Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another One of Those Days

Yep, it was just another one of those days. 'Just My Luck' was already taken. Damn me! But, I'll get to how it was another one of those days.

I caught the bus to the station, and on the way to school the train stopped (in its tracks!). I also left my phone on overnight (absentmindedness strikes again). Period 1 was Science, which was doing more circuit work, and me proving that bulbs left on the highest voltage get very hot very quickly. With my hand. Next was Geography, which was starting a new topic on 'Urban Growth and Decline' (reading from the textbook), and getting our assessments back. I got 11/15, which is OK (speaking of which, my Dance got 26/30. W00t!). Recess was, as usual, cards, but Eric came along to play some 13 as well. So we had 5. Victor, come back and play 13. We barely have enough people to play. You could bring Ebony; she likes 13, I think (actually that's not a bad idea...). Period 3 was English, which was listening to a CD of 'Macbeth', which could have been a lot better. Witch 3 sounded like she was in a casual conversation, rather than as an evil witch. 'Oh, yeah, that will be the ere the set of sun. Yeah.' Anyway. Maths was me (and prepare for nerdiness on a grand scale) using Newton's Method of Approximation for finding square roots (I won't get into it) on negative 1: and coming up with a set of chaotic numbers. One small change in the beginning number and down the track there's a whole different number. But, I digress.

Lunch was 13 and 31, of course. They're fun (though I maintain that 13 is better and, contrary to Shafi, that 13 is awesome. Or, mawesome.). Period 5 was Drama, which was getting into the minds of the characters we created, and some people went up front and got asked questions. I'm going next period. Tansy was brutal to Lucy; she was describing people (I was 'glasses kid.'), and she got both 'tall girl who looks like she gets around' and 'legs and little else.' Epic Win. That was one of the funniest things I have ever heard in Drama (though Professor Blueberry and the Crocodile is still up there.). Next was Commerce, which was little work. Then, skip all the way to home, and around 5-ish, I had to go to the orthodontist.

This is why it was one of those days. Long story short: Guess who needs braces (and the answer isn't Victor. Lol, Victor with braces... where was I?). Yeah. Me. 21 months. But, it's good for my health, I suppose. And, I'll get nerdier (which will be funnier.)

Comments; 2 from 1 person? Really? Ah well. Better than none, I suppose.
*Victor: No. No I don't get that. It might be a Shakespeare reference, but I don't see how it makes much sense. How did your backpack get set alight? And better ways to spend your time? Bring her along. Everybody's happy!
*Victor: Wow, that comment was completely and utterly pointless. You said your first comment was first, then pointed out that this comment was second. Maybe you should have just said 'This comment is second' and be done with it. (Oh lord, what have I started.)

Finishing up my Tuesday. Usually I like Tuesdays. Wednesdays are good too, because there isn't as much work. Tomorrow I'll probably do a lot of work on my book; I'm ploughing ahead in the plot, and I have an idea to get rid of a problem in the plot (I need something to work off which seems natural in the course of things and still serves the plot idea), which if there's a trilogy will make for a kick-ass idea in the third book. If you want to ask me about my book, come ask, I've talked to a few people already. Anyway.

I am soon to be A Bracewearer,


  1. I recall something about my comments 'not being needed'. Huh.


    By the way, you had more to say about my second comment than my first. Isn't that just STRANGE?

  2. You are soon to be Nerdier, and I am soon to be $6000 lighter... Yaa for parenting!

  3. You beat me in Geo and dance.
    Geo is okay, but dance offends me :L

    I also leasrnt the hard way to tirn the voltage down BEFORE removing the lightbulb.

    5 people is not 'barely enough' to play 13. 5 people is 'we all get a go very often and still have room for a reserve', 5 is good.
    And as I have explained, if I play with you guys, I lose the title of 'best 13 player you know that isn't asian' because I'm sure you'll beat me. Well, I'm sure ONE of you will (although I'm pretty good for a non-asian).
    Although, if you guys play by the rules... well that's just no fun.

    I know, all the witches sounded like they were in casual conversation. I mean, it SOUNDED like they were reading from a script, rather than actually meaning and feeling what they were saying. That's just wrong.

    Hmmm, I wanna have a crack at my character too. Her name is Adelaide, she's 14. She's falling in love with Amy's character, Cecil. She's very shy though, so I'm not really sure I'd be able to be her very well...

    I'm sure braces won't really make you get nerdier... I mean, is that really possible? No, you'll just look like more of a nerd. And you really do need to get over the whole braces thing... I mean, seriously.

    I like Tuesdays as well... and Wednesdays are growing on me. Especially since I work on Tuesdays, and my mum works on Wednesdays. And we only have 3 classes on Wednesdays. But, then again, is it worth it for sport? On the plus side, we get to wear pants instead of the god awful skirt. Yeah, Wednesdays are pretty up there...

    =O=O I totally just took umbrage!
    Well, that was entertaining for a fair few seconds...
