Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not a Total Catastrophe

Because today was, indeed, somewhat of a disaster, but not a total catastrophe. I will get to exactly how. Other possible titles included 'Rugby and Retards,' which involved me playing rugby and sucking as well as other retarded things I did; and '13: A Curse,' a play on words involving 13 being unlucky as well as the card game 13, and for which I scrapped an entire opening paragraph for.

I woke up early to do yesterday's blog today, and then spent some time surfing the net. I got to school, and the bell time was extended for some bizarre but appreciated quirk of fate (I realise: it may be impossible for me to talk without using words like bizarre and appreciated.). After Roll Call was Science, in which we did some work that seemed more like Maths: it was basically just messing around with the calculator. Next came, coincidentally, Maths, which didn't involve calculators so much as computers. Another day, another bludge. Recess was dancing again, in Room 6, which is coming along much better than I would have thought, but it still needs some work. Period 3 was Ag, in which we went down to the farm and watched some visting guy artificially inseminate a cow, which, yes, is as disgusting as it sounds. I spent the last 15 minutes playing Solitaire on my iPod, which plays a big part in things to come. Lunch was spent playing 13, and, for some bizarre (there it is again) reason, getting people to try and guess my name. People who I've never met even knew me as AB (people seem to do that. Basically anyone in my grade in my local area, and even people who went to school with my brother seem to know me. It gets really annoying.). In 13, I won a few games and lost most of them. Sport today was rugby (don't ask league or union, I don't know the difference), and in which I sucked. It was not a total catastophe in that after people started realising that it was not a good idea to give me a rugby ball (I'm surprised it took them as long as it did), I went and played defense, which in rugby basically means stand near the edge of the backline and tag people if they come close. One of the teachers made us run to get water. That is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard (although I do something stupider later). I was umpire for a brief (very brief) stage, in which the players told me what to say. Very successful. Once it was over (thank god), I did the usual: went to the station, read, waited for the train, got on my iPod, got on the bus, my brother gets on, etc.

But here something very retarded happened, which I shall call The Big Screw-Up (yes, capital letters): I look up on the bus, at around 3:45, from being distracted from playing Solitaire on my iPod (which shall not happen again): only to discover we've missed our stop and are about 30 seconds from going across a busy highway onto Westfields. After a brief panic, we get out at an arbitrary place and start crossing roads to get to our house. Words cannot express the feeling of retardedness I felt. It took a minute to screw up and 20 to get back to our house. You never realise how little people walk and how slow you do compared to cars until you are actually walking across roads. When we got to our street, the late bus was there. So it would have been a bit less of a hassle if I had just skipped the bus that came first and waited. *sigh*. After that, the day passed fairly smoothly: I checked webcomics, surfed the net, watched TV.

A thankful end to a weird and witless (OK, I just used an online thesaurus) Wednesday. Tomorrow I have 3 periods off: Period 2, which I think is some workshop, and I miss out on Periods 5 and 6 because I have to go to the orthodontist (they fit braces) to get some X-rays. This'll be fun (sarcasm alert). Hopefully Thursday will be smarterer (sic) and bludgier.

Hope you were smarter than me today (read: very easy),

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