Friday, March 13, 2009

Dancing, Scratch and Megatokyo

You may have read that title and thought WT7? How are any of those things related? And the answer is that they all played a fairly large part on Friday the 13th (which went pretty smoothly).

My Dad drove me to school, etc, etc, you know the drill. Period 1 was Agriculture, which was writing stuff down in our books, NTR (No Thought Required). Next came Geography, in which we went up to the library for the second or third period running, but we didn't take any notes. Just watching, talking. A nice little break from work at school. Next came Assembly, in which I got very cramped up (too many people, not enough space), and worked out exactly what I have on Tuesday the 24th:

Period 2: Geography Assessment and Glenfield School Reading
Period 5: Drama Assessment and PE Assessment

As you can see, that is a big problem. To say the least. Will they change it around, who knows? Great work, Hurlstone. Genius. And, to top it all off, for PE, there's not enough time to do it in class, so we have to give up lunch times, after-school times, I'm even doing some stuff tomorrow. On Saturday. Oy. Anyway, Recess was an hour, in which it rained, and we talked about everything from how other people looked in my glasses to how far back I can put my eyes (answer to both: very weird and almost all the way). Maths was Period 3, which was about 10 minutes for some reason, and involved little work. Science followed, and was doing an experiment with hydrogen peroxide and fire. No theory, just experiment. Lunch was doing some dancing (part 1 of title) in Room 6, with Oishi and Nancy, for just over an hour. Then I went to the music room with everyone, and we did some music (of course). Period 5 was Commerce, which involved more theory, *sigh*. The only good thing about Commerce in Period 5 is that I don't finish the day with it. English was a bludge, doing 10 minutes of work and subsequently reading a Bill Bryson book and attempting not to burst out laughing, with limited success (I was reading Bill Bryson: I probably should have seen that coming.). Thus ends school, but not Friday. I got home, and after a while I went on the Scratch website (part 2 of title), and I realise I've been featured on the Scratch site. That means that my project (specifically this one) has been considered one of the best on the Scratch site. That was exhilarating. But, the day still wasn't finished. Through thine computerised information god Wikipedia, I got onto a comic called Megatokyo, which is really good. Would I be so forward to say it is better than xkcd and Dinosaur Comics? Which is really saying something. Oh, and today, I don't really have a song stuck in my head. Ah well.

Now, that ends Friday, or the better part of it. I shall blog, as always, tomorrow. I might say comment again, but yesterday's were pretty random. But, fun. Somebody is reading. Comment!

Friday the 13th isn't as bad as Tuesday the 24th,

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