Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One Weird Day

I was going to say 'A Weird and Wacky Wednesday,' but I've already used 'A Weird and Whimsical Wednesday.' So 'One Weird Day' it is. All this randomness and more, on today's edition of AB: A Blog (I think it's an awesome name. If you can think of a better one, and I doubt it, tell me. But none of this 'Victor/Ebony is cool.' type stuff. Anyway. My day.)

I got to school, with my new backpack, and we started talking. Then Ebony came up and hugged Victor again, which I'm getting used to very quickly. She (Ebony) then asked me if I, and I quote, 'named my backpack.' Was I supposed to? How about... AB: A Backpack (yes, I love these.) Take that! Role Call was thinking about my book, and getting this huge list of job options. In book form. OK... Period 1 was Geography, which was a bit of a bludge. I love bludging. Next was Science, which was doing a small amount of work, as well as me doing some of that square root-iteration-negative one-chaos stuff from yesterday, also known as ultra-nerdism. I found out after just 30 iterations, and a change of .00000001 to the beginning number, it loses all similarities. It's like we started off with completely different numbers. But, I digress. Recess was more 13, of course, with the usual people. Period 3 was g, which was the bludgiest period I can remember that wasn't in the last week of school. The first half of the period was spent doing a survey at the computer labs, and the second half was spent (and I'm not exaggerating here), lying down face-up across two tables, listening to Queen and playing Solitaire on my iPod. Awesomeness to the max. Then, it was Lunch, which was playing 13, 31, and Go Fish (for some reason) with Kevin and Andy, as well as John and Victor in the second half (John had to go to ice-skating, Victor had to go to Ebony.).

Sport was a weird one. From the start of sport up until quarter to 2, we walked the cross-country course. Just walked. I played Sticks, once, listened to some music, then later reverted to singing. Yeah. It was that boring. The last 45 minutes was spent playing more cards, 13 and 31, with Kevin, Victor, and Hewie twice. I sucked in all rounds of both games, bar one 31 round. Then, I went up to the library, for the first time in a while, and got some books, and then when I was home, read and watched TV. Nobody was on MSN at the time. Then around 7-ish, I left for hapkido.

There were 15 people in our group today, including the teacher, Emmanuel. Shay wasn't there, so I was partnered with a white belt named Dylan, who should probably be orange belt already. That's my opinion anyway. And I left my watch on for the first 5 or so minutes. That was embarrassing, but I got away with no push-ups. Phew. It was a tiring session, this one, with the first 15 minutes involving 30 each of push-ups, crunches, triceps push-ups (which I hate) and toe touches, as well as 140 star-jumps. But, I actually like these type of classes. I can really see the differences (example: I can now beat Ian in an arm wrestle.). And here I am around 9:15, blogging.

Comments: 4 from 4 people. which is pretty good, compared to the last few days. Ah, the glory days. I can remember when I got something like 21 (though, in all fairness, that's because Victor and Shafi put in something like 6 comments each, most of only a sentence or two.). But, replies.
*Victor: Not needed. Preferred. Your comments are not needed, though they are preferred. There is a difference. And I didn't notice that second comment thing; I just like to rant.
*Anon: Doesn't take a genius to work out that this is Dad. And, yes, I know.
*Mango: 'This comment is third.' You forgot to mention that that comment was pointless, retarded, and a complete rip-off of me and Victor.
*Ebony: I beat you in Dance?! Awesome... And what I meant by 5 people and barely enough to play is that usually we get 4, and sometimes Andy or John are late. If they're away, we're screwed. And you will probably beat us (or at least Andy. Lol. He has the worst luck); we ain't too good, with the possible exception of John. Nerdier... that is true. I am one of the nerdiest people I know. And I am over it, I accept I have to get them, and it doesn't phase (sic?) me much anymore. I like Wednesdays as well; they're also hapkido days. And I love 'taking umbrage.' Also a side note; I am this close to paragraphing some of my replies. This comment was long, and awesome. But still long.

And that was my weird and wacky Wednesday. Thursday will probably be a normal day. I might do a bit on my book. I really need to finish the plot, and work on some characters. Though, there's no rush. Anyway.

Long post: Good...


  1. Sorry I don't really keep up with your blog AB, I've just had some personal stuff that's keep me feeling a big blue and yeah. Sorry!

    I will try and keep up to date from now on though :)

  2. I thought the awesomest name for a blog is 'My place in cyberspace' because of the whole rhyme thing. But then 'Victor is cool' knocked it out of first place, nad 'Ebony is cool' is the definate winner.

    I only asked you if you named your backpack because I had named mine, Jade. (Pretty good name for a bag, huh?)

    'Period 3 was g', (i think you meant ag) and yes, it was a total bludge, but after answering the same question on that stupid survey time after time after time, we deserved a bludge (we were meant to be doing work, adding to Q2 from last lesson).

    Ebony is more important than 13. Accept it.

    We had to walk the cross country track as well. Or at least, walk the half on the road, and then turn around and walk back again.

    I think your "glory days" had more to do with school holiday boredom than anything else. As well as people are stressing right now to study for exams and can't be bothered to read blogs, let alone comment. These are tough times, I know. We will get through it though.

    Your Dad's comment was funny. For a Dad.

    Well I almost played with you guys at lunch today, I just don't want you to beat me. If you let me win, I will join in! But I can't see thta happening, so spectating was enough...

    What, you can paragraph your replies (and your comments on other blogs) but can't seem to master the skill for your own blog?
    Before school, role call, p1, p2, recess, p3 and lunch were all one paragraph. EVERY NEW IDEA!

    That's all I have to say...

    (I should really think of a way to end my comments. I mean, they're so long, they're practically letters rather than comments)
