, because I don't like Ag exams (though this one could be an exception). At home, I studied a bit for Science, as well as talking on MSN with Victor, Ebony and Amy, though not all at once. Around 6:45, we all left for hapkido.

Grandmaster Geoff got back today, who has become a Grandmaster over the 6 weeks he has been away. And he has learnt things from his trip, with no slacking at all allowed. There was little respite. But, it was a great session, as I went through a lot of drills, and Grandmaster Geoff is funny. I learnt that: I really need work on my kicks; I really need to learn how to backroll; and it is not fun forward rolling on an injured elbow (maybe injured is over-doing it. But it is not in perfect condition.). We finished around 8:30, and when I got home, I virtually went straight on my laptop, so that I could blog about my day before bed.

To comments, or rather, comment. Victor and Ebony insist on not commenting, for some bizarre reason, and I thought I wouldn't get any. But, I'd like to thank Amy for her support. Hooray for you! (Boo to you two. Comment, people!)
*Amy: Thank you, it would look sad if my comment section went by without a comment. And take that indeed, Ebony and Victor! My comment section remains unempty!

Well, that was my Monday. The only exams left are Science and Maths, and I'm fairly confident about both (well, more so than Ag). Again, I'd like to thank Amy, boo Ebony and Victor for not commenting, and I remain semi-hopeful about the Ag exam. I will be looking forward to Thursday afternoon. Much celebrations will be had.

6 down, 2 to go,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Here We Go Again

Here we go again with exams. We've had our 4 day break in the middle, now comes the exam I dread most of all, my worst subject, in my opinion: Ag. We also have Maths and Science, but I'm fairly confident about them. It's Ag that concerns me most of all (though Drama is up there). But, I'll cram, and hopefully I'll do well. But, I'm off topic. To my Sunday, which was less relaxing than Saturday, but still pretty good.

I woke up around 7:30, and went out and put the TV on, while getting on my laptop. I started on the rest of my blog, and later, around 8:30, while my Mum got ready for going to the gym, Dad and I went down to Wattle Grove Shops for breakfast. I had, from Gloria Jean's, a ham and cheese croissant and a large white iced chocolate. I love white iced chocolates. While I was there, I saw EJ and Lachlan getting coffee, presumably for Jo or Michael. They came over for about 30 seconds, with EJ bragging about how he can do this, then left. My Dad and I got home around 9, and I promptly finished off my post from yesterday, while watching more 3rd Rock from the Sun. That is an awesome show; everybody see it. It's not as good, as say, Monty Python, but it is pretty good.

Then from around 9 until 3, I basically just went on my laptop and DS, and watched TV. Around 3 though, everything seemd to just go 'enough relaxing!,' and I was pulled aside for several things. One, for example, was trying to clean the ceiling while standing on a kitchen desktop (I'm not kidding, though I wish I was). For dinner, around 6, we had burritos (mmm, burritos...), which I can eat, unlike tacos (mmm, tac- oh, goddamn!). Then, after the dishwasher, I went back on MSN, where I've been for a while. So here I am, blogging, MSN-ing and listening to music.

I feel like another random list. Here we go! Things I will do and enjoy doing when the half-yearlies are finished:
*Not studying: This is pretty much a given. I hate studying.
*Reading: I want to read, and I want to read soon. 'The Three Musketeers' is calling me. I will be with you, Dumas book!
*Computerising my book: In case I lose the notebook. I haven't gotten around to it, but I should after exams. Or at least after Ag. Here's hoping.

To comments, 3 from 3 people. Specifically, the usual two and anonymous.
*Ebony: Those are the only really good hands I can think of. And there should be a rule; I like comments. And 42 > 3 AND 9, even when multiplied together. Take that, random numbers!
*Victor: No! No strike! Comment!
*Anon: Say it isn't so! If you are who I think you are, Shafi, ask me at school. Not now. I don't want to embarrass you on my blog. Let's just say Monty Python is the greatest comedy show ever created.

Well, I'd best finish up. I must depart. Blogging tomorrow will be delayed due to hapkido-related difficulties. Comment, don't boycott AB: A Blog. ABC: A Blog, Comments. See, it works!

Must Monday come?,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just Relaxing

This is what I meant by a relaxing day. Just watching TV on the lounge, with my laptop and DS next to me, occasionally getting up for breakfast. If more days were like this, life would be a whole lot awesomer. But, anyway. To my sweet, sweet Saturday. And yes, it's a late post, and yes, it was entirely my fault. From now on, I start blogging around 4 or 5. This way I get to blog before I go to sleep.

I woke up around 8, and went on my laptop, of course. I started blogging for Friday (like right now I'm blogging for Saturday), and when EJ and Mum left for football around 10:30 (it was a slow few hours), after my Dad did before I got up, I studied for Ag, as well as TV, laptop and DS. I did that basically up until 5, when my brother left for Shay's place, and I put on 3rd Rock from the Sun. Then, for the next 5 hours or so, I went on my laptop, just basically surfing the net and talking to Ebony and Victor on MSN. I also played DS, and watched TV. It was a repetitive, fun day.

And because I just summed up 15 hours in something just over 100 words, it's time for random lists. Hooray!

Books, movies and TV shows that I want to get to soon:
*'The Three Musketeers' by Alexandre Dumas: I have it, it's in my bookcase, I just have to get around to reading it. I'll probably get to it after the half-yearlies. I haven't had much time to read at all since the half-yearlies began.
*'Flatland' by Edwin Abbott: It's been mentioned so many times in Brian Greene books and Circle Versus Square (it's a webcomic) that I have to read it.
*'Seven Pounds' with Will Smith: It looks like a great movie, and I really want to watch it. I will rent it as soon as I have the chance or remember to.
*'Monty Python's Flying Circus': I've seen two episodes of it, a skit or two on Youtube and two movies. But there's still a whole world of Monty Python to explore. I want to watch it as soon as I can. I want the DVD.

My best hands in 13, with links to their respective posts and in order:
*3 to King, a 6 and a 2: I had that in the last week of school, last year. It was the 3 of spades as well. It was awesome (I think I won).
*Four 2s, 6 to King and a Queen: I definitely won that one. I owned that hand.
*Double 3, double 8, double Jack, triple 5, triple 7, 10: But this one I owned better. I played all cards in one go. Double 3, everybody passed. I was hoping someone would play a double 2, so I could double bomb it. But it was my free, so I double bombed. Then I finished on a 10. All my cards, gone in one go. Best hand ever.

To comments now, 2 from the usual 2 people. Hooray for you two!
*Victor: Only people who have braces are my 'shiny metal brothers,' except of course, girls, who would be my 'shiny metal sisters.' If someone had braces, they are my 'rusty metal brothers/sisters.' (I didn't make that up.) I think Shafi said Firstings first, but I'm not sure.
*Ebony: Don't stop talking, I enjoy your humour (and I'm sure it stops the voices). Kolodziej just fails. Let's just hope he doesn't fail us. And don't stop commenting, please. Nobody likes no commenting. It's a rule, we all comment on each other's blogs. And 42 is a multiple of 3. Mathematically, it's 14 times better.

Well, I'll sum up now. I should really stop posting so late. Again, I will really try not to do it anymore. I will try.

Another day, another late post,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Weirdness

Because today was weird. Also, I couldn't think of any better title. My brain switches off at 3 on Friday. Anyway. To my day, which surprisingly involved no pain from the braces. And I know it's a late post; it's only partially my fault. OK, almost all my fault. Shut up.

