Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Post the Hundredth

Yes, I'm breaking the rule I set out yesterday (the title should be Half-Yearlies '09: Drama and Commerce). But... it's the hundredth post! Party party party! As I did with the 50th post, I'll talk about my day (and it was a long one), then I'll do the 100th post celebrations, and then I'll add comment replies in. So expect a majorly long post; like at least 1000 words, and maybe over 1500. We'll see.

Before school, I spent my time cramming for Drama, which turned out to be fairly necessary. Period 1 was English, which was more cramming for Drama, as usual. I also did some Commerce studying with Andrew and Barahona, and that helped out too. Next was Maths, which was some more studying, one of those crosswords with no clues, and Hangman with Mango, Chris and Justin. Ultimate word: fig. just three letters, all of them fairly rare. Works like a charm. I'd say more, but I love Hangman and I don't want to give up my trade secrets. So I won't. Recess was talking, as well as doing a minor amount of studying (no pun intended). Then, when the bell went, it was down to the hall, to do the hardest exams this year bar Ag: Drama and Commerce. (These paragraphs good enough for you, Ebony?)

First came Drama, which was probably the hardest one today. We did work on 'Laban's Theory of Movement,' as well as a few other things and an extended response on our last Drama performance (link). Most of the exam was in 'go' mode, with the last 15 minutes being 'zoom.' And 'zoom' was required, as it was a long exam; I missed out on a few questions (but they were 1 mark questions, so it doesn't really matter. Like History yearly last year, but not a whole section. That was a nightmare.). When we finished that, and the bell rang, all the IPT people (damn you, Ebony, Cameron, Ian... you get the picture!) left for their lesson, and I was left to do the Commerce exam (well not left, there were over 100 people still in the hall. But you know what I mean.). That was, actually, a very straight-forward exam, which I probably should have seen coming; it was like that last year as well. I did about half in 'ready', and half in 'go,' and I finished with something like 10 minutes to go. That's the first exam where I had a significant amount of time left. I spent the remaining time going over my answers and playing around on my calculator. I love calculator boredom. Then, finally, thankfully, it was time for Lunch.

Lunch was playing 13 with John, Andy, Kevin and Eric. I played OK, and my luck wasn't nearly as horrific as it was yesterday. But it still wasn't, say, John-good (who got rid of 9 cards in 1 go in a game today). I'm getting there though. When I came back after paying some school fees, everyone was leaving for the table, apparently leaving because of (and, no matter how much I wish I was making this up, I'm not kidding) a caterpillar. A small caterpillar, which was on a step doing nothing. It was very retarded. For the rest of lunch, we talked about star signs (I don't know how we got into that), and Eric and Victor started calling me 'water-goat,' because I am a Capricorn, and that is what Capricorns are. Oy vey. Period 5 and 6 were prac PE, which was Oztag. I would like to say I sucked, but I wasn't too bad, though AFL was still trying to get its way in (old habits die hard). Only a few things clearly stick out: Ebony giving Mr Wilson a Redskin, me taking the Redskin off Mr Wilson, and then giving it to Ebony because I can't eat them anymore. Everything works out well. Another was me making a miracle try (call the Pope, don't say it Ebony), running past Jordan and Rhys, only just dodging both, and then putting the ball down on the ground as I saw other people do. That, however, was the limit of my rugby 'skills,' with me at one point running backwards and passing forwards. Yeah. When the bell went, and after I got home, I studied, read my magazine (which finally came in), and went on my laptop. I talked on MSN to Victor and Ebony mostly, with one epic typing fail by me standing out. I meant to say 'hello, is this david,' but with my usual 'style,' it came out like this: 'hellp, os thjaos dabso.' Nothing more needs to be said, it was a royal typing spasm. And now, here I am, blogging.

Now to the celebration of posts past and future, to days upon weeks upon months of blogging time accumulated. In 99 posts, I have written 72,153 words, which comes to a total of over 40,000 in 49 posts. That's an average of around 800 words per day, which is pretty amazing. With me trying to write a book as well, there is going to be a lot of writing in my future. We've seen, over these past 7 weeks, school holidays and a trip to Canberra, the necessity of me needing braces (I'll be getting them on Thursday), hapkido, storms, AFL, spacers, comments, laughs, and blog blog blog. Here's looking forward to the next 100 (I'll now be celebrating every 100), which will hopefully bring comments, good news, and a lot of fun. To you, readers, I say thanks for all the reading, thanks for all the commenting, and thanks for all the laughs. Peace Out to you all!

