Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Weird and Whimsical Wednesday

I know it's a strange title. But today was a really fun day. Today may have been the day of the Drama assessment, but I tell you what: I've never had more fun doing a project. I'll tell you all about it, and just how fun today was.

Period 1 was Drama, and I was ninth out of the eleven people who were scheduled today. A brief rundown, first, of everyone in order:
* Tansy's: Funny, and very good. Strange too, but in a good way.
* Allie's: She talked about smells, for some reason, but it worked really well, I think.
* Ebony's: Very weird, but again, in a good way. I think she summed up the whole thing, in that it was an eyeopener for everybody.
* Vivian's: Funny. It was full of anecdotes, and I like anecdotes.
* Tri's: A bit like mine, in that it did a day in the life of him.
* Cameron's: Of course, he ended up playing his guitar. But it was pretty good, and very realistic.
* Amanda's: It seemed pretty good. It was fun.
* Alice's: Hers was a bit unorthodox, but I liked it. One of those ones with that je ne sais quoi.
* Mine: I'll get to that in a minute.
* Rosa's: Hers was really good. Funny too, another one with anecdotes.
* Lana's: She did hers with an amnesia thing. It was pretty well-performed (she made me feel less of a nerd. It was a weird feeling.)
Now, to mine. I did mine as a day in the life of 3 ABs: A Bookworm, A Blogger and A Beatkeeper, which dealt with, in order: Reading, Computer and Music. I think I did pretty well, but that's just me. I brought speech cards, but I didn't use them that much, except to keep to a basic plot. I impromtu'd (OK, stop using made-up words.) a good portion of it. Maybe that was what was fun about it: you could just do anything and it adds to the performance, as well as letting people see that I'm not just that kid who reads all the time. I like it.

Period 2 was Maths, which was doing a brief amount of work. No real thought required, just writing and using a calculator. Recess was spent just talking, and playing 13. Period 3 was PE, which wasn't doing work so much as talking about traffic experiences Mr. Wilson has had, and talking about a sheet we got given. That was pretty bludgy, so that was fun. For Lunch, we (Andy, Eric, Kevin, Victor and me) played 13 again, until the bell rang, though Eric had to go, since he does Tennis. I think I only won one game, but it was a good one. I had 3 to Queen, a 6, a 10, and a 2. I held up until the round was mine, after playing a 6, and then a 2 to win the round. Then I played my trump cards, 3 to Queen, then ended with a 10. That was fun. For sport, we did soccer (with limited success, ie, I sucked), and then hockey (I did basically nothing). I also found out that Victor watched 'Monty Python,' so we started quoting 'Holy Grail' like crazy. (If you haven't seen it, there's something wrong with you.) Then when the bell went, I went up to the library for a while, read a bit (but didn't borrow), then went down to the station. I had a talk with Dana (a Year 11 girl on my station. She's fun to talk to.), and then I caught the bus home. Nibraas and Sakib were in the seat behind me, when I heard 'Get your back up off the wall...' I groaned. Those were the first lines to the remix of 'We Break the Dawn' featuring Flo Rida, which was the song first used in our dance yesterday. Nibraas was at that dance. He also said yesterday (which I mentioned in the last post) that he recorded my dance on his phone. I turned around, and asked to have a look at it. He asked if he could put it on Youtube. It would be funny if my dancing was any better. Although, having a look at the dance, I don't think I did so bad, although I don't play a good drunk. Anyway. When I got home, I went on my laptop, since I didn't go on this morning, since I was preparing for the Drama assessment. So I went on MSN, surfed the net, had dinner, watched TV, and now here I am blogging.

And that was today. I really liked today: it was fun, and I discovered that someone in the group likes Monty Python, and the reason I chose Drama: because it's fun and it gives me a chance to express my creative side a bit more openly. I also feel like doing a list/rant in the next few days, so keep reading. I'll end with a quote from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail,' because I wanted to end with a random i.e. awesome line, as that's just how my day went, random i.e. awesome.

If she weighed the same as a duck... she's made of wood. And therefore... A witch!

1 comment:

  1. Instead of "impromptu'd", you should use "improvised".
