Friday, May 1, 2009

Fridays Are Freedom

It's true. It's all true. Fridays are freedom. On the holidays, a Friday is just another day, but in school times, they're freedom. TGIF! But, to my day.

Before school, we spent the time doing what we (Victor, Andy, Eric, me) have been doing since school started: imitate the characters from Warcraft III (humans and orcs, mostly. Victor can do the awesomest voices.). Period 1 was English, which was reading some of the plot of Macbeth (I would love the story if I could understand the words. It probably makes way more sense being acted out.) Next was something on the volume of pyramids. That was doing some work, but as usual, once you get the basics, the rest comes pretty simply. Assembly came next, and that was just one of those assemblies that were just there because that was what we do on Fridays. Not for any specific reason. We didn't even do the school song or anything. Recess was spent paying school fees, and playing 13. Ultimate hand (so far): John's quad 6. Bloody hell.

Period 3 was Drama, which was doing some acting, and doing a little of my book. I'll probably do a fair bit over the weekend. Next was Commerce, which weirdly had a lot of Drama elements. We were acting out a trial, and I was one of the prosecution in a scenario in which the guy was obviously guilty. Good work on a Friday. Lunch was clearing up some school stuff (they charged me for bowling, but I never did it. *sigh*), and doing 13 again. Two hands stick out: John's second quad 6 in a day, and my quad 2. Yeah. Kevin also got a quad Queen, which was weird. 4 quads in one day.

The last two periods were PE, which was AFL. The first period was some skills (and I realised how it is to be better than everyone else, for the sheer reason that I'm used to AFL.), and the last period was a game, with the boys and girls separated. Our team lost by two goals, and I think I did pretty well. I mean, most of the others (who am I kidding: all of the others) probably had more sports talent than I did, but I made up for it by knowing the ins and outs of the game. Although, I did once get smashed trying to take a mark by Ben. Ow. And here I am, on MSN, blogging and watching TV.

Comments: 3. Better than yesterday, but still far from the glory days. Well, to replies.
*Victor: I just don't like abstract. My brother once had to do an assignment on it, and in it they had to paint something in the style they chose and then say what it means. He chose abstract. For his painting, he painted random splotches, then made something up on the spot. He got 10/10 for that part.
*Mango: I did not know that part; I will have to remember it.
*Anon: I'm going to say this is Shafi, just for a sheer guess. If you want to learn 13, just come up to where we play, and we'll show you the rules, it's much easier to explain it that way.

I'll finish up. The next two days are going to be full of doing stuff, for want of a better word (so no day of relaxation and doing nothing). I'll keep you all posted (no pun intended).

Thank god for weekends,


  1. I'm not THAT great at imitating the voice actors, lol... would you believe I use the vibrato for death growls in my 'Peon' imitation?

    I sustain that abstract is awesome.


  2. freedom on fridays, perfect word for it.
    I can never really celebrate it until the last few minutes of the day..

    freedom for only 2 days til its back to school.

    week one, term 2 over.

  3. Damn! you saw through my anonymus identity!
    I bet it was please that gave it away, I'm too polite to people
    Oh well, it was fun, your explanation of 13 is just confusing, writing it down will make more sense, for me and for everyone else

    I agree with you on that count
    fridays truly are freedom

    Just wanted to say I blogged for the first time in ten days.

  4. I'll just comment because I know how annopying it is when no one comments on your posts... (not that YOU ever comment on MY blog), but none of this is any commentable... if you want comments, it has to be commentable.

    Our team lost AFL as well. We had Sophie, Tiana, Claudia and Stella, but we were lazy. Their team was enthusiastic, and Corinne and Courtney were really good, so we got owned.

    Like I said, I really have nothing to say. In fact, I'm only commenting cuz I'm really bored.

    Shafi: If you write down the explanation to 13, it's not as easy as just watching people play the game, and just picking it up like that. That's how I learnt in year 7.
