Monday, March 9, 2009

Save Me (From Exams)

OK, I swear, no more Queen songs, maybe. (And, wow, I'm even using brackets in titles now.) Back to school, and guess what? I forgot there was an exam. Well, at least the rest of the day was a bludge. Let's see what happened today...

I got dropped off at school by my Dad (because he doesn't go back to work until tomorrow), and we talk about our weekends. Eric listened to my iPod. And I find out about the English exam. That came as a shock, I'll say that. Period 1 is Geography, which involved doing a crossword. And by doing it, I mean the class did some, then asked Johnson for the rest of the answers. And by the rest, I mean all (even bludging can be bludged). Next was Science, and Robson was away, again (sounds like musical chairs: teacher style). Instead we had Contado, the permanent substitute. We did some questions, not too difficult, and then I realise my iPod's not in my top pocket where it should be. I check my pockets, and all I can feel is my green book. At this point, I start to get worried. No matter, it's probably in my bag. I go out to check: it's not in there. Panic starts. I run into the classroom, to see if it's there, pulling apart everything on my table as fast as I can (and getting strange looks by at least one person in the process). I run back out, and start ripping everything out of my bag. I make one last look in my pockets: and there it is. (I swear sometimes I feel like a retard.) Recess was spent talking to everyone. Period 3 was Ag, and Schippers returned. We spent the period doing the worksheets fairly half-assed, and correcting the work from the entirety of last week. (You'd think he'd leave answers.)

Next was supposed to be PE, but instead it was the exam. The English one. The one I didn't study for. Cue the dramatic music! We get to the class, and our teacher is the new English one replacing Manyweathers, the one with the hyphenated name that stretches from here to Perth and back again. We get our exams, and she puts on the video (again, not DVD) on the video player that's 20 years old (that's no exaggeration. Apparently the teacher got that model as a wedding present in 1989.). That takes about 15 minutes to work out, and then we get into the exam. It was fairly simple, but we had to write over 2 pages in 30 minutes. Anyway... Lunch was spent watching one of the big chess games (our school has gigantic chess pieces, and 2 chess boards painted on the ground. That's what you get for going to Hurlstone.), and doing some rehearsal for Dance for PE. Which reminds me, I also have a practice tomorrow arvo. Period 5 was spent in Maths, with Rawson teaching us about the ideas of mathematical induction without actually telling us what it was. (I Wiki'd it today: not recommended. From what I can understand, it's proving a hypothesis mathematically. That's about all I understood before it got confusing.) Next was Drama, which was really funny. We all moved the tables and chairs to the sides of the room before class so we didn't have to do theory, then sat on the ground as a form of silent protest. After this and a lot of talking (so much for silent protest), Kolodziej sort of blew his top. That was followed by about a minute of silence. Yeah. It was also funny for another reason: Cameron started to sing Katy Perry. Specifically, 'Hot N Cold.' Cameron. Singing Katy Perry. That was just so random and so funny. Speaking of music, the song stuck in my head is 'Don't Stop Me Now.' So I got home, and after doing homework, I get on my laptop: and Episode 35 is out (but don't bother going on the website. Youtube it.). 3 weeks, 3 episodes. That is a miracle. Long live LK. And, as always, bloody hilarious.

Such ends Monday, and what a Monday it's been. I end with a quote by some guy called Tom Wilson (I use this site), 'cause thinking outside of school is... something...

Mondays are the potholes in the road of life,

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