I got to school around 8:30, and showed everybody my braces (calling Ian, Kevin, Andy and Mango my 'shiny metal brothers.'). Then, when the bell went, I went to my first Period, which was Geo. That was basically doing some work on basic Geo stuff, like aspect and topographic maps. Just some basic stuff. Then, it was Science, which was really bludgy. We just talked about an experiment that the class did yesterday, when I wasn't here. So I just sat and listened. Then, it was double Recess, because Assembly was cancelled, due to rain. So Andy, Kevin, John, Eric and I played 13 for over an hour. It was awesome. I love 13.

Period 3 was Ag, and because about half the class was at cross-country finals or donating blood (one I'm not allowed to do as I'm too young, the other I wouldn't possibly be able to do), we just talked about electives in Years 11 and 12. According to Schippers, Ag is a good way of improving our UAI. We'll have to see. I also did some work on my book, and I'm fleshing out the plot a bit. It's coming along well. Next was PE theory, but since Wilson was at cross-country, we just sat undercover, and I played 13 with Tan, Hewie, Alan and Ebony. That was fun, as I love 13 (wow, déjà vu.). After that was Lunch, which was very eventful. The first half was spent playing 13, as usual. So that's over 2 hours today of 13. I also played the best hand I've ever had (I'm counting my four 2s). First I played 2 3s, and nobody beat it for some reason (probably to keep bombs). Then, I played a double bomb, as I was hoping somebody would play two 2s. Then, I finished with a 10, making it the first time I can remember in which somebody played all their cards in one go. Then, the second, strange part began. For some reason, some Year 9s through a school shirt and a bag full of clothes at me (why, I have no idea). They both missed. But, when I went to pick up the shirt, and throw it back, it brushed Andy's noodles, and they went everywhere. So I had to clean it up, while he went to get more noodles. The mood was killed after that, so I went group-hopping. I started at May Lyn, Justin and Patrick, and I ended up at Victor, Ebony and Ian, as well as Ebony's whole 'before group.'

Period 5 was Maths, which was just doing rote work. Not too simple, not too hard. After that was Drama, which was a very ridiculous period. We were supposed to (among other things) walk around the room with our eyes closed, trying not to bump into anything. When the class tried to explain to Kolodziej that it was retarded and basically impossible, he only said 'Use your spatial awareness!' From what he makes it out like, it seems like the Force. When the bell went, we went home, and around 6 (yes, I'm skipping a lot), I went to Shay's place.

At Shay's, for dinner, I had Thai food (mmm, Thai food...), and I also played on their Wii (I can bowl backwards. Cool!). I played some DS, as well as went a bit on my laptop. I also talked with Shay and Lachlan (as you do when you're over their house), and watched Shay play Sims. My brother got to their place around 10, and we left around half an hour later. And now I'm blogging, Saturday morning around 11.

To comments now, 5 from 2 people. I thought I was only going to get the first 3. Thanks for commenting, Victor!
*Ebony: Yes, you have nothing to say. And I have nothing to reply to.
*Ebony: Second, don't forget second!
*Ebony: Thank you. I think. And 42 is better than 3 (though 3 is pretty good).
*Victor: OK, OK, it is. I know.
*Victor: I had a check; it was actually Shafi. Proof. You may not say firstings. Only Shafi.

Well, that was my Friday. Sorry about the very late post, I'll try not to do it again. And please comment, everyone. I don't expect many, of course, but I haven't not got a comment since the 26th of March. Isn't that awesome?

This post was way too late,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just Call Me Jaws

For people that didn't get that, there was a James Bond movie called 'The Spy Who Loved Me' in the 703, and one of the villains was a guy called Jaws. Here's a picture. As you can see, he has metal in his mouth. This is a very roundabout way of saying I got braces today. OK? Yes, I got braces. All shall be explained.

I woke up around 7:30, and went to watch TV, and go on my laptop. I had breakfast at 8, and after that, I went and played DS. I didn't go to school. Hooray! Then, after playing DS, going on my laptop, and watching TV, we left for the orthodontist around 10:45.

The appointment was at 11, and it transpired that I was getting braces, and not expanders (I'm getting them later). When we got in, they first told me all the ins and outs of brushing my teeth, which was surprisingly long, and also meant that brushing my teeth is no longer a 2 minute encounter. No, I now brush my teeth for something like 10 minutes, 3 times a day. What fun! Then, the official procedure began. They first took some of the spacers out, and put in these metal rings, which feel really weird when I put my tongue against them. It feels like my tooth has mutated out, and has grown a twisted outcropping. That took another 10 minutes. and then I sat around for 5 minutes waiting for them to prepare for the actual brace-fitting. When they came out, I laid down, and they put those tinted goggles you sometimes get at the dentist over my eyes. They then put plastic things in my mouth to hold it open, so they could actually fit the braces. One part was digging into my gums, and that hurt. So I had to take my mind off it. While they talked and put the braces on (I didn't even feel that part, only the plastic-widener-thing), I stared up at a fluorescent light, and tried to make patterns out of the diamond pattern that covered the actual light. I first made the alphabet, then I did all of the digits. When I finished that, I started singing Tom Lehrer songs in my head, paying careful attention to the lyrics. I thought 'Poisoning Pigeons in the Park,' then I started on 'Lobachevsky.' I got halfway through that when they said they finished. They then put the wire in; and that was it. I have to go in every few weeks, of course, but finished for today. I'll show everybody at school, rest assured.

Then, after all that (the whole thing taking about an hour), my Mum went to go get lunch, and she went to Spotlight to get some stuff. I played DS while she did. When we got home, I had my first food with braces (which was weird as I had to get past the 'how-the-hell-do-I-eat-with-these-on' barrier), which was two English muffins with ham and cheese, two donuts and a Milo. From then, I just went on my laptop, TV and DS, until 5:30-ish, when we all went with Jo to Laser Zone.

My brother's footy team had Laser Tag, so I went, and so did Shay. The first time, we paired up, and I got 8th out of 13. It was mainly because I didn't shoot many people, not that I got shot too many times myself. That went for around 30 minutes, and then we had a break. After the 10 minute break, we went for another round. Again, I got 8th, but my tag ratio (I shoot to shoot me) was great, 232%. That means I shot over twice as many people as I got shot. Sweet. When that was finished, we had dinner, which for me was pizza and Solo. I love pizza and Solo. My brother, though, doesn't like cheese, and ended up vomiting. After all that, I got home around 8:30, when I had a smoothie, and then started blogging. I also attempted to floss, which was incredibly difficult. I will soon get the hang of it. Hopefully. Anyway, here I am, blogging so I can sleep.

Comments now; 9 from 4 people. 3 are the same, one person changed. And it wasn't intentional spam this time.
*Shafi: OK, it's official: noone else may say firstings. It is only Shafi. That is all.
*Shafi: Scroll up, all is explained.
*Rosa: Everyone has differing opinions. I thought the movie was retarded. But there you go.
*Victor: OK; yard sales are awesome. So is Kyle and Jackie O. I hope I did well on the English exam, it took me a few run-throughs as well. Hopefully the School Certificate is clearer. My paragraphs are bearable. And I'm not fearing any oil.
*Ebony: Relax, relax. Not being mentioned is not the end of the world. He also wrote more than you, so a shorter reply.
*Ebony: I'm sure my Dad thinks you're cool as well. He's good like that.
*Victor: I fully agree with you on all counts bar my unawareness. I just didn't want to mention the yard sale that much.
*Ebony: My comment section is not a live chat, dammit! Argue on your own time and place. I am backing Victor here. End story.
*Victor: OK, they're awesome, we get it.

