Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Cheerful Tuesday

Yes, today was a fun, optimistic, cheerful day. And today I'll be unveiling a new segment to my blog, which shall now be the second-last paragraph. I shall get to that when I get to it.

First, last night. I did hapkido, and it was fun as! I've never sweated so much and enjoyed it. I got my uniform, and since I had one on and Shay didn't, I had superiority. Lol! We did some basic kicks, punches, defenses, basic stuff. We were also supposed to be doing forward rolls, but I admittedly sucked at that. But soon I hope to be able to do it. Which will be awesome. I finished around 8:15, and when I got home: horror. Where is my watch? A check around the house, Jo's car and a phone call to the hapkido centre determined that it was at reception at hapkido. So I'll have to get it on Wednesday. Since then my wrist has seemed naked. But that's me; common sense of a garden snail. (But, as Einstein said: "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen." I don't know what I meant by that, I just wanted to use that quote. I know I'm weird. Not like it's something I don't know.)

I caught the bus to school, and it was raining on and off. No, literally: One minute it was pouring, and then the next there wasn't a speck of rain. It seemed like somebody was turning off a tap. Anyway. Period 1 was Ag, which was just writing some stuff out from the board. Same old, same old. Next was History, which was answering more questions. Luckily there weren't that many, so I got a chance to read. As usual. Recess was talking to Victor and Shafi, while Kevin, Eric, John and Andy played 13 (I didn't know.). Apparently Shafi had never heard of Queen (speaking of Queen, 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' is stuck in my head today.). I stared at him. Unfortunately, not many people I know have heard of Queen. A shame. Period 3 was Maths, which was not actually doing much, for once. I treasure those bludgy moments in Maths: there isn't many of them. Next was Science, which was a really fun experiment. We heated a piece of metal under a blue Bunsen flame, and watched what it did. What ended up happening was that the metal curved almost 90 degrees, and the edge of the metal turned red-hot; it was glowing. That was awesome. When we put it under a tap, the water just boiled instantaneously, with a hissing sound and a cloud of steam. I love doing that. Lunch was 13 again, with me only winning one game (and that was with a few straights thrown in. I had 6 doubles and I didn't even win, and one of them was a double 2!).

Period 5 was Commerce, in which we went to a computer lab. We also met who I think our new teacher is for when Kearney leaves, though her name escapes me. We were just researching about members of parliament. I ended up having to go on the same computer as Hewie since mine didn't work. I also gave Karen my blog link, which she asked about in Maths (I will get to that.) I forgot her name, which is a big problem for me, since I suck at names. I will learn people's names, I swear. Period 6 was English, which was the best period of the day. We were talking about short stories, and we started talking about anachronisms. And Tiana started talking about how we shouldn't watch DVDs of movies set in the time before DVDs, since that's an anachronism. The same goes for cameras. I swear, Tiana thinks too much or not enough, I don't know which. We're also supposed to do a 5 page short story. I did a double-take. I was (partially) relieved when he said it wasn't an A4 page. So that was a load off (although knowing me, I'll either do too much or not enough.). When I got home, I went on my laptop, watched TV, and, surprisingly, read, since I don't read that much at home, since I can go on my laptop at home (I've already finished 'New Moon.' I think I started it this morning or last night. I have way too much time on my hands.).

Now for the segment I was talking about in my first paragraph. Here I am going to respond to everybody's comments from the previous day. I figure if you have taken the time to comment, I should take the time to reply. And I'm hoping to make this a permanent thing. Now in order:
* Ebony: I laughed at that 'Live long and prosper' thing, because I always used to say that, and, it's true, no matter how hard you try, you can't out-nerd me (but, that's a compliment to me. Lol.) I'm following your blog as well, since I suppose you read mine, I'll read yours.
* Victor: LOL. That's all that needs to be said.
* AC: I am still speculating your identity, but I figure I'd best just see you as AC and not some kid from school trying to hide their identity (and yes, I am going to keep calling you AC. Just because it's a lot easier.)
* Shafi (twice): Man, just say who you are. It's fun. And you gotta type better. But, thanks for commenting. Really. Twice is awesome!
* Karen: Thanks for laughing, I like my blog. I will remember your name now (sorry), and I think you're the first person to remark on the Element thing. Sweet! I'm also following your blog, for the same reason as I said for Ebony.
* John: Glad you didn't hear me singing, and that you love music. And you're welcome for your blog, it is really awesome. And thanks for commenting more, I love comments.
* Dad: Didn't expect this one, but, you're right, I don't mind. I love it! That 'uncooler' thing made me laugh, because I've said it before, if you can't laugh at yourself, you can't laugh at anyone. See you on Friday!
* Shafi: This wasn't actually there when I started this, and it's OK if you don't put your name in the title, I'm not really sure how to either. See you at school!

That sums up today. I hope you all like my new segment, because I sure do. Speaking of comments, I'll probably be commenting more on other people's blogs, if that's OK. My New Year's Resolution was to be more social, and I figure I'd better start living up to that (although I am doing that more already.).

See you all in my comments (hopefully),


  1. First. I'm so damn cool!

    I amaze myself at times.

  2. THE ULTIMATE GOD OF ROCKMarch 31, 2009 at 9:16 PM


  3. its me again
    guess what, i found another way to you're blog
    through google blogs!
    now i won't have to remember the URL
    anyway, i have heard of Queen's songs, just not the band itself
    nice trick with the moving elements at the bottom
    by the way, (this just a piece of advice) try to read new books instead rereding old ones, its more excited (for me anyway)

    cya Shafi (this like the 3rd comment tonight sorry about that)

  4. Bookmark much.

    The grammar (or lack thereof) makes my eyes bleed.

    It hurts.

    Shift key is your friend.

    P.S. Mango is a tard

  5. See now he shows his real face and proves that he is the before-mentioned tard!

    Edit: What kind of verification word is 'Cobso'?

  6. Remember when /b/ used to be good?


    /b/ was never good!

  7. hello ab, its me again. you sure have some interesting friends, especially this 'super mango', although i dont think its nice to call people tards. you know who this is, so ill talk to you soon.

  8. Haha, reading all the comments I laughed so much I cna't even remember what I was going to comment on. Le sigh.
    And Tiana does think a lot, and she does think clever things, she just as difficulty expressing her thoughts in ways that we can easily interpret them. But I think that's more to do with her upbringing than educaiton.
    Anyways. Your friends are awesome =) ("Shift key if your friend")
    Live long and prosper =)

    (... I should follow you too)
    (Doesn't "follow" make it sound so stalkerish??)

  9. Nice spelling of "education".

    Not as stalkerish as Camo...

  10. Many more people are commenting on your posts now.
    Almost takes the joy out of it.
    Thankyou (not) for getting 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' stuck in my head.

    Any thoughts as to my identity?
    A friend.

  11. HEY AB!
    Sorry on the late reply of posts. I don't use blogger very much unless I am updating mine or something. I noticed you followed my blog so I shall return the favour :)

    Maths is so boring sometimes!!
