Monday, May 11, 2009

That's Monday For You

It was a crazy, crazy day. Bloody Mondays. All this shall be explained.

I was dropped off at school by my Dad around 8:20, and for the before school random conversation, we talked about 'Scissors-Paper-Rock-Lizard-Spock,' as well as who Spock is (Eric didn't know), and other such random topics. More people need to see Monty Python. This I know. Period 1 was English, in which we got a sub, and was pretty much a bludge (we didn't even get in the classroom until 15 minutes in.). Next was Maths, which was doing some revision work on factorisation and such (and actually involved work. It was just the right kind: some thinking, but not much.). Recess was 13, with Eric's cards. This was slightly annoying (well, more than slightly), because they just excluded me (it wasn't malicious, let me get that clear. It was all in good fun.). I also kept mispronouncing words ('Sut up' springs to mind), which was also very annoying. But fun.

Period 3 was Drama, which was doing more of our characters. If I remember correctly, Rutherford (or Pickle, if you like) was an old man who fought in a war ('I fought and died for you!'), and disliked all technology and young people. Very funny. Emma did a rehash of the Bondi bimbo (also funny), and then I decided I would do my 'Viktor Ivanovich Stanislav' impersonation. Rest assured several jokes were made about me being apparently Communist. In fact, most questions were about that. But, apparently, my accent was pretty good (I didn't think it was that good, but there you go.). Next was Commerce, which was doing some work on capital punishment up at the computer labs. That was another bludgy period. Lunch was playing 13, again (and I'm surprised I played as much as I did).

The last two periods were PE (how do you like these paragraphs, Ebony?), which was another session of AFL. First we did some drills, and for one of them, you had 2 goes to try to get into one of the squares set out on the field through kicking or handballing, and if you got it in one, you got a number of Redskins depending on which square it got in. I was the only one in the class who got it in (pure luck, I aimed for one square and got the one next to it), and now Wilson owes me 3 Redskins. I collect them on Wednesday. Sweet. Then we played some actual games. I was in a team with Courtney, Andrew and Corinne, so we won both our games. Michelle was also in, and she did OK (better than me in any sport besides AFL). Ebony was also in our team, and I don't really want to get in to how well she did. If you want to fill people in in the comments, then go for it. For the last 10 minutes or so, we played a big game, with the whole class involved. I think that ended up in a draw. Then, when I got home, I got into my Geo assessment (I'm still to do half a page more on Q1 and 2, and a page on Q3). Then around quarter to 7, it was time to go to hapkido.

Today's hapkido class was a stand-out one, in that my uniform actually stayed fairly done up (and if you do hapkido, you know that's hard.). I mean, towards the end it was pretty loose, but all in all... Anyway. I found out the woman black belt's name (Tina, I think), and I've also taken a liking to multiple grabs. They're fun to do (the only downside was that the teacher we had didn't allow locks on white belts. Damn, they're fun, even if they hurt.). I also learnt that my kicks need a lot of work. So I'll have to do some practice on them. Near the end of hapkido, Shay told me that I'm apparently going to the disco with a friend of hers, Kyona, on a date. Now, she told me that tonight, and hasn't told Kyona yet. I'm not sure if she's taking the piss out of me. But, I can't wait for the disco.

Comments: 2 from 2 people. Let's get to it.
*Mango: Why bother? Because it's awesome. And I have seen some episodes of 'Some Mothers,' and it seems pretty good. Hmm.
*Ebony: Yes, you are awesome. There. I said it. And I love the idea as well, it is now my deciding game of choice (I hope people get that.). I love the song as well, it shall soon be on my iPod. And we did not name our fish, and can't distinguish between them anyway. Weekends do not suck. Maybe I should make a list of things I disagree with you about. It would include weekends, 42 and Stephenie Meyer. To name a few. Anyway.

I'll have to finish now; I'm posting as fast as I can. Tomorrow I'll probably do a lot of work on that Geo thing, and I'll hopefully get around to some of my book. Hopefully.

Tuesdays are greater than Mondays (but, what isn't),



    Hahaha you communist :')
    Seriously, I really can't wait til Drama performance day since evryone is so good and it'll be great to see them. I am betting they'll all be hilarious :L
