Thursday, March 26, 2009

Relief and Randomness

Relief because we didn't do any assessments (Shock! Horror!), and randomness because, well, today was a random day. So on to Thursday...

I got driven to school by Jo again, and we talked about my blog, specifically, this post, as she wanted to see what I wrote about that fateful jet boat ride. She told me that she was in stitches laughing. That made me feel good. Period 1 was Science, in which we did an experiment, with acid and fire. Although, in Science that's sort of a given. After that was Maths, in which I played around on Graphmatica, and finished the book I was reading. So I moved on to the other book in my bag, 'Twilight.' Yes, I've already read it, but it's a great book. Only problem is, after watching the movie, I can't help but imagine the book (as it's written from Bella's perspective, obviously) in Kristen Stewart's voice (actor who played Bella). In Recess, boarders (specifically, Olivia Linke and a few friends) teamed up to stop Cam from kicking me out of the band for reasons that I will not attempt to understand. Sometimes I just don't know if people are taking the piss out of me. But, either way, it's funny. Periods 3 and 4 were spent in Ag. Period 3 was me on my iPod (coincidentally, there is no song stuck in my head, so much as lyrics. Those lyrics are 'Wernher von Braun' by Tom Lehrer. Link. He also wrote the Elements Song, which I have of course, memorised.) Period 4 was me vaccinating a cow. Which went OK. Of course, in an Ag lesson, something had to go wrong. And the only one in months I actually took initiative in, my right ring finger got caught between a cow and a pole. Then the cow, freaking out, charged. The pain shot through my finger, as blood started flowing and skin and cuticle came off. This is another of those times that just make you look up and say 'This is why I am an atheist.' Lunch, as always, was playing that most enjoyable of card games, 13. I lost with startling regularity, which I put down to not sitting where I usually do. The highlight of that lunch was me playing 3 triples, or something like that, and Eric claiming 'You cheater!' To which I replied, 'You dealt!' That was funny. Another thing was even more random. In our group we call each other 'aftsholes,' which came about when Andy mispronouned 'ass.' Now we have a new one: Victor almost mispronounced 'technical' as 'testicle' (I'm smiling just thinking about it), so, of course, we replace technical now with testicle, which both makes speech a lot funnier and makes people look at you just that little bit weirder. Which makes it all the more humorous.

Period 5 was English, in which we got our English marks back. I got 14 out of 20, and considering the high was 17 in our class, I think I did pretty well. But the most surprising was that Rhys got the best in the class, even beating Lana. And no, I'm not kidding. He shouted out '17!' in class, and I thought he was kidding. We also did some short story work. I had a really good idea, and I might even write the whole thing. Later. (Serial procrastinator). Period 6 was History, which was a bludge, as Tan lost his rubber ball as Alan somehow knocked it out of the classroom, down a flight of stairs, and into oblivion. When I got home, I went on my laptop, finished off my Scratch project (the Coastline Generator. I'll upload it when the Scratch website goes back on. I don't know what's wrong with it.), and surfed the net, as well as going on MSN. The new Megatokyo comic is up, as well. While watching TV after dinner, I noticed a moment of stupidity. I was watching the Biggest Loser, and somebody was switching teams. But in the ad before they told you who, there was a commercial for the Sunday Biggest Loser, in which they showed you exactly who swapped. Goodbye suspense. And right now, I'm watching the Carlton-Richmond game, AFL of course. Surprised you? I love the Carlton Blues.

And that was a Thursday of relief and randomness, except for when that cow charged me (in a way). But, all in all, I loved today. I'll end with a quote from Holy Grail, because, as I've said before, they are awesome.

She turned me into a newt (I got better),

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