Well, that was my today. Tomorrow is back to school, and hopefully my braces don't hurt. We'll just have to see. Only this time, no gum to bear it. But, if they do hurt, then it'll probably only be for a while. Let's see, shall we?

A Braceswearer I now am,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Half Yearlies '09: English

All I can say is thank god it was Wednesday (well, not all I can say. Otherwise this post would end here. But you know what I mean.). I'll explain all, right now.

I slept in 15 minutes, waking up to the Kyle and Jackie O show. I then realised the show only comes on after I am supposed to wake up, and promptly got straight up. On the way to school, it poured with rain, which is pretty good for a Wednesday. I was dropped off, and spent the time talking and doing some verbal studying for the exam (read: talked about it.). Role Call was quick, and then we all went down to the hall. Periods 1 and 2 were the English exam, which was 80 minutes of work and 10 minutes of reading, not in that order. I finished the exam with about 2 minutes left, and my short story was 3 and a half pages long (I'm starting to write more, and I haven't even started my book yet. Good signs.). I think I did OK, as long as my explanation was good. Everyone either though the guy was reminiscing or daydreaming (except Eric, who though it was all real). We'll see once it's marked. This exam could go either way, so I hope it went good for me. Recess was 13, as it always is.

Period 3 (paragraphs OK?) was Science, which was doing work on electromagnetism. I've already read ahead in my textbook/read about this type of science, so I knew what the deal was. But it was a nice period off. Not exactly a bludge, but close enough. When the bell went, I went to Lunch (duh), and then I had more 13, with such people as John, Kevin, Andy, Eric, Ian, Victor, and some Year 9 guy called Calvin who follows us around on Wednesdays. Why is a good question. And because of all the rain, School Sport was cancelled, so we went into the hall and watched a movie; sort of. I say sort of because the movie was some crap thing called 'Footy Legends,' which was something on rugby with bad acting, so we talked, played with chairs somehow, and played 13 in the dark. I also listened to music on my iPod. I don't recommend it (I may be a bit biased here). At 2:30, we finally left, after the movie ended early with some girl putting her hands over an old man's eyes (I'd say you'd have to watch it to understand it, but I watched it and I don't really.). On the bus ride home, I watched Abridged on my iPod, and when I got home I played DS for a while, as well as looking on yesterday's post. Too many comments; I'll get to that. Then, around 6:50, we left for hapkido.

Today's session was a really tiring one, and involved several instances of running, sprinting, push-ups, you get the picture. We had Sir Jimmy, so it was a good kind of strenuous exercise (if that were possible. Which, it apparently is.) In this lesson, I learnt three things: One, I need to learn back rolls, if I ever want to grade. Two, where some pressure points are on the body, and how to or not to do them. Three, how to do signatures. We didn't get to do signatures, so Shay and I will be doing them possibly next lesson. We'll have to see. When I got home, I had an ice-cream, then posted as fast as I could, which is what I'm doing.

Comments now, 16 from 4 people. I'm not kidding. I'm going to have to lump a lot together.
*Victor (x9): You don't get more lines of replies unless you actually say something, not just random and pointless crap (goodness me, it's RPC.). Just for that, only a few lines of reply for you. Ha.
*Ebony: Skills or lack thereof, I believe the latter. And if you don't like those paragraphs, then you are way too uptight. Stop bagging the paragraphs. And damn you and your easy Drama exam! And: caterpillar (though I should not lecture on spelling.). Redskins FTW, Pope comment getting old quickly. These we can agree on. And longer reply than Victor, because you said something.
*Dad: Your cool parenting beats my uncool me-ness any day, hands down.
*Shafi: Thanks for reading my posts, I like to think my blog is entertaining. A new chapter every day! Hmm, that sounds pretty good...
*Victor: Hi Victor!
*Shafi (x3): Thank you, and Victor spams more. It's true.

I now must finish up, for blogging today has gone overtime. Thanks for the comments, no thanks for the spamming. Ah well, take some, leave some. Reminds me of that 22 comment post. Interesting thing was, that post was short. The comments just fed off each other. Hmm. Like today. That's how my comment section works. Oh, and tomorrow I have an orthodontist's appointment. I might be getting braces, I might be getting an expander. I do have a day off though. Awesome!

5 down, 3 to go,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Post the Hundredth

Yes, I'm breaking the rule I set out yesterday (the title should be Half-Yearlies '09: Drama and Commerce). But... it's the hundredth post! Party party party! As I did with the 50th post, I'll talk about my day (and it was a long one), then I'll do the 100th post celebrations, and then I'll add comment replies in. So expect a majorly long post; like at least 1000 words, and maybe over 1500. We'll see.

Before school, I spent my time cramming for Drama, which turned out to be fairly necessary. Period 1 was English, which was more cramming for Drama, as usual. I also did some Commerce studying with Andrew and Barahona, and that helped out too. Next was Maths, which was some more studying, one of those crosswords with no clues, and Hangman with Mango, Chris and Justin. Ultimate word: fig. just three letters, all of them fairly rare. Works like a charm. I'd say more, but I love Hangman and I don't want to give up my trade secrets. So I won't. Recess was talking, as well as doing a minor amount of studying (no pun intended). Then, when the bell went, it was down to the hall, to do the hardest exams this year bar Ag: Drama and Commerce. (These paragraphs good enough for you, Ebony?)

First came Drama, which was probably the hardest one today. We did work on 'Laban's Theory of Movement,' as well as a few other things and an extended response on our last Drama performance (link). Most of the exam was in 'go' mode, with the last 15 minutes being 'zoom.' And 'zoom' was required, as it was a long exam; I missed out on a few questions (but they were 1 mark questions, so it doesn't really matter. Like History yearly last year, but not a whole section. That was a nightmare.). When we finished that, and the bell rang, all the IPT people (damn you, Ebony, Cameron, Ian... you get the picture!) left for their lesson, and I was left to do the Commerce exam (well not left, there were over 100 people still in the hall. But you know what I mean.). That was, actually, a very straight-forward exam, which I probably should have seen coming; it was like that last year as well. I did about half in 'ready', and half in 'go,' and I finished with something like 10 minutes to go. That's the first exam where I had a significant amount of time left. I spent the remaining time going over my answers and playing around on my calculator. I love calculator boredom. Then, finally, thankfully, it was time for Lunch.

