Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesdays For The Win

I love Wednesdays; they're the best school days of the week (barring Fridays, of course.). There's not much schoolwork actually on, you can play more cards at Recess, and so on and so forth. And today was an especially good day, even with my seemingly constant barrage of retardedness (Toiche. See? Tocuhe. Tocuhe. Touche. Hooray, finally!).

On the train ride to school, I listened to some songs from 2 years back on my iPod, because I realised I haven't listened to them in ages. I also got 'Happy Ending' by Mika stuck in my head (I can sing the entire chorus now, though I can guess most people don't want me to.). At school, I talked to Ebony and Victor, and then Eric came over. Ebony then told me that we only had Periods 1 and 2, because of NAPLAN. I didn't know it; didn't even suspect it. That's my brain for you. Role Call was dropping off some books, and reading a bit of 'The Elegant Universe,' because I also haven't read that in a while. Then it was Science, with Mahfouz instead of Robson (I know, I know.). That was doing some worksheets, but all in all it was a pretty bludgy period. 40 minutes of work, followed by 40 minutes of reading. Sweet. Then it was Recess, which was 13 (how do I lose with a 2 in my hand?) with John, Andy, Kevin and Eric, as well as talking on and off with Victor and Ebony, who now seem to be a couple in everything but name (yes, I said it.). I have become the hanger-on to their couple, the guy who hangs around with them. It's hard to explain. There were also 16 people at our table today (yes, I counted. Twice.). It was cool.

Period 2 was Geo, which was finishing Geo worksheets from yesterday, and doing a bit on my book and mucking around with my calculator, like making AB = 42, and trying to work out what 'sinh' means. I am easily amused. Lunch was a pretty random thing, as it was first 13, then Speed with Andy (losing by 2 cards), and then finally going over to talk to Ebony's table, to talk to Victor and Ebony, Rhoda, and Joannie (did I spell that right. Also notice how I put Victor and Ebony together there. That was intentional.). Then later, Kevin came over, then Rutherford and Patrick and Noha and several other people. I lost track. What we talked about was basically nothing, and at the end we all started touching (I just typed 'tocuhing.' Oy vey.) Victor's hair, for some bizarre reason. Why is a good question. Then it was School Sport, which was moving wood from outside the woodwork rooms to inside them, and then walking the Cross Country course, but in reverse this time. On the way, I talked to Victor and Kevin about my book. I'm not sure if they were interested, but it was good to just talk about it, bounce ideas off people, and work out where I could encounter some problems (example: how does Damarius control 'The Fierce Ones' in Book 2? I know that will not make sense to many people. It made sense to me.). Then, when we finally got back near the building part of the school, Victor ran to the Dance rooms (I couldn't catch up. Of course.), with me attempting to follow close behind. There, we talked to Ebony about nothing, as usual, then when the bell went, I took a detour to the library, to drop books off. Yes, I dropped them off this morning, I know that now. But it had slipped my mind then. Then for a while I talked to Victor and Ebony (it's become a regular thing now), until Victor was picked up, and then while walking to the station I talked to Ebony about such random topics as the voices in our heads (mine quotes chemical symbols, she's actually named hers now), where our names came from, and my past relationship. I don't know how that last one came into it, but anyway. Skip to me getting home, and it's basically straight to the orthdontist.

At the orthodontist, I had to get spacers in, which are small rubber rings that fit between your teeth to move them. It's easier to show than to explain. It took all of a minute, and I got 20 minutes of reading it. So that was pretty OK (I now have to chew gum twice a day for a while. I won't ask why, but the orthodontist told me so. So I will.). When I got home, I did a bit on my assessment (so that's slightly less than a page tomorrow.), and then after dinner (and trying to eat with the spacers in for the first time), it was time for hapkido.

In hapkido today, we had Master Jimmy, who works us pretty hard, but is fair when he does training and such (unlike Madam Tina, who just kicks everybody's ass.). He's a bit unorthodox, but it's more so to concentrate on skills and stretching. Today I learnt that: I need more work on my kicks; my catrolls are good but are done in a bit of a strange style; and I am more flexible than I was but still not that flexible. Ah well. Practice makes perfect. Then when I got home, I went into my blog, and have been posting non-stop for over half an hour so far. I love to blog.

To comments now, 3 from 2 people. Let's get to it.
*Ebony: I seriously only mentioned two? Goddamn. I forgot to do it, but not what it was. It was that Hancock called Andrew gay (I think. I only heard a bit.). My bloody memory. And I am, admittedly, getting used to 'Victor Gray' (though I still think there's a better name out there.). And, yes, I know, I missed Shane's. I get it. I sorta miss AC as well, I hope they come back.
*Rosa: A lot of cameras, yeah, I can't wait to see them on Youtube. I hope he lets us organise as well.
*Ebony: OK; Yes, you were first, third, and longest. Perhaps awesomest.

OK, I really have to finish up now. Thursday will be full of work, and Friday will be relaxing, what with the disco and all. I can't wait. Maybe I'll get more of my book done tomorrow; I doubt it though. Ah well.

A long post for a long day (that wasn't even intentional),

1 comment:

  1. I believe it's 'Ebony and Victor', not 'Victor and Ebony'.

    That is all.

    Oh, and first.
