Saturday, May 16, 2009

Work, Work

If I had to say that, it would be like the peons in Warcraft III (and if you don't know how they sound, shame on you). But, yeah, it's just been work, work today [yesterday. Saturday. Standard drill.].

I woke up around 8-ish, and then ate breakfast (the pain of the spacers is wearing off). After a bit of watching TV, my Mum had to leave for my brother's footy, and I stayed home to get some stuff done. First I did Friday's post, which took a bit, and then I started cleaning my room, while listening to music (specifically, the song stuck in my head, which is 'Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)' by The Offspring'). My room, after something like 2.5 hours of cleaning, now looks fairly clean (my room is never completely clean, but I'm fine with that. I think that even my parents accept it now, though if Michael came by I'd be in some difficulty). I also did some Ag studying, which I think I need more than anything. When my Mum got home, it was more work, with a delivery of 2 bookcases and a TV stand, thus requiring us to start moving stuff like crazy. When my Dad got home, he helped as well, and we all worked until around 5:30, moving books, trophies, and everything else until the house didn't look like John McClane had had to collect cupboards from around the house to protect himself from gunfire (that was a Die Hard reference, for anyone who didn't understand that. Again, if you haven't seen Die Hard, shame on you.). When we finished: the table in front of our lounge had gone; the DVDs and games had been put into the TV case; all books were in shelves with room to spare; the printer was in my room and my room was organised; and several other changes. Then after dinner, I went on my laptop, where I was fir the rest of the night. I also didn't post, as I was watching TV. My fault.

Now, because I feel like it, it's time for a random list; Things I have to get to:
*Work on my book and put some of it on the computer: I'll still do most of the work in the book, but I still have to put it on the computer, just in case.
*Study: Mostly for Ag, History, Geography, English, Drama... OK, everything. Cramming will also be utilised, heavily. If it got me through Japanese, it can get me through anything.
*Finish watching the rest of the movie I watched last night: If I play it without my brother watching, I might have to use hapkido, and I'm not sure how proficient I am.
*Read 'The Three Musketeers': I've been meaning to get around to this for ages. I'll do it eventually (at the end! 'Fawlty Towers' quote, same old drill: shame on you.).

To comments now: 2 from 2 people.
*Shafi: Actually, I don't have a Wii, my friend Shay does. I probably should have made that clearer. And that bloody English assignment, it haunts me still. When that's finished, I'll have Ag left. Here we go...
*Victor: No, Ebony loves VeGeMite. Search your feelings, Ebony, you know it to be true (now tell me you've seen Star Wars, people!). And indeed you were, but still, Shafi beat you to comment. This shall never change. Never!

Well, I'd best wrap up; there's stuff to be done. Yes, I know, a short-ish post: it wasn't the most eventful day.

No half-yearlies please,


  1. I got the Die Hard and Star Wars references. 2/3 aint bad.

    Good luck cramming!

    And possibly shortest ever :L

  2. We all know I do the best Peon imitations.

    Also, double meaning on your reply to my last post, woo.