Lunch was playing 13 with John, Andy, Kevin and Eric. I played OK, and my luck wasn't nearly as horrific as it was yesterday. But it still wasn't, say, John-good (who got rid of 9 cards in 1 go in a game today). I'm getting there though. When I came back after paying some school fees, everyone was leaving for the table, apparently leaving because of (and, no matter how much I wish I was making this up, I'm not kidding) a caterpillar. A small caterpillar, which was on a step doing nothing. It was very retarded. For the rest of lunch, we talked about star signs (I don't know how we got into that), and Eric and Victor started calling me 'water-goat,' because I am a Capricorn, and that is what Capricorns are. Oy vey. Period 5 and 6 were prac PE, which was Oztag. I would like to say I sucked, but I wasn't too bad, though AFL was still trying to get its way in (old habits die hard). Only a few things clearly stick out: Ebony giving Mr Wilson a Redskin, me taking the Redskin off Mr Wilson, and then giving it to Ebony because I can't eat them anymore. Everything works out well. Another was me making a miracle try (call the Pope, don't say it Ebony), running past Jordan and Rhys, only just dodging both, and then putting the ball down on the ground as I saw other people do. That, however, was the limit of my rugby 'skills,' with me at one point running backwards and passing forwards. Yeah. When the bell went, and after I got home, I studied, read my magazine (which finally came in), and went on my laptop. I talked on MSN to Victor and Ebony mostly, with one epic typing fail by me standing out. I meant to say 'hello, is this david,' but with my usual 'style,' it came out like this: 'hellp, os thjaos dabso.' Nothing more needs to be said, it was a royal typing spasm. And now, here I am, blogging.

Now to the celebration of posts past and future, to days upon weeks upon months of blogging time accumulated. In 99 posts, I have written 72,153 words, which comes to a total of over 40,000 in 49 posts. That's an average of around 800 words per day, which is pretty amazing. With me trying to write a book as well, there is going to be a lot of writing in my future. We've seen, over these past 7 weeks, school holidays and a trip to Canberra, the necessity of me needing braces (I'll be getting them on Thursday), hapkido, storms, AFL, spacers, comments, laughs, and blog blog blog. Here's looking forward to the next 100 (I'll now be celebrating every 100), which will hopefully bring comments, good news, and a lot of fun. To you, readers, I say thanks for all the reading, thanks for all the commenting, and thanks for all the laughs. Peace Out to you all!

To comments now, 4 from the same two people. You two are the awesomeness, that's all that needs to be said. Right on, EV (not you Eric, Ebony and Victor), or VE (not Victory in Europe Day... oh forget it.). How about I just say Ebony and Victor. Or Victor and Ebony. Whatever.
*Victor: Your rhyming is inspiring (that almost rhymed. Almost. Ah well.). And my mechanical pencil is awesome, stop bagging it.
*Victor: Your spelling is almost as bad as mine. Almost.
*Victor: Wow, that comment was more pointless than this one. I know it's second, I know it's third. Stop doing that.
*Ebony: Two minds, both of them: stop making my brain hurt. And I won't rant, I'm over that. And someone actually knows what I'm talking about: Hooray, call the Pope! (Why? It's a miracle!). And you don't mind me there? Awesome. Also... wait. Reading in class makes me a worse nerd than you? Wha? You make no sense. And goddamn, that was paragraphing; you're never satisfied.

OK, I'll sum up now. One hundred posts is a lot of work, and again, I'd like to thank everybody. Let's see how many comments my 100th post racks up (but no spamming, Victor.). My guess is two people, but we'll see.

May the next 100 be as awesome as the last 100,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Half-Yearlies '09: Geography and History

This is my new template for exams: Type of exam - Year: Subjects. The reason for this being that it is quicker to write and time is saved for writing and less for thinking up titles, as exam time is very 'rush-rush.' To my Monday, of which the exams, unfortunately began.

I was driven to school by my Mum, and when I got to the table it was straight to cramming. However, it is hard to cram for two exams at once, so I did my best, reading some of my Geography assessment and History book. When the bell went, I went straight to the hall (wait a minute... I didn't get my pencil back from Victor! Damn my forgetfulness!), and went to go sit down. The exams, as usual for Geo and History, were combined, with 2 periods devoted to both exams. I did my Geo multiple choice, some of the extended response, then skipped to History, did that multiple choice, some definitions, and then went and finished the Geo extended response while still in the 'go' period of exams (there are three stages, in my opinion, 'ready,' 'go,' and 'zoom.' Ready is when you're going through the exams and you're doing a bit of a medium pace, in the start. Go is when you're writing quickly and sensibly, which occurs in the middle. It is the most productive. Zoom is when you realise you have ten minutes to go and you start to write as fast as you can, remembering, or not, at an alarming rate. But, I'm way off topic now.). I then went to the History, doing the extended response, when 'zoom' kicked in and I flew by the pages. All in all, I think I did pretty good in Geo, and fairly well in History. My opinion, anyway.

Recess was unwinding with a few games of 13, in which my luck was disastrous, being haunted by the three of clubs. On the deal when the bell went, I had four aces in my hand. Bloody hell. Period 3 was Commerce, which was studying for tomorrow and making notes a-plenty; I think that studying off the sheet given is the right way to go. I'm not too confident, but I think Commerce will be bearable. Period 4 was Science, which was doing more experimentation on electricity. More work is being done... next period (either Wednesday or Thursday. Wait, scratch Thursday. I'm getting braces on. Oy vey.). Lunch was playing some games of 13 (continuing my horrific luck), as well as talking to Victor and Ebony. I am growing gradually aware of my third-wheel status, and so if one of them want me to leave (which is understandable, we all need privacy), I will leave (this I vow, Ebony and Victor.). I was also a major retard at Lunch saying things that didn't make sense, or indeed using any higher brain functions. It was basically my brain going 'Exams are enough, just... just see if you can work by yourself for a bit.' I hate when my brain does that.

Period 5 was English, in which we had Jones, and was spent acting out (really just saying) the scene where Banquo dies. Pretty much of a bludge, a relief from the first 2 periods. Last was History. We had McAlpin instead of Johnson, and it was in the library annexe. We were supposed to be watching a DVD, but the TV only had a video player and the computer didn't work (yeah). So I spent the time working a bit on my book, as well as more 13, with Tan, Alan and Hewie. I didn't have the best luck, but it wasn't the worst luck either; it was fairly average. When the bell went, and after I got home, I studied for Drama (it is hopefully going to be easy, but I doubt it. Theory is really hard in Drama, as it's so prac-based. It's a bit like Woodwork in that respect; and I didn't do great in Woodwork.), and when I finished that, watched a tape of 'Rove' and played DS. I did that for a while, until around 6:45, I left for hapkido.

Hapkido today was supposed to be getting signatures, by Shaylee's insistence, but she forgot her book. So we didn't. Anyway. We had Sir Jimmy, who is a really good teacher, but who kicks our asses in class, almost literally. It was a hard training, but he straightened up a bit of my cross and turning kick. A lot of practice is needed, for me, but I have high hopes. When I got home around 8:45, I almost went straight on my laptop, and here I am, blogging as fast as my hands can type.

To comments, 2 from the 2 people who commented last time. Hooray for you two!
*Victor: I swear I didn't mean that, I didn't think the paragraph was that long. My bad. And you, I think, are cool (guess who isn't? Me!)
*Ebony: No, you didn't miss much important, but you know as well as I do that I talk about AFL a fair bit. Get used to it. And yes, I must go on about British comedy, it is what I do. It is awesome, end statement. Watch it. I was noticing how much I have started to mention you; it is freaking me out just a bit (read: a lot.). Why, is probably because you are a very unique person (it's a compliment. Sorta.). Did you just call yourself a bigger nerd than me? Shame on you! And, give in to the 'Second,' it is inevitable.

I'll finish up, I've been posting for way longer than I planned to. Tomorrow is Drama and Commerce, and I am in two minds about both of them. Rest assured that they will be heavily crammed for; as I must.

