Monday, March 30, 2009

Post the Fiftieth

Celebrate good times, come on! That's right, it's post number 50! If it wasn't the 50th, the post would probably have been something like 'Rants and Revelations.' But it is. I'm blogging early, first because I'm going to be writing a lot, and second because I have hapkido today, and that's going to start around 8-ish. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. OK, so today is going to be split into 2 parts, the day itself, and the celebration.

I got up, did everything, and watched 'Rove,' which is what I do every Monday, as we tape it from Sunday. When I got to school, not many people were there. I later found out there was this big IPT thing. Luckily I do Commerce. Part of my watch also broke (a strap-holder, nothing important), Period 1 was English, with Arnault again, which was doing a brief amount of work on a story which was utterly pointless. Eh. Period 2 was Maths, which was doing work on something like completing the square to solve quadratic equations (and yes, I am reading from the textbook). It was just that type of work that made you want to hit your head with a large wooden plank until you lose consciousness (possibly while chanting 'Pie Jesu Domine, Dona Eis Requiem.' Please tell me someone has seen 'Holy Grail.'). Recess involved playing handball with Eric, John, Shafi and Andy. With Eric, as usual, kicking everybody's ass. Period 3 was Drama, which was watching more Drama assessments. We get our marks back on Wednesday. *sigh* Of course. When everyone finished, I put my iPod in and started listening to Queen (which, almost inevitably, I started singing along to. Hopefully nobody noticed. Well, nobody was clutching their ears and shrieking.). Next was Commerce, which was mindless, repetitive tasks. Of course. Lunch was spent playing a brief amount of handball, as well as talking to Patrick, Justin, Hunaiza (I hope I spelt that right) and Rhoda, since most of the group was doing IPT. The last two periods were PE, although before we started, I said hello to Mrs. Young who was walking past, who replied 'Hi Ben.' *hits head* Maybe I should just change my name legally to Ben, that would save a lot of time. We played netball (not ballroom dancing as I heard was going to happen.). I actually did pretty well, surprising everyone, not least myself. I guess I just have l33t n3tb4ll 5k1ll5 (note to self: never do that again.). After it finished, but before the bell went, I was talking to Rhys about my 50th blog post, and Tiana overheard, and responded with a 'We read your blog at camp!' What? Long story short, there was a Year 7 camp about 2 weeks ago, and the Year 10 'Creating Connections' people were there, and the girls found my blog apparently. Those girls are included, but not limited to: Tiana, Ebony, Corinne and Lauren. Which widens my search for AC from about 10 to god knows who many. But, the upside is that I got another commenter on my blog, Ebony, which I hope keep commenting as I love hearing what people think of my blog (Tiana says it was funny. Just saying.). So I got home, after the train was delayed, but not enough so I missed my bus (I almost mistyped 'missed my bus' as 'kissed my bus.' I had to say that, that was hilarious.). And here I am. I'm also starting hapkido today, which is a Korean martial art and which I am bragging about to everybody (that means you, whoever is reading this.). I also got my New Scientist, and on the front cover it says 'Quantum Fractals.' I held the mag to my chest and said 'Two of my favourite words!' Yes, I am a nerd, and yes, I love it.

Now I start celebrating. It's been a long 50 posts: Over 31,000 words typed in only 7 weeks. My number of readers has skyrocketed, from 1 or 2 in the first few weeks to I'm not sure how many (see Creating Connections thing a few lines up). Comments have also gone up too, with about 2 in the first month to 9 in the last 3 days. Now I'll talk about my readers. Well, a few in particular.
* Victor: First commenter, and one of the first readers. I know that you don't like blogging (you have had two blogs, both deleted, so far.), but thanks for reading.
* John: You actually have a blog (which is awesome, by the way), and you also read my blog a lot. You and Victor (and now maybe Shafi) are the only people in our group who actually read my blog frequently, and I thank you for it.
* My Dad: Didn't expect that? Well, Dad, thanks for reading, it's nice to know my blog is useful, considering you work in Canberra, and you don't usually know about my day in that much detail.
* AC: Whoever you are, you add a bit of mystery into my blog, and that's awesome. My theory is that you are me from a parallel universe (eg: you like Queen, you correct my grammar, and you end your comments like me.).
* Indra, from this blog: I happy to have you read my blog too, and I happy with you too. Thank you for one-time visiting my blog. I will look you up if I ever go to Palembang, Indonesian Countries. (When Babelfish Fails.)
* And to all my newest readers (or, new as in that I just heard about today): I hope you enjoyed my blog. I sure do.

Well, I'm going to sum up now. To everyone, thanks for reading, and please comment, if only to see how many I get (lol).

I can't wait for the next 50,


  1. i dont think anyone from creating connections actually reads your blog...
    just someone said "ab has a blog" and we all said "what?" and someone got out some weird electronic thingimo and we found your blog and started reading it.
    keep in mind this was about 2 am, and most of us forgot everything by the next morning.

    anyways, yay for 50 posts? the next 50 will be even better (at least they were for me) (although the beginning of my blog was very weird)

    We get our marks back on Wednesday???
    Oh. Shit.
    Ah well, no use stressing, right?

    Live long and prosper.
    (I've been meaning to end a lot of my blogs with that but I don't want everyone to think I'm a major nerd. It's okay on your blog, because you're an even bigger nerd.)

  2. Woohoo Im famous on the intarwebs

  3. I would prefer if you didn't compare me to yourself in any way. I am not you from any parallel universe.
    I'm glad you enjoy the mystery I create, because I most certainly don't.

    Perhas you should have called the blog "post the fiftieth: rants and revelations", although, I would have called it rants, recounts, and reflecitons.

    Still speculating my identity?
    A friend.

  4. ab
    i am not the anonymus guy you keep on talking about. he is not me! i just cant change my profile into something more appropriete (excuse the misspelling). besides i dont want recriminations back at school. anyway enjoy your fiftieh blog. youll find the ac guy sooner or later, anyway how do u chage u're profile?

    Anyway cya, you know me (handball) do i talk in jibbarish?

  5. its me again
    ive been reding youre blogs and i think the ac is from yourre maths class (A1)because of the comment made on March 12
    anyway cya u know me, i wrote the last comment

  6. Good evening!
    It's Karen, I have only realised that there are people in the grad who I know who don't know my name. Like you and Shafi. Oh my gosh! I just scrolled down and saw the Periodic Table thing!! So cool, I remembered it up to 36 once and now it's only at like 20 sadly.

    Your blog is interesting! It makes me laugh :) Anyways you have officially been blog roll'd! My blogs aren't as detailed as yours, more indepth shall I say. Not really...

    Anyways catch ya later,

  7. No, I didn't hear you singing to your music (thank heavens(no offense)). Still, if it's your favourite music go ahead and sing. I prefer listening on my own, and getting a sense of exhileration from my music. Helps when I just did something difficult, heightens the feeling of exultion. By the way, thanks for your compliment on my blog :) I really should comment more on your posts, and intead to from now on. Adios for now!

  8. Unsure if your Dad commenting on your Blog is going make you uncool or (uncooler :-)). I don't think you would mind. I must admit I look forward to reading it at night, well done on 50 Blogs mate, see you on Friday.

  9. ab, how do u create links?
    like between the blog and the other sites
    damn, sorry, 4 the past 3 minutes ive been trying to change my ID but my openID credentials could not be identified

    oh well
    catch u at school
