Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Madness

It was strange kind of Monday. Everything was, to plagiarise myself, slightly surreal. I'll get to all about how. Right now.

I woke up around 6:15 (which is sleeping in for me), and then had to run around to do everything before I had to go. I actually ended up finishing early, but then I had to do my History homework, which I didn't do over the weekend. I finished that around 7:40, and spent the rest of the 20 minutes or so on my laptop, as I do.

Skip to school, and Period 1 was Ag, which was doing some work on goats, and then after finishing, doing some work on my book. I'm just trying to think of a reasonable way that the protagonists can defeat the antagonist. There's got to be a simple way. 'Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler,' said Albert Einstein (because I had to work that in there.). Next was History, which was doing some work on the changing rights of Aboriginals, and it ended up that the homework we had, not many people actually did. Of course. Recess was cards, as usual, and showing Shafi how to play 13. He picked the rules up pretty quickly, but his strategy has something to be desired. But in all fairness, you can't teach strategy. Period 3 was Maths, which was doing work on volume. Mango had my Maths textbook again. I really have to stop leaving it behind. Anyway. Period 4 was Science, or at least it should have been. Before classes started, I talked to Victor and Kevin, who were in the class in front of me, when Ebony 'attacked' Victor again. I should probably get used to this (the lucky bastard. I could get into a big rant about him getting somebody, but I won't.). In the end, no teacher showed up, so the period was spent listening to music on my iPod, working on my book, playing cards to myself (like Solitaire), making card houses (which are really fun to do), and in the end, I was playing 'Go Fish' with Sophie, when the bell went. When I stood up, grabbing my bag, I could feel the backpack falling. 'What the hell?' I shouted, dropping everything, and looking at the wreck that was my bag, one strap come clean of the bag itself. Crap. That was an awesome bag too. Just my luck. Lunch was playing cards again, 13 and 31 both. I got a quad 7. Awesome.

Period 5 was Commerce, which was doing a class debate on 'Should the Legal Drinking Age be Lowered to 16?' of which the answer is obvious, but the arguments not so much. Last was English, which was reading some of Macbeth (I would have enjoyed it if Ebony were Lady Macbeth instead of Witch 3. But, that's only because of Tournament of Minds. I like that. But, I'm off topic.), and watching a DVD. When you watch it, it makes more sense, but I still had trouble working out what they were saying. Well, that's what you get for the play being over 400 years old. Still good though. When I got home, I went on my laptop, until it was time for hapkido.

There weren't many people tonight, and we had the woman black belt (I don't know her name. I'll get it eventually. My memory of names is not so good, as most people know.), so we got our asses kicked. At least 50 push-ups in the first 10 minutes or so, and her favourite drill, Jab-Cross-Duck. It's tiring, but it's good (and me saying exercise is good just shows how awesome hapkido is.). I had to teach a new guy called Ben some self-defence, which was really fun, as usually I'm the one being taught. After that we did evasion, and I think I did pretty well. Every attack I got out of fairly quickly. It's great, hapkido. And here I am, blogging as fast as I can, before I go to bed.

One good thing about not too many comments: less stuff to write, and the quicker it takes (it's no complete compensation, but it's something.) Two yesterday, from Victor and Ebony.
*Victor: I don't like double brackets. Call me strange that way; I don't like them.
*Ebony: Someone else thinks blog is a weird word. I'm not that strange! (Weirdly enough, I'm slightly disappointed. Strange is good.) And making my day interesting: cool. I'm even awesomer! And it's true, nobody wants to hear me sing (well, I do, but I don't think that counts.). And I did not 'say it anyway,' I only hinted heavily. I couldn't resist. Second, you want. Second.

That was my Monday. It was manic, it was mad, but it was m... mega-awesome (hooray, I got it! I almost said mawesome. Damn, that's a good word. 'Mawesome.' This is just me being 'different' here.). Tomorrow should be also a big post, as I find out if I get braces or not. Crap. Well, here we go.

Mondays, they're all bloody annoying,


  1. Damn, I was so stoned when I wrote all my plays. It was 430 years ago, but it still haunts me to this day...

    (You might not get that)

    My bag got set alight once...

    I got to be Lennox when we read Macbeth out today. How very boring.

    I'd play 13 with you guys -- it's lots of fun -- but there are better ways to spend my time.