2 down, 6 to go,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Before the Torture

The torture of course being the half-yearlies. I would say something about 'freedom,' but freedom is holidays (exams are torture, holidays are freedom: new blogging tradition). But, to my Sunday.

I woke up around 7:15 (which is unusual because I like to sleep in on weekends), and went on my laptop. I surfed the net, and went on MSN. When everybody got up, I continued on my computer, and started talking to Ebony around 8. When Victor got on, we talked to him as well, and continued our three-way MSN convo until around 12:30. We talked about such things as: when Ebony first started liking Victor and vice versa, as well as the long story about me and Leeza (which always takes something like half an hour to tell. It is a long story.). Then Shay's family stopped by, and we talked a bit. After they left, I watched more TV/went on the computer, until for some reason I started playing my DS (I haven't done that for months). Then around 1, EJ, Dad and I watched the Carlton-Collingwood game. I won't get into how it played out, as I wasn't there, nor will I get into any specific plays, as none really stood out (though I will say Collingwood only got one goal in the first two quarters). Carlton ended up beating Collingwood by over 50 points, moving us up to 6th. And, if Geelong and St Kilda beat the Bulldogs and Brisbane (as they should), if Sydney beat Port (which considering Sydney are at home, is a good chance), and if we beat Adelaide (it is at AAMI, but Carlton is in good form at the moment, and the only decent-quality team Adelaide has beaten is Collingwood, and even that was only by 4 points. Maybe I'm biased, maybe I'm not.), then we move up to 3rd, which is really good. We won't make first or second, those spots seem to be reserved for the Saints and the Cats this year. But I think if we do well (and stop losing by less than a goal 3 out of 8 games), then we can make third. After the game, I watched TV, and played more DS. Dinner was tacos (mmm, tacos...), which took me a while to eat because of my spacers. Ah well. These things happen. And, after watching Merlin and Masterchef (both mainly because EJ and Mum were watching them. Masterchef made me hungry.), I started blogging, and syncing my iPod, and here I am.

Comments now, 2 from 2 people; the two I would probably consider the ones who most read my blog (I would say loyal, but that's the wrong word. Similar meaning, but not what I mean. I really hope that makes sense; I'm not hopeful though.).
*Ebony: No, 2/3 isn't bad, but you really need to watch British comedies. Anything with John Cleese or Rowan Atkinson in it (that covers the best ones; I've already gone through this.) and you should do fine. And good luck to you too (I probably need it more though.)!
*Victor: You do the best Warcraft III voices, full stop. We know it. And if the double meaning is the 'Hi Victor!' from this comment, then I get you; otherwise I have no idea what you're talking about. This could be another part of me (not voice, Ebony, who so far has over 20, but a part of me): Painfully Oblivious. I am tempted to call it Po, but then I will start seeming like Ebony, anthropomorphising (hooray for long words!) the strangest things, like backpacks and voices. How did I get to Ebony through Victor? Oh right; as usual.

Well, I need to sum up now. Expect a short-ish post tomorrow, maybe late, maybe really late. I don't even know if I'll be able to do hapkido with the studying and cramming and so on. It's going to be a juggle of everything. Why do things always seem to happen at once?

No, please, let the weekend stay,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Work, Work

If I had to say that, it would be like the peons in Warcraft III (and if you don't know how they sound, shame on you). But, yeah, it's just been work, work today [yesterday. Saturday. Standard drill.].

I woke up around 8-ish, and then ate breakfast (the pain of the spacers is wearing off). After a bit of watching TV, my Mum had to leave for my brother's footy, and I stayed home to get some stuff done. First I did Friday's post, which took a bit, and then I started cleaning my room, while listening to music (specifically, the song stuck in my head, which is 'Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)' by The Offspring'). My room, after something like 2.5 hours of cleaning, now looks fairly clean (my room is never completely clean, but I'm fine with that. I think that even my parents accept it now, though if Michael came by I'd be in some difficulty). I also did some Ag studying, which I think I need more than anything. When my Mum got home, it was more work, with a delivery of 2 bookcases and a TV stand, thus requiring us to start moving stuff like crazy. When my Dad got home, he helped as well, and we all worked until around 5:30, moving books, trophies, and everything else until the house didn't look like John McClane had had to collect cupboards from around the house to protect himself from gunfire (that was a Die Hard reference, for anyone who didn't understand that. Again, if you haven't seen Die Hard, shame on you.). When we finished: the table in front of our lounge had gone; the DVDs and games had been put into the TV case; all books were in shelves with room to spare; the printer was in my room and my room was organised; and several other changes. Then after dinner, I went on my laptop, where I was fir the rest of the night. I also didn't post, as I was watching TV. My fault.

Now, because I feel like it, it's time for a random list; Things I have to get to:
*Work on my book and put some of it on the computer: I'll still do most of the work in the book, but I still have to put it on the computer, just in case.
*Study: Mostly for Ag, History, Geography, English, Drama... OK, everything. Cramming will also be utilised, heavily. If it got me through Japanese, it can get me through anything.
*Finish watching the rest of the movie I watched last night: If I play it without my brother watching, I might have to use hapkido, and I'm not sure how proficient I am.
*Read 'The Three Musketeers': I've been meaning to get around to this for ages. I'll do it eventually (at the end! 'Fawlty Towers' quote, same old drill: shame on you.).

To comments now: 2 from 2 people.
*Shafi: Actually, I don't have a Wii, my friend Shay does. I probably should have made that clearer. And that bloody English assignment, it haunts me still. When that's finished, I'll have Ag left. Here we go...
*Victor: No, Ebony loves VeGeMite. Search your feelings, Ebony, you know it to be true (now tell me you've seen Star Wars, people!). And indeed you were, but still, Shafi beat you to comment. This shall never change. Never!

Well, I'd best wrap up; there's stuff to be done. Yes, I know, a short-ish post: it wasn't the most eventful day.

No half-yearlies please,

Friday, May 15, 2009


It doesn't need much more explanation than that. I'll get to all about the disco, my Friday and so on. And yes, it's a late post, I did tell everybody that it would be. But anyway. To my Friday.

I was dropped off at school by my Dad around 8:20, and then talked until the bell went. I also confused Ebony by incessantly quoting Abridged Shadi ('Jagshamesh' and so on.). First was Science, which was doing more work on parallel and series circuits. And Robson was back, which was good, because he's a cool teacher. Next was Computer Maths, which was doing stuff on Excel (they practically gave us the answers on the sheets they gave us), and me messing around on Geometer's Sketchpad, trying to make some sort of person on it (which is taking a while, but is coming along well). When that finished, it was Assembly, which was on the Pool Lawn and so wasn't the greatest. We tried to sing the school song, but since there was no good speakers, everybody was singing slightly out of sync. Then we had people talking about god knows what, and then Recess. At Recess I played 13 with John, Andy and Kevin. In that we established the two 'cursed cards,' which you don't want to get: the 2 and 3 of clubs. Don't ask why they're cursed, they just are. And I seemed to be stuck with at least one of them every time. Bloody hell.
Periods 3 and 4 were double Ag, which was going to go mouth the goats (see how old they are by counting their teeth). In that, I learnt a few things: I suck with goats (I couldn't catch one and was nearly tripped by one), and I cave too easily (the new name is 'Victor Gray.' Yeah, yeah, I caved completely to Ebony and Victor's pressure; I get it.). I talked to Ebony and Corinne mostly in the lesson. Lunch was more 13 (with me and Kevin owning), and an incredibly random, retarded and funny thing all in one. At one point, Toby threw a Vegemite packet at me (Why I don't know), so we decided we might have some fun. Around second half I sprinted past Ebony's table, and threw the packet at Victor. Also, I don't know why, but it was funny (to everybody I was playing 13 with anyway.). Yes, I'm weird. Tell me something I don't know.