To comments now, 4 from the same two people. You two are the awesomeness, that's all that needs to be said. Right on, EV (not you Eric, Ebony and Victor), or VE (not Victory in Europe Day... oh forget it.). How about I just say Ebony and Victor. Or Victor and Ebony. Whatever.
*Victor: Your rhyming is inspiring (that almost rhymed. Almost. Ah well.). And my mechanical pencil is awesome, stop bagging it.
*Victor: Your spelling is almost as bad as mine. Almost.
*Victor: Wow, that comment was more pointless than this one. I know it's second, I know it's third. Stop doing that.
*Ebony: Two minds, both of them: stop making my brain hurt. And I won't rant, I'm over that. And someone actually knows what I'm talking about: Hooray, call the Pope! (Why? It's a miracle!). And you don't mind me there? Awesome. Also... wait. Reading in class makes me a worse nerd than you? Wha? You make no sense. And goddamn, that was paragraphing; you're never satisfied.

OK, I'll sum up now. One hundred posts is a lot of work, and again, I'd like to thank everybody. Let's see how many comments my 100th post racks up (but no spamming, Victor.). My guess is two people, but we'll see.

May the next 100 be as awesome as the last 100,


  1. I insisted on paragraphs more...
    I am in IPT...
    Yet I am not mentioned for either.

    You are nerdier, but you are not a good nerd. There is a significant difference.

    The only way my comments get more lines of replies is if I make multiple comments.

    And buddy, pointless comments are my specialty.
    *reads that he is not supposed to spam*

    Oh well!


  2. We're celebrating your 100th post... with comments.


  3. Wow my shoulder really hurts.


  4. In other, (un)related news, I nailed the guitar opening to 'Plug In Baby' by Muse.

    Of course that makes me cool.


  5. Oh shiiieeet.

    I barely studied for english.

    I think I'll do okay...

    I hope I do.


  6. And because 9 is such a cool number...

    Ninth. I'm done now.

  7. As soon as I looked at this post, I thought, oh my goodness, you've had the exam rule for 24 hours and you've already broken it. That takes amazing skills.

    And Party party party? You're blogging about your day for goodness sake. How party can that be?

    I think I am possibly the world's worst hangman player. I mean han_ _an is a pretty simple one, I know, and still, somehow, I can't figure it out.

    No that is not enough paragraphs for me. Maybe start a new paragraph for each period, does that sound like fun?

    It wasn't really a long exam. Drama. I mean, if you have enough time to colour them emblem on the front page in with highlighter, it's pretty much a short exam. Well I thought it was short. And pretty simple. Not easy, necessarily, but straightforward. And I found it easy :L.

    We've already done our halfyearly exam. It went for an hour and a half. If you'd like to swap, then go for it. But don't whinge when leave the hall and go to class.

    Huh, we had a ctaerpillar on our table too. It was a one-eyed catepillar. But we (Jenny) got it off with a leaf, put it in the garden, and we resumed normaility. (Or, as normal as we get)

    The redskin thing was cool. I still got to eat it =). It was nice too :L.

    I suck at oztag. It doesn't even like me. Bloody velcro. My entire arm is totally scratched. This is why we evade sport.

    "Call the Pope!" is old now. You used it twice in one blog. And do you know what's a miracle?

    Yay for 9 comments from Victor. You know, 9 is such a good number. It's so 9. Not 42. Imagine if he posted 42 comments. That's right. 9 is better.

    Tenth! But longest and maybe awesomest. No, I think the 5th was the awesomest. Oh wells.

  8. Well done mate, not sure how many other Parents know what's happening in thier kid's life via blogs. Hello to all AB's friends! (Very Cool Parenting!) Dad

  9. i just wanted to say that even if i don't comment a lot I make sure to read your posts, or catch up when I've missed a few, call me weird for reading your blog every time I go on the net but your blog is entertaining, its like a book that never ends. Anyway, i'll end my rant here.

    your friend, Shafi

    PS: Remember, I'll always be reading even when I'm not commenting.

  10. happy 100th post!

  11. nice one victor!
    Shafi (can't be bothered signing in)

  12. all hail spaming comments!
    u no me
