Saturday, March 14, 2009

Slightly Surreal

Man, another awesome title. I am on a roll. Anyway, I've been putting this off since 7:45, because I've been reading 'Megatokyo,' which I will get to. The title means that today was slightly surreal (Captain Obvious to the rescue!), meaning slightly unreal, fantastic. At least that's what my online dictionary says. Thinking is for school. (Oh, and happy Pi Day. 3/14, in American terms.)

I got up at 8:30, which is really late for me, considering on weekends I'm usually up by at least 7:30. I don't know why, I just am. I got pancakes for breakfast (sweet), then I spent all the time up until around 10:45 cleaning my room and doing the kitchen, because we had Dance rehearsal for PE today at my house, which I will get to. Yep, my weekend was shaping up great. And, no, it was not my idea to do chores, it was my parents'. *sigh*. Joy. At around 11:10 we went to pick up Oishi and Nancy from the station, and we got to work on some dance moves in the dining room. We had to move the table, but it was the biggest space in the house. We were going to be in my room, but it was too small. All that time taken up for cleaning. And my brother was in the house, and he was watching. Ah, well. We did some dancing until about 1, when they had to go home. I was about to go on my laptop when we had to go to the shops to buy a present for my Mum's birthday on Tuesday. I ended up getting lunch there. We bought some charms (well, by bought, I mean my Dad gave us the money), and promptly got of there. That seems quick, but after a short stop to the fruit store, we got home around 3:15. I then had to get on my laptop. I looked at Megatokyo (which delayed today's post. I'm on a great strip, 680. Spoilers ahead. It really sums up the comic so far.), went on MSN, and got the new one (it looks nothing like the original and functions almost exactly the same.), reading, etc, etc. Since then I've been basically been doing nothing but surfing the net and having dinner. I'd also like to say some of the things I'd like to do, because I sorta have the time now.

* Write a book: Unlikely, because I've tried to do that heaps of times. Never gets further than a few pages.
* Learn Dutch: I really don't have the time. Unfortunately.
* Learn to draw: Ditto.
* Learn guitar: Ditto. Also I don't have a guitar.

Wow, I thought that'd be quicker. Hmm. How about subjects I'd like to do for Years 11 and 12.

* Physics: I really like Physics.
* Chemistry: Ditto.
* Legal Studies: People have said that I have a knack for that type of thing (ie reading long, boring books and talking people into comas).
* Economics: I did really well in Commerce last year. And I figure money makes the world go round.
* Maths Extension: I think I'm good in Maths.
* Industrial Studies: Just kidding.

OK, my favourite websites, in no particular order.
* Megatokyo: One of the best webcomics.
* xkcd: Ditto.
* Dinosaur Comics: Ditto.
* Unspeakable Vault (of Doom): Ditto.
* I like to keep in touch with the world (no, really.)
* YuGiOh - The Abridged Series: Because they're awesome.
* My Blog: Naturally.

OK, now I'm bored. That should be enough for today. As I said, slightly surreal, but, that's cool. (And if you're thinking that 'Slightly Surreal' is an great name for a song, I already tried writing that. With limited success.) Sunday will hopefully be more of a bludge. Hopefully. Sorry if today was a bit disjointed, but, as I've said before: thinking is for school.

Random lists FTW,

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