Period 5 was English, which was doing revision work for the half-yearlies, which start on Monday. So weekends will be study-filled. I'm fairly confident, but I don't think anybody isn't at least slightly nervous. I sure am. Last was History, which was giving Johnson my Geo assessment (which she said was good, thank god), and Hewie and I testing each other on History from his study notes. I haven't actually made any, so I'm going to have to go through my books. But I'm fine with that. When the bell went, and after I'd got to the station, my Dad picked me up, so I could get dinner (incredibly early, I know. Disco, remember.). We went to McDonald's, and with my spacers on, I managed to eat 3 McStrips (I don't know what they're actually called, but they're the McDonald's version of Red Rooster's Chicken Strips), 4 nuggets, large chips, and a large strawberry thickshake (talking about that just made me hungry. Lol.). When we got home, we started rearranging some of the house, as for some reason we're getting new furniture (though, it does give me more room for my stuff). Then around 6:30, I left for Shay's place.

When I got there, I got pictures taken with the girls who were there (Shay, Chiara, Jessica), and then we were straight off again. When we arrived at the Whitlam Centre, we met up with Kyona, and then after saying goodbye to Jo, we went into the disco. For the first half an hour, before the music started, we sat and talked a bit, and played with balloons (it was that kind of boredom). When the music started, we got up and "danced" around a bit (I put that in apostrophes because it was more like moving left and right, and jumping up and down. Still better than my dancing.). We did that for about one and a half hours, and then things started to slow down a bit. So around 9:30, with an hour left, we sat around and talked again. There was a dancing competition around 10 (well, it was more like dance-and-get-a-CD; there was no winner), and I figured I have a nonzero chance of getting a CD, so I jumped around. I think the woman giving CDs out saw me, and gave me a CD out of pity. But I won it. When I went to sit down, I had a look at what songs were on it. The CD was 'Raisani' (have you heard of it? Neither have I), and it looked like something from the discount rack (I mean, there are just weird songs like "Afrocatalans by Danny Marqeuz & Ferry B." I mean, these are songs that are not so much forgotten as repressed.). When we were picked up around 10:30 by Jo, we had a listen to the songs: they all sound exactly the same. We were going from track to track and I didn't know when we had changed songs unless I looked at the display on the dashboard. When we got to Shay's place, after dropping Jess, Chiara, Kyona and Shay off, I went on the Wii, where I got 'Pro' in Wii Sports in bowling. Sweet. I got back home around midnight, and here I am, about 12 hours later, blogging on Saturday morning.

To comments, again, one from one person. But a different person. Hmm.
*Ebony: Oy vey; I'm doing it whatever way around I want. If that's in alphabetical order (Alphabetical. Alpha-beta. αβ. AB! You see, I am the awesomest.), or not, then who cares? And I suppose you can justify it, that's true.

Well, I'd better finish up, I have to really study now. Not really looking forward to Monday, I'll say that.

Hopefully Ebony and Victor can come to the disco next time,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spacers Hurt

If you don't know what spacers are, I refer you to exhibit A: yesterday's post. And, goddamn, did they hurt in the morning. Seriously, aching pain. I'll get to all of this right now.

Before school, I took some Febridol, and for breakfast, because I could not eat Special K without really hurting my teeth, a banana, which took 15 minutes to eat. Goddamn. At school, I started chewing my gum, which was really painful. Every chew was agony. But, the orthodontist told me to, so I did. Victor wasn't here, but for some reason his case was. Period 1 was Geo, which was doing more revision work on those graphs with rainfall and temperature on the one thing. I also asked Johnson if I could chew my gum in class, which I could. I learnt that when trying to deal with pain, Tan Jun breathing (from hapkido) helps a fair bit. It helps me focus past the pain. I didn't do it in class, obviously, but I did do it beforehand. In class, however, there was pain. A lot of it. More than once, I hit the table with my hand, and for the whole thing pretty much, my hand was in a closed fist. Next was Science, in which we had a sub (who I think may have been a Uni student, or at least she'd not long left Uni.). We did some work, and the pain was starting to reside; the chewing helps. However, by this time I've been chewing the same bit of gum for something like 2 hours, so it was basically rubber. But, it helped a lot. Recess was 13, which was also me trying to eat Recess with just my front teeth. It worked, but the only problem was when I tried to eat one of John's macadamias with my front teeth, I failed. Miserably. I love macadamias. Ah well.

Period 3 was Ag, which was a bludge, watching videos on goats, as well as trying to think of stuff for my book (I have now caved to pressure, and the new name is Viktor Gray. No, I'm not changing it, unless I think of something better.). That was an hour, and then it was time for PE, also an hour. Remember those Redskins from Monday? I didn't get them today, but even if I did get them, I couldn't eat them, because of my spacers. So yeah. The worst possible timing. If I had've got them, I probably would have just given them to people. I couldn't eat them myself. That period was talking about mental illnesses, with one part coming up with mental illnesses (one response was 'obesity,' from Tiana, of course. I mean, she explained it sorta understandably, but in the end you're left with the fact that obesity is not a mental illness. At all.), and another part filling sheets in about a selected mental illness outside. That was also attempting to fight the wind for my book and sheets.

Lunch was 13, with John, Kevin, Andy, Eric, Ian, Shafi and me. The way of getting in was very haphazard, but it was still fun. I also invite you to ask yourself: how do I lose to Shafi with an 8 to Ace in my hand. That's a seven card straight. How do I lose? To Shafi, of all people (of which it took five minutes to explain what a double was, and the same person who asked if he could beat a three card straight with a triple. Or a two. Or a two-card straight. He sorta got the hang of it, but the strategy leaves something to be desired.). Ah well. That's my luck for you. Period 5 was Maths, which was doing some work on ratios, as well as balancing rulers on pencils and pushing them off with our hands without touching them, by slamming them down and so forcing the air down (it was a very slow period.). Mango started it. Then it was Drama, which was talking about a worksheet in our groups. It didn't really make sense, and Kolodziej seemed a bit annoyed today. Must be one of those days, it certainly was for me.

When I got home (by catching the bus to the shop, then being driven the rest of the way), it took me half an hour to eat a bowl of Burger Rings (mmm, Burger Rings... Ow, spacers...). Then around 4:15, Jo picked me up, to go to Whitlam Centre to get our passes for the disco tomorrow. The people who came with me (or, better phrased, I went with them) were Jo (of course; someone had to be driving), Shay, Jessica, and Chiara, from the concert, pronounced Kee-ara. I am number 11, or sodium, on my pass. Chiara is fluorine, Shay is neon, and Jessica is magnesium. I wanted to be magnesium. Ah well (nerdy, remember.). I was dropped home at 5:30, where I finished my Geo assessment, finally, and then went on MSN. That is a load off my back, to say the least. I went on my computer until dinner, which was a quiche and salad (I couldn't eat some of my salad. Goddamn!). And after dinner, I went on my computer, and here I am, blogging.

