Sunday, May 31, 2009

Meetings and Relaxings

Yes, I know 'relaxing' is not a noun. Whatever. Anyway, to my Sunday, which mostly involved chilling and basically not doing much at all.

I got up at 8:35 (yes, I'm gradually improving), and went to watch TV. I also went on my laptop, and started to blog for Saturday, though I didn't do much for a while. Over the next 7 hours, until 3, I watched TV, blogged more, played DS, went on MSN, and every now and then I was called upon to do some chores like washing or folding. But barring that, it was a pretty soothing while. But at 3, we all had to go to a footy meeting, so I decided to bring my New Scientist magazine and my DS. When I got there, I finished my mag (this issue had string theory in it. Hooray for string theory!), and then went out to watch my brother and some of his mates from footy do stuff like kick balls around, get balls stuck on roofs, kick balls at each other... well, you get the picture. After 15 minutes of watching the mayhem, I decided to just go inside and play DS. I played Pokemon Sapphire (yes, I play Pokemon. Also, I don't really care about the apostrophe above the e.), and tried to get Latias. I had real trouble doing it, and gave it up and started on Pearl. I'm trying to get a few Pokemon. (OK, paragraph. Happy?)

After a while there, I went outside, and played some DS there. Later, one of the kids there, Mitchell, got his DS, and I tried to help him out. He's gonna need some time though. When it got cold (and it got cold quickly), we went inside, and I did more work on Pearl. Then, around 6:30-ish, it was time for dinner. I had pizza and garlic bread. I love garlic bread. Hell, I love garlic in general. I'd never make it as a vampire. Anyway. After that, I played more DS, and then I was set upon by the assault of the small kids. I figured it was no use going all high and mighty and just decided to muck around with them. I mean, it gets boring being 'I don't do that, I'm too old. So there!' So I listened to their (mostly childish) jokes, and somehow ended up singing 'Lobachevsky' to 3 of them. No idea how that happened. We also did a round of 'Jingle Bombs' by Achmed the Dead Terrorist. He is hilarious. Anyway.

Later the parents kicked us all out of the meeting room, so the kids all played Bullrush in a hall while I played more DS. Around 7:30, we left Club Italia (which is where we were), and went home. At home, I played more DS, watched some TV, which specifically was Masterchef (mmm, Masterchef foods...), and I also went on my laptop a bit. I also had a Paddle Pop, and here I am, blogging so it doesn't look ridiculous if I post three times in a row late with little excuse.

More lists! I mean, they're easy to write, and a space filler. Also, I didn't get any comments. But I actually don't mind. I mean, my blog is just that, MY blog. Not commenters. Hmm. Maybe I should do a list on my blog. Reasons why my blog exists, in no particular order:
*Memory extension: This is one of the big ones. I have a really bad memory, but now with my blog I can go to any day from February the 10th 2009 and see exactly what I did. Most people I know don't blog about their days, they rant, but I haven't had much to rant about in a while. And there is no 'right' or 'wrong' in your own blog, it's your domain.
*Writing: I am trying to write a book, and this blog has really improved my writing style. I think clearer, remember better, and I write much better. I can write fiction (like in the English exam) for longer, and there is no real filler in the story. I really like how my blog turned out like that.
*So people can know me: Let's face it, to many people I am just that nerd over there. But I am much more than a nerd, and to me it's you who are over there (I'm also a bad comedian. Just one of my many talents.). This blog is also so people can see me, get to know me when they read it, and so I can get to know others. It really works.

Well, I'll finish up. I can't wait for tomorrow, it'll be 13 for a long day. I might get some of my book done... It'll be a great day. I love the Athletics Carnival, for the sheer reason that it's a day of utter bludge. I love it.

It's shaping up to be a great week,

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