Friday, May 8, 2009

I Live For Fridays

I love 'em. I don't understand how people can not like them; people need breaks. Although, this weekend may not be much of a break. Though it looks like this 3 page Geo essay will be fairly straightforward; they cover Pyrmont heavily in the textbook. Anyway. To my Friday.

Before school was utter randomness with everyone in our group, bar Matt who wasn't here and including Ebony. That was awesome. Period 1 was Maths, which somehow started on doing work and ended up changing into a discussion with Mango on such subjects as cosmic inflation, general relativity, and the tachyon, the theorised particle with imaginary mass. Somehow. I'm nerdy like that. Anyway. After that was Drama, which was getting into groups for an assignment we were set. I'm with Ebony, Amy, Pradeepti and Rutherford (I'm still getting used to the fact that his name isn't Ernest. ...nerd, remember?). I think we're going to go pretty well; Ebony summed it up with 'We're all Drama freaks.' Next was an Assembly of pointlessness, followed by 13. Period 3 was Commerce, which was a combined class in the computer labs since most people were at Cross-Country. So I went on Geometer's Sketchpad for the period, experimenting with tracing. I love that program. Period 4 was Science, which was 11 people playing poker, going on the blackboard, and doing nothing. In the end I was talking to Baxter (our sub) about string theory. Because I'm strange/awesome like that.

Lunch was 13, with the whole table up at one point or another, and 6 people playing 13: John, Andy, Kevin, Eric, Mango and me. I don't know how I can get a quad and triple but no pair, but there you go. My luck is strange like that. Period 5 was English, which was listening to more Macbeth (and the class laughing at Lady Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 38 to 54. Link. On an unrelated note, I still can't get used to the fact that in our class, Ebony doesn't play Lady Macbeth. Still traces of Tournament of Minds linger.). Last was History, which was doing some work, but mostly bludging. Thank god for Fridays. Skip to me at home, I cooked dinner (well, spaghetti, and with my Dad telling me what to do. Not hard.), and here I am, blogging.

1 comment. One comment. Where the hell is everybody? The answer is... I don't know. To replies.
*Ebony: Unspoken bonds. I'm really not sure what to say here. And Pyrmont is in the textbook, thank god, all of it. It's just a matter of weeding through the textbook jargon and sleep-inducing boredom. And here's something: they're friggin' inanimate objects. My bag does not need a name. If I don't name it, it won't do anything. It won't do anything anyway. Ignore my insanity.

I'll finish up right now. The weekend will be , in my prediction, some work, some book, and little relaxation. Ah well. I can't wait for the end of the half-yearlies.

Weekends are wonderful,


  1. lol random comment corinne.
    you mention before school was utter randomnss but dont elaborate...


    I don't know why, its a few days after the english assessment. I don't know why I'm excited but you're group for drama is going to be the best. You got the best people. (Y) And you'll do great too.

  3. Anything including Ebony is awesome. That's just how it goes.

    If you van't get used to 'Rutherford', just call him 'Pickle', because that's what me and Amy call him. Don't you think he just looks like he should be called Pickle??

    The Lady MacBeth soliloquy was a little strange though. I mean, the way she was saying it. Not for the same reason that some immature people in our class found it funny. Just the fact that she was wheezing the whole time.

    You see, you only got one comment, cuz I was the only person awesome enough to comment. And not only was I first, but people KNEW it would be awesomest, and they were intimidated by that.

    But why do people give dogs and fish names and not bags? Neither will notice, but both would just be polite, to recognise each as an individual. Exactly.

    (Maybe you should be the one ignoring my insanity :L)

    WEekends are NOT awesome. If you want a break from school, it's called lunch, or after school, the weekend is unnecessary.