To comments, which is one, from one person of course. It's also a short comment, so I'll try to reply to it in full.
*Victor: 'Ebony and Victor,' 'Victor and Ebony,' the fact is I've started to refer to you as a couple. I don't care which way around it goes. Victor will say Ebony first, Ebony will say Victor first, so I will do the tiebreaker and say it's whatever I feel like. I love to rant.'

That was my Thursday, my painful and eventful Thursday. Tomorrow will be even more eventful, as well as awesome (disco disco disco!). It's a shame Ebony and Victor (see which way round it went? Who cares?) can't go. Ah well. It also goes from 7 to 10:30, so expect a late post. It might be really late, it might be the next day. The point is that it won't be the usual time (9-ish.). Ah well. I'll probably do it in the morning on Saturday, but we'll see.

Tomorrow will be the awesomest day in ages,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesdays For The Win

I love Wednesdays; they're the best school days of the week (barring Fridays, of course.). There's not much schoolwork actually on, you can play more cards at Recess, and so on and so forth. And today was an especially good day, even with my seemingly constant barrage of retardedness (Toiche. See? Tocuhe. Tocuhe. Touche. Hooray, finally!).

On the train ride to school, I listened to some songs from 2 years back on my iPod, because I realised I haven't listened to them in ages. I also got 'Happy Ending' by Mika stuck in my head (I can sing the entire chorus now, though I can guess most people don't want me to.). At school, I talked to Ebony and Victor, and then Eric came over. Ebony then told me that we only had Periods 1 and 2, because of NAPLAN. I didn't know it; didn't even suspect it. That's my brain for you. Role Call was dropping off some books, and reading a bit of 'The Elegant Universe,' because I also haven't read that in a while. Then it was Science, with Mahfouz instead of Robson (I know, I know.). That was doing some worksheets, but all in all it was a pretty bludgy period. 40 minutes of work, followed by 40 minutes of reading. Sweet. Then it was Recess, which was 13 (how do I lose with a 2 in my hand?) with John, Andy, Kevin and Eric, as well as talking on and off with Victor and Ebony, who now seem to be a couple in everything but name (yes, I said it.). I have become the hanger-on to their couple, the guy who hangs around with them. It's hard to explain. There were also 16 people at our table today (yes, I counted. Twice.). It was cool.

Period 2 was Geo, which was finishing Geo worksheets from yesterday, and doing a bit on my book and mucking around with my calculator, like making AB = 42, and trying to work out what 'sinh' means. I am easily amused. Lunch was a pretty random thing, as it was first 13, then Speed with Andy (losing by 2 cards), and then finally going over to talk to Ebony's table, to talk to Victor and Ebony, Rhoda, and Joannie (did I spell that right. Also notice how I put Victor and Ebony together there. That was intentional.). Then later, Kevin came over, then Rutherford and Patrick and Noha and several other people. I lost track. What we talked about was basically nothing, and at the end we all started touching (I just typed 'tocuhing.' Oy vey.) Victor's hair, for some bizarre reason. Why is a good question. Then it was School Sport, which was moving wood from outside the woodwork rooms to inside them, and then walking the Cross Country course, but in reverse this time. On the way, I talked to Victor and Kevin about my book. I'm not sure if they were interested, but it was good to just talk about it, bounce ideas off people, and work out where I could encounter some problems (example: how does Damarius control 'The Fierce Ones' in Book 2? I know that will not make sense to many people. It made sense to me.). Then, when we finally got back near the building part of the school, Victor ran to the Dance rooms (I couldn't catch up. Of course.), with me attempting to follow close behind. There, we talked to Ebony about nothing, as usual, then when the bell went, I took a detour to the library, to drop books off. Yes, I dropped them off this morning, I know that now. But it had slipped my mind then. Then for a while I talked to Victor and Ebony (it's become a regular thing now), until Victor was picked up, and then while walking to the station I talked to Ebony about such random topics as the voices in our heads (mine quotes chemical symbols, she's actually named hers now), where our names came from, and my past relationship. I don't know how that last one came into it, but anyway. Skip to me getting home, and it's basically straight to the orthdontist.

At the orthodontist, I had to get spacers in, which are small rubber rings that fit between your teeth to move them. It's easier to show than to explain. It took all of a minute, and I got 20 minutes of reading it. So that was pretty OK (I now have to chew gum twice a day for a while. I won't ask why, but the orthodontist told me so. So I will.). When I got home, I did a bit on my assessment (so that's slightly less than a page tomorrow.), and then after dinner (and trying to eat with the spacers in for the first time), it was time for hapkido.

In hapkido today, we had Master Jimmy, who works us pretty hard, but is fair when he does training and such (unlike Madam Tina, who just kicks everybody's ass.). He's a bit unorthodox, but it's more so to concentrate on skills and stretching. Today I learnt that: I need more work on my kicks; my catrolls are good but are done in a bit of a strange style; and I am more flexible than I was but still not that flexible. Ah well. Practice makes perfect. Then when I got home, I went into my blog, and have been posting non-stop for over half an hour so far. I love to blog.

To comments now, 3 from 2 people. Let's get to it.
*Ebony: I seriously only mentioned two? Goddamn. I forgot to do it, but not what it was. It was that Hancock called Andrew gay (I think. I only heard a bit.). My bloody memory. And I am, admittedly, getting used to 'Victor Gray' (though I still think there's a better name out there.). And, yes, I know, I missed Shane's. I get it. I sorta miss AC as well, I hope they come back.
*Rosa: A lot of cameras, yeah, I can't wait to see them on Youtube. I hope he lets us organise as well.
*Ebony: OK; Yes, you were first, third, and longest. Perhaps awesomest.

OK, I really have to finish up now. Thursday will be full of work, and Friday will be relaxing, what with the disco and all. I can't wait. Maybe I'll get more of my book done tomorrow; I doubt it though. Ah well.

A long post for a long day (that wasn't even intentional),

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too Long a Day

It was a long day today, full of randomness, work, no work, luckiness, unluckiness.... you get the picture. Prepare for a post of epic proportions, including one list.

Before school, I talked to Victor and Ebony about random topics. As usual. Period 1 was Ag, which went for an hour (as did Periods 2, 3 and 4. Blame NAPLAN.). We did procedures on foot paring in our book, and I did a bit of work on my book (I'm trying to get some characters going. I'm finding a bit hard to focus, what with half-yearlies coming up, and the bloody Geo assessment, and so on.). Then came Geo, which was just working on some skills for mapping, like topographic mapping and the positions of continents. Simple stuff, really. Recess was 13, with John, Andy, Eric and Kevin.

Period 3 was Maths, which was doing more work on factorisation and expansion and so on. Just revision. That seems to be the theme of schoolwork today; revision. Pretty NTR stuff, really. Next was Science, which was even more revision, as well as work on Ohm's Law. Robson had lost his voice, but he was pretty loud for someone who had. It comes and goes, I think. Lunch was 13 with (get this): John, Andy, Eric, Kevin, Ebony, Victor and me. We played a 'one in, one out' rule (Ebony's idea), which worked pretty well. I didn't get out the whole game. I also got the best hand in my entire life, no exaggeration. I got four 2s, 6 to King, and an extra Queen. The game went something like this: John plays three 3s, I play three 2s. I play 6 to King, my free. I play my Queen, then finish on my two. Best hand ever, hands down (no pun intended).

