Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's A Small World After All

Yes, it's another song as a post title. If you count yesterday as a song title, then the last non-song title (or variation of) was Friday, March the 6th. Anyway, today's title was about something very coincidental (the spooky type) that happened after school. And as my predictions stand: bludgy, yes; European handball, no. Now that's out of the way, we'll see what happened today.

Get to school, and go to Roll Call. On the way, this Year 9 passes us by acting like a gangster. So I decide to freak him out just a bit. So I go: 'Sup, my homedog?' (I have no idea what that means.) And he just pauses. Looks at me like I'm an idiot for trying to act gangster. And keeps on acting like it. Ah, the insanity of the world. History was 1st Period, but it was in the library, so we didn't actually go anywhere. We watched this video (VIDEO) about the Vietnam War and took notes. Such a riveting period. But, it was truly a bludgy one. Next was English. Hancock was back (back again), and we talked about short story structure, and read one. Courtney also made a comment in class: 'Boys don't like reading.' I call out: 'Ahem!' (or something like that), and I have a book in my hand. And we just did work on stereotypes. The first half of Recess was spent talking to John and Victor, and the second half was more dancing practice with Oishi and Nancy. Next was Science, and Robson is still not teaching, so we got Watson. We did more work from the textbook (I hate that), but luckily it was simple and I got to spend the last 15 minutes reading.

Lunch was spent talking about stuff and playing 5-Card Draw Poker with Kevin and Victor. Then it was sport. For sport, we did soccer, and I ended up being goalkeeper, reasoning that it involved little running, and I wasn't in the mood to run. I let 2 goals through, and the rest came at me. Then we swapped sides, and we played more cards, this time Texas Hold'em with Kevin, Victor, Hewie and Peter, using imaginary chips (it was kind of confusing). Then, it started to pour. It was already sprinkling, but it really started coming down. At this point, the games were stopped and self-preservation set in, with everybody running to the hall for shelter. This was at about 2, and I spent the rest of the time on my iPod listening to Abridged (speaking of music and Abridged, the song stuck in my head is the same one from yesterday and Episode 35 is out on the official website). I then spent some time at the library, and went to the station at around 3, when who should be there but Sarah! It is a small world. She was apparently coming back from UWS, and we happened to run into each other. It was nice catching up. On the train ride, we talked about life at respective education centres, for want of a better phrase, and when we got to the station, who else should show up but Aashna! Everybody was there. It was spooky, but it was really good to catch up. I hope it happens again. The rest of the day was spent watching TV, and going on MSN.

That was Wednesday. It's been a pretty good day, with the meetings of friends and so forth. I end with a quote by a guy called Rick Astley about my attitude towards running.

Never gonna run around (unless I want to),

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