Monday, May 25, 2009

Half-Yearlies '09: Agriculture

Well, this is it. The big one. Ag exams and I don't get along well. This is the way it's always been. In other news, Victor and Ebony begin their comment strike for reasons unknown. All this and more, in today's edition of AB: A Blog (cue the theme music. Wait, I don't have theme music. I need theme music. I am weird.).

Period 1 was Science, which was trying to get an electric motor, much like this post here, back in March. That met with limited success, going through 4 paperclips, about 3 coils of wire, and other assorted materials. The best we got was the coil spinning for about 10 seconds at voltage setting 4, which involved several sparks. We also ran into other, more retarded problems, such as touching the wire while it was on (Alan), and attempting to make the motor go when the wire wasn't even attached (all of us). We tried fixing up the motor, moving the magnet, turning up the voltage, when I looked to the left and realised the wire was unattached. It was a period of unsuccessfulness, which surprisingly is actually a word. Proof. Next was Computer Maths, which would have been fun, except Rawson wasn't here, so we were stuck with some substitute teacher. It was brilliant planning, with about 6 people bringing Maths textbooks, to share with 30 people. So that was a complete and utter bludge. I spent some of the time cramming for Ag, and more time working out the formula for Pac-man (I got as far as his mouth is between 70 and 80 degrees before it set in that what I was doing was completely pointless). It was a long Maths lesson.

Recess was more 13, with John, Andy and Kevin. Period 3 and 4 were double Ag. The first part of the lesson was spent talking to Ebony, as Corinne wasn't here (and neither was Victor). She somehow made me taste a leaf (long story short, I have no idea), and the 'secret/question' game came to real life, with significant problems on my part on trying to think of a question. I spent 10 minutes trying to think of one, and in that I was yelled at by Ebony (scaring the hell out of me, and presumably Schippers behind us), and annoyed by cows. The question wasn't even good. If you are reading this Ebony, I can't think of questions, and for the love of god comment. The second part of the period was spent cramming, which was fairly successful. It was pretty repetitive, and I zoned out more than once. I need to stop doing that.

Lunch was more 13, with me winning only once, I think, through a sheer fluke. I had pretty average luck. Period 5 was English, which was spending the first 20 minutes trying to study (though it degenerated quickly). We then spent 10 minutes reading through a bit of 'Macbeth,' and then it was time to go to the hall for our exam. I spent essentially the whole thing in 'go,' as I realised that 'ready' could really hurt my chances. Although, it was a fairly short test, so I didn't get up to 'zoom.' I finished with something like 15 minutes to go, and spent that time checking my answers, writing my name, and signing things in pencil. I got bored. It was easier than I thought it would be, but it wasn't easy, if that makes sense. All I can say is I hope I pass, because I don't like Ag exams (though this one could be an exception). At home, I studied a bit for Science, as well as talking on MSN with Victor, Ebony and Amy, though not all at once. Around 6:45, we all left for hapkido.

Grandmaster Geoff got back today, who has become a Grandmaster over the 6 weeks he has been away. And he has learnt things from his trip, with no slacking at all allowed. There was little respite. But, it was a great session, as I went through a lot of drills, and Grandmaster Geoff is funny. I learnt that: I really need work on my kicks; I really need to learn how to backroll; and it is not fun forward rolling on an injured elbow (maybe injured is over-doing it. But it is not in perfect condition.). We finished around 8:30, and when I got home, I virtually went straight on my laptop, so that I could blog about my day before bed.

To comments, or rather, comment. Victor and Ebony insist on not commenting, for some bizarre reason, and I thought I wouldn't get any. But, I'd like to thank Amy for her support. Hooray for you! (Boo to you two. Comment, people!)
*Amy: Thank you, it would look sad if my comment section went by without a comment. And take that indeed, Ebony and Victor! My comment section remains unempty!

Well, that was my Monday. The only exams left are Science and Maths, and I'm fairly confident about both (well, more so than Ag). Again, I'd like to thank Amy, boo Ebony and Victor for not commenting, and I remain semi-hopeful about the Ag exam. I will be looking forward to Thursday afternoon. Much celebrations will be had.

6 down, 2 to go,


  1. That's a shame that Ebony and Victor have gone on a commenting strike, although AB, I still read it but not as often as I should. :L It's not all about comments you know :P Venting and ranting are the reasons I blog (Y)

    Anyways, Maths was boring that day, I actually did work. More 13?! You need new games and the whole eating a leaf thing, the leaves in the main quad taste gross! The donut quads one...some of them are alright I guess. LOL Yes I've tried to eat a leaf, I'm weird.

  2. i remember doing computer maths on excel. i hated it. yeh i failed my ag exam they should've given us more info... like science! when i did the coil thing, we managed to get it to spin for more than 4 seconds haha! :D