Then when the bell went for Period 5, the universe decided to balance out my luck, of course. I was sitting on the Science staircase, and when the bell went, I started to Room 10. While going up the stairs, I thought to myself: 'Hang on. Where am I going?' So I went all the way back to Room 30, which was all of 10 steps from where I was originally. But it didn't stop there. When I got there, Miss Fox-Coleman said we were actually at Room 11. Which is right next to the room I was originally going to. Oy vey. This is what I get. Commerce was doing more work on the capital punishment Powerpoint in-class project (Commerce teachers seem to love Powerpoints for in-class projects. or maybe it's just Kearney). That period was 35 minutes. The last 30 minutes was English, which was just people not thinking. Three things that stand out: Tiana's putting her hand up to answer a question. When Hancock called on her, she straightened up, opened her mouth; and said nothing. She'd completely forgotten what she was about to say (at least I don't do that in front of the class). The second thing was Hancock making fun of Ben (as he does, but it's not malicious). Barahona is sitting next to him. Hancock: 'I can see outside through your ears.' Barahona: 'Really?' These are our English lessons: full of randomness and unintentional comedy. When the bell went, and after I got home, I went into my Geo assessment (I've now one page left, and that's Question 3. It seems fairly easy. But still a lot of work.). Once I'd done a bit, I talked on MSN, and ended up making my own 'Dinosaur Comics' comic using a website (basically, in Dinosaur Comics, everything is the same except the text. It has to be read to be understood.) that randomises the strips. Here's my own 'Dinosaur Remix,' as they call it. I just shortened it, and made a new one. It's a lot funnier, in my opinion (but, then again, I'm weird). And here I am, blogging, as well as trying to think of a last name that suits a character I'm thinking of.

And, here for the first time in a while, is a random list. Applause please. Today's topic: things about myself that annoy me:
*I can't type 'touche' without misspelling it at least once: I have no idea why. I just can't. I usually just write: Tocuhe. I just tried typing it quickly 5 times in succession, and 4 times I wrote 'Tocuhe.' (The other one was 'ocuhe.' *sigh*)
*I can almost never do the Tetris theme and the Mario theme in succession: Why? It's a very good question. But for weeks, if I remembered one, I forgot the other one. I only just got it today (I'll see if I can remember it in the morning.).
*My very bad memory: Example: I was going to put something else here. But I forgot what it was. So I did this. Yes, I know. I am incredibly weird. But you can't spell abnormal without AB!

Comments: 2 from 2 people. If Rosa hadn't commented, I would have done a very long rant. But she did, so I didn't.
*Shafi: 'Firstings?' What? From now on everybody, if you want to say you are first, actually have something else to say. Like Ebony. She is never going to let up about this, but: she is awesome that way (Oh god, what have I done?).
*Rosa: I did? Oh crap, I did! How did I miss that? Bugger. And I'm actually looking forward to Drama performance day as well, as I love Drama. It's fun. My bet is that the one with Jayson, Oscar, and presumably Shane as well will be the funniest. By a mile.

I'll finish up now. Wednesday will be a long post, and probably late, because I'm going to the orthodontist to get an extender or widener or something along those lines (it's metal, it goes on my teeth, and it looks weird) almost as soon as I get home, and then it'll be pretty much time for hapkido. Oh boy. And Wednesday week is my hundredth post (wow, that was quick), and I can't wait. (Oh, where has AC gone? They left one day and never came back. If you still read my blog, you might as well just say who you are. Or at least comment.)

I can't wait for Friday already,

Monday, May 11, 2009

That's Monday For You

It was a crazy, crazy day. Bloody Mondays. All this shall be explained.

I was dropped off at school by my Dad around 8:20, and for the before school random conversation, we talked about 'Scissors-Paper-Rock-Lizard-Spock,' as well as who Spock is (Eric didn't know), and other such random topics. More people need to see Monty Python. This I know. Period 1 was English, in which we got a sub, and was pretty much a bludge (we didn't even get in the classroom until 15 minutes in.). Next was Maths, which was doing some revision work on factorisation and such (and actually involved work. It was just the right kind: some thinking, but not much.). Recess was 13, with Eric's cards. This was slightly annoying (well, more than slightly), because they just excluded me (it wasn't malicious, let me get that clear. It was all in good fun.). I also kept mispronouncing words ('Sut up' springs to mind), which was also very annoying. But fun.

Period 3 was Drama, which was doing more of our characters. If I remember correctly, Rutherford (or Pickle, if you like) was an old man who fought in a war ('I fought and died for you!'), and disliked all technology and young people. Very funny. Emma did a rehash of the Bondi bimbo (also funny), and then I decided I would do my 'Viktor Ivanovich Stanislav' impersonation. Rest assured several jokes were made about me being apparently Communist. In fact, most questions were about that. But, apparently, my accent was pretty good (I didn't think it was that good, but there you go.). Next was Commerce, which was doing some work on capital punishment up at the computer labs. That was another bludgy period. Lunch was playing 13, again (and I'm surprised I played as much as I did).

The last two periods were PE (how do you like these paragraphs, Ebony?), which was another session of AFL. First we did some drills, and for one of them, you had 2 goes to try to get into one of the squares set out on the field through kicking or handballing, and if you got it in one, you got a number of Redskins depending on which square it got in. I was the only one in the class who got it in (pure luck, I aimed for one square and got the one next to it), and now Wilson owes me 3 Redskins. I collect them on Wednesday. Sweet. Then we played some actual games. I was in a team with Courtney, Andrew and Corinne, so we won both our games. Michelle was also in, and she did OK (better than me in any sport besides AFL). Ebony was also in our team, and I don't really want to get in to how well she did. If you want to fill people in in the comments, then go for it. For the last 10 minutes or so, we played a big game, with the whole class involved. I think that ended up in a draw. Then, when I got home, I got into my Geo assessment (I'm still to do half a page more on Q1 and 2, and a page on Q3). Then around quarter to 7, it was time to go to hapkido.

Today's hapkido class was a stand-out one, in that my uniform actually stayed fairly done up (and if you do hapkido, you know that's hard.). I mean, towards the end it was pretty loose, but all in all... Anyway. I found out the woman black belt's name (Tina, I think), and I've also taken a liking to multiple grabs. They're fun to do (the only downside was that the teacher we had didn't allow locks on white belts. Damn, they're fun, even if they hurt.). I also learnt that my kicks need a lot of work. So I'll have to do some practice on them. Near the end of hapkido, Shay told me that I'm apparently going to the disco with a friend of hers, Kyona, on a date. Now, she told me that tonight, and hasn't told Kyona yet. I'm not sure if she's taking the piss out of me. But, I can't wait for the disco.

Comments: 2 from 2 people. Let's get to it.
*Mango: Why bother? Because it's awesome. And I have seen some episodes of 'Some Mothers,' and it seems pretty good. Hmm.
*Ebony: Yes, you are awesome. There. I said it. And I love the idea as well, it is now my deciding game of choice (I hope people get that.). I love the song as well, it shall soon be on my iPod. And we did not name our fish, and can't distinguish between them anyway. Weekends do not suck. Maybe I should make a list of things I disagree with you about. It would include weekends, 42 and Stephenie Meyer. To name a few. Anyway.

I'll have to finish now; I'm posting as fast as I can. Tomorrow I'll probably do a lot of work on that Geo thing, and I'll hopefully get around to some of my book. Hopefully.

Tuesdays are greater than Mondays (but, what isn't),