Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chilling Out, Maxing

If you're wondering WT7 that title means, it's part of the lyrics to 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.' If you're wondering what that is, just Wiki it. OK, now that that's out of the way, I chose that title because that was what I did today: basically chilled and did nothing.

I woke up at around 7:20, and got on my laptop. As usual, I went straight onto Megatokyo (I finished every strip as of today at around 4.), MSN, the usual. My brother then had to go to his AFL game, so I was stuck at home. I did some homework (*sigh*), watched Family Guy, and talked on MSN to Alexa. I had lunch, did more stuff on my laptop, etc, etc. After my brother got home, I played PS3 for a short time, had dinner, and watched TV. I also did some reading and a short dance rehearsal by myself. Hmm, is that it? It was a fairly monotonous day (hmm, fairly monotonous, maybe I should have used that for the title)... Tell, you what, I'll do more random lists. These are fun.

Things that piss me off:
* Spelling errors: you would think in books, they'd bother to spellcheck. Maybe that seems harsh, there's so many pages, but you'd think they'd learn to spell right on an advertisement on the back of a bus! (OK, maybe they're funny, but, still, I don't like spelling errors.) And I'm not talking about long words, little things like their and there.
* Projects all due in the space of one week: Or, in the case of Tuesday, one day.
* People not telling me if something's to do with me: Man, I have a right to know.
* My 'New Scientist' coming on Monday, not the previous Friday: Damn the postal system not coming on weekends.

Hmm. Things I'm obsessed with:
* The Periodic Table: It runs through my head all the time. Luckily reading shuts it up. (Nerdy and Proud of it!)
* Queen: I know, I'm obsessed. If you listen, you'll know why.
* My blog: Sorta goes without saying. Nothing under 4oo words!
* My laptop: My world, man!

Book Ideas:
* Hitler's adopted son taking over the world: That went 2 pages before I realised I didn't have a protagonist.
* Genghis Khan something something magical powers: I had that obsession in Year 6-7.
* Something about breaking prejudices: I'm sure I have a character list somewhere.
* Defence on Atheism: I don't read Richard Dawkins.
* Werewolves fighting with swords against a Masked Man: I had a dream this morning, and that was it.

Songs I've written and their choruses (please note that I write to write and not about anything):
* Life In Oakwood Town:
Well life in this old town
Is simple and carefree
I don’t care what people say
But Oakwood Town’s for me

* For You:
‘Cause I’d, stop the world spinning
For You
‘Cause I’d, halt time in its tracks
For You
It doesn’t matter where you are
Doesn’t matter what you do
I’d still do anything
For You

* Where Have You Gone:
Where have you gone?
Right now I’m missing you
Where have you gone?
Now there’s one where there was two
My heart is filled with sadness
When I ask Why and How?
And all that I want to know
Is to know where you are now

* Truth In Lies:
You are the one
My special one
And I see you
When I close my eyes
You broke my heart
When you told me
And you showed me
The truth in lies

Ideas belong sole property of me, you get the picture. I'd give you the tunes to go along with the lyrics, but I can't do those. I guess that sums up today, and more random lists too. I probably won't do more of those random lists, one because they're basically filler (but still cool) and two because I don't think I can think of any more. School tomorrow. Ah, well.

Relaxing all the while,

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