Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Trip to the Orthodontist

Before I go on, several titles were rejected as being some of the worst puns that have ever been told or will be. Please pay your (lack of) respects to 'Al-X-Ray' (Alex Ray, Al X-Ray) and AB X-Ray (something with letters). Now that that is out of the way, today I did 3 periods of what should have been work and one that was, in fact, work. Let's see how.

My Mum drove me to school because my brother was sitting the selective schools exam, at Hurlstone. If he makes it in, he could be the only blue-eyed and blonde-haired non-boarder (too many hyphens) in the whole of Hurlstone. Period 1 was Maths, which was watching Faulds muck around on Graphmatica (Geometer's Sketchpad > Graphmatica. Yes. I know I'm weird. And proud of it!) with squared and cubed numbers, and inequalities. On the plus side, there was no work. Period 2 should have been Drama, but instead we went outside and did 'Year 10 Peer Support-This-Should-Have-Been-Cancelled-Years-Ago.' They basically gave us a sheet of paper and said 'Go split up into 3 groups/groups of 3 (genius), and write about conflict!' Some of the questions (and some of what I would have written) were: 'What is the conflict?' (I don't know whether to rip this sheet of paper up or burn it), 'What are their (involved people) fears?' (The dark, spiders and flying, and 'What are their needs?' (This one writes itself.) Again, at least it got us out of work. Recess was talking, and we did some more dancing, as usual. Period 3 was Commerce. Kearney was away, so we had Gippel, who I will say is nice, but he's not cut out to teach Commerce (a bit like Arriola in that respect.). Next was Science, and since there was a Creating Connections excursion, as well as a Sports Science one, classes were practically empty. So they brought 10I in, including Eric, Kevin, Victor, May Lyn and Rayan. In class, we made a motor out of a transformer, one 50 cm length of copper wire, 2 alligator clips, 2 weights, 2 magnets and 2 paperclips. If you want to know how, it's probably on Youtube. Much fun was had when we set alight a tissue (it smelt like popcorn. For some reason.), and when sparks flew between paperclips and copper wire. Lunch, 1st half was spent playing 13, to more success than yesterday.

A short rant: I hate people calling me by my wrong name, or mispronouncing my last name. Let me set the record straight: My name is not Ben, despite Ejsak, Faulds, and numerous other teachers' claims (apparently there was a guy years ago who looked like me called Ben. So teachers' brains short-circuit. I pity anyone in a few years who looks like me. They'll be called Ben, then Alex. Won't that be confusing.). My name is not Ian (Shafi: I am tall and Caucasian. Ian is short and Asian. I don't know how you confuse us.). And my last name ends with an -ay sound. Not an -ee sound. I've had this problem since I can remember. Someone, somewhere, will eventually get it right. OK. Moving on.

Lunch, 2nd half was spent sitting in the office, reading and waiting for my Mum to go get my brother so I can go get my X-rays done. Once we were at the clinic, we waited for about 10 minutes, then I got called in. I took my glasses off, and was told to go stand with my head in this helmet/crane/umbrella thing (it's hard to explain). Unfortunately the doctor forgot to adjust it, so I walked head-first into it (see, no glasses). That X-ray took about 15 seconds. Then I went to stand in another thing, and that X-ray was seemingly over before it began (seriously. I stepped into it, and then she said it was over.). Then we went to Westfields, where my Mum got new sunglasses and I got a doughnut. At home, I spent the time looking for my Maths textbook (please tell me someone's seen it), doing my Research Action Plan for Tuesday (1 down, 3 to go), and watching TV. I also found 2 websites. FAIL Blog, documenting the retarded things of the world with the simple word 'Fail.' My favourite so far is this one, which simply says 'Why are there school?' That is just sheer genius/retardedness. The other site is a shirt-selling site called One Horse Shy for some arbitrary but intriguing reason. I'll make myself extremely clear: This line of shirts is tailor-made for me (That joke was either really good or really bad. I can't tell which.).

An interesting day, I'd say. X-rays, retarded Peer Support-y things and bludge, bludge, bludge. Friday, I'm guessing will be more work, but hopefully that's only because any less work and school will be cancelled for the day. (I can dream, can't I?) If tomorrow is anything like today, I hope it never ends (because on Tuesday everything's due. *sigh*).

I might need braces (just imagine what I'd look like with them. Lol.),


  1. Cheer up AB, at least your orthodontist isn't a "quack". Mine gave me a permanent plate. Supposed to widen my jaw. Put simply, it didn't work, it made my breath smell bad permanently (even now), and it didn't do squat in widening my jaw. He thought I was unwinding it with my tongue while I was asleep.The plate was basically a wedge in the top of and the bottom of my mouth. There was a screw you rotate to stretch it. Yes, I could feel it when my parents rotated the screw. Jaw bones being stretched is not a pleasent experience.

    Thankfully, the half of bottom one snapped off my lower jaw about a year after both were placed in. I got the bottom one removed then, and the top one removed later. Then I had temporary (night time) plates. *Groan*. Those didn't do well either, and caused extreme pain to my tongue, but didn't last too long.

    Eventually, my jaw was widened by a rubber mouth guard thing adapted for jaw widening. I actually enjoyed wearing that. It mean't I didn't have to have braces either (I used to have a tooth sitting behind all the others, it's moved back in position now). Thank god.

  2. Man, they're thinking of giving me nighttime plates. Here's hoping I get a rubber mouth guard, they seem pretty good. I think I'll know on the 7th.
