Thursday, April 9, 2009


I meant that to be read as a 'Braveheart' tribute, with the long, drawn-out, dramatic cry at the end of the movie. But, it's hard to put that into words. Anyway, what it means is that it is the end of term, and I am now free! Well, for another 2 weeks. But freedom is freedom. Now to my Thursday, which was bludgy as ever and funny, too.

I got to school, and Victor wasn't there. But he was the only one. Before school, I challenged Eric and Ian to an arm wrestle. Usually I'd be the last one to do that, but I wanted to see if hapkido has made a difference. And it has! I beat both of them. That was fun. Anyway. Period 1 was Science, and we didn't even get a chance to see Robson for the last lesson. Instead, we had... Bruce. We had him for something like 2 terms in Ag in Year 8, and believe me, that was plenty. I thought he'd left. Bloody hell. I finished my work (yes, we actually had work), and then it was time for Geography, which was watching a documentary up in the annexe. I read half the time and watched the other half. Recess was 13, as usual, with John, Kevin, Andy and me. We're lucky we had that many; Eric didn't want to play, and Victor wasn't here, as I said before. Period 3 was English, which was watching a DVD (not video, surprisingly) of 'Round the Twist.' I hadn't seen that show in years. I liked that show. Hancock was also talking about our short stories, and he said they were due in today. The whole of the class just started saying 'No! You said next term!' In the end he let it go, which was a load off. Next was Maths, in which all but 3 were here, so we did work. The whole lesson was on the surface area of cones. Nothing else. Just that. Too much work for the last day of term. I also worked out how to make a variable equal a number. So I don't forget: Number, Shift, RCL, Variable-without-Alpha. There we are. Lunch was cards, but not entirely 13. We also played 31, with Mango too. The funniest hand: one of mine. I was dealt an ace and a king of diamonds, as well as a nine of spades. I was first, and I drew the jack of diamonds. Instant win. The expressions on everybody's faces were priceless. When Mango left, we went back to 13. Period 5 was Drama, which was some impromptu prac stuff. It was all funny, but the best one had to go to one by Shane and Oscar. I luckily wrote it down in Commerce, so I could put it here. Here goes:

Shane is standing up, with a David Attenborough-type voice. Oscar is lying down, to the left.
Shane: Hello. I am Professor... Blueberry, and I'll be playing a game called 'Spot the Crocodile.' Oscar snaps with his arms, evidently pretending to be a crocodile.
Is he in the gumtrees? [he looks at Oscar.]
Is he in the volcano? [he looks at Oscar.]
Is he in the grass? [he looks at Oscar.]
He must be in the pond... [Shane bends over, in front of Oscar.]
They are hard to spot, for they require... a magnifying glass. Let me just increase the magnification on this... [All this time, Oscar is moving up behind Shane, but slowly.]
(Eat me, you idiot!) [Oscar attacks. The End.]

All impromptu, and funny as hell. You had to be there. But I wrote it so I could remember. Lastly for the term was Commerce, which would usually have been horrifying, but Kearney was giving out chocolate as a reward for a quiz-type thing. Basically, he asks questions, we get chocolate. I ended up getting a few eggs. Delicious! My Dad picked me up from school, and gave me good news and bad news. In summary: Bad news: We have to do chores for two hours. Good news: Then we're finished. His version was that after we're finished we can relax for a while, only doing regular chores. But we do that anyway! So I, being a smartass, wound down my window, and went 'We're doing 2 hours of chores, then we're finished! Yippi-kai-yai-yay!' You could see my Dad trying not to laugh. After whipper-snippering, cleaning the house, doing the kitchen and so on, I finally got a chance to relax. School may have finished at 2, but work didn't. But when it was done, I was relieved, to say the least. And here I am, work finished, and on MSN, listening to Rihanna (aha! Thought I'd say Queen, didn't you? I'm surprised myself, actually.) on my iPod.

I'm in the mood for one random list. OK, it's not random. It's sorta relevant. Things I'll miss over the holidays:
*Cards at Recess and Lunch: It's fun playing cards with everyone. Well, it's more I'll miss the company of my friends in general. But that's what MSN was made for, hey? Still no substitute though.
*Having an easy way to blog: I mean, look at today. I can split the day into periods, and write more. But, I suppose this will be good for my writing, which will be good for my dream of writing a book someday. Maybe I'll work on some stuff in the holidays.
*Hapkido: I don't think I'll be doing it as much, with Easter and going places and so on. And that sucks, because quickly hapkido has become a really fun thing to do, and it's good exercise. I never thought there'd be a day I was missing exercise, but here it is.

Now, I think, is a time for comments. 6 yesterday, from 6 people. Awesome.
*Rosa: That was a surprise, I'll say that. First comment, first for the post! And thanks for the following, that's 7!
*Victor: I do miss your comments. They are funny!
*Karen: I do not like her (in that way). She wasn't there yesterday, and I may or may not see her in the holidays, depending how much I see her. I also love Solitaire on my iPod, though I have no clue why they called it 'Klondike.' I was looking at my games, and I started playing it, and I thought 'This reminds me of Solitaire...' Maths is boring, and I'll enjoy the holidays. Though I will miss everybody. Have a good holiday too!
*Ebony: ...I'm not sure what to say about that ANZAC ceremony thing. It's very respectful. I've heard of 500 once or twice, but I have no idea of the rules. Hmm. And I missed Victor's comments too.
*AC: My Commerce thing was about 2 pages. I couldn't write much. And I found the ANZAC ceremony interesting, because you didn't quite know what he meant by myth and legend, so you were waiting to see if it had a point, and where he was going (if anywhere) with it. No disrespect. And you should keep commenting (please), I like your comments. I'm sure I've already said this. Memory span of... something.

Well, that pretty much sums up today. The next 2 weeks are going to be fun, I'll try to do something productive instead of just watching TV and surfing the net, though I will be doing those. Especially that last one. Maybe I'll also memorise some songs. Fun if I can recite the whole of 'New Math' by the first day back (if you don't know what that is, here's a link of someone lip-syncing it. And yes, it's by the same guy who wrote 'Lobachevsky.').

Thank god term is over,


  1. We knew Robson was gonna be away today. Or at least, those of us who pay attention instead of reading our books knew that.
    :O WRONG! It was "Eat me you retard!!!"
    And you should try 500 one day. It even requires...thought :O
    :L never mind, i have anzac issues.
    you get chocolate and we get "go and do these tutorials on flash" which turned into watching John's games on powerpoint. i sitll want the chocolate though.
    If you want to make freedom long, you write ffrreeeeddoomm. see? really gets the message across.

  2. Hi Ab!
    i just got a blog!
    Go to
    How do i turn this into a link?

  3. Hey Ab!
    how do get rid of word verify and create an anonmymous comments account?

  4. I think that comment made my day.

    You can uncheck word verify in the "Settings" of your blog, be next to your blog on your Dashboard.

    You don't 'create' an anonymous comment account, you simply do not log in at all. Some blogs have been set not to allow anonymous comments, but this one is an exception.

  5. Hey. And I agree with Ebony.
    Shane didn't say Idiot, he said Retard.

    Shane and Oscar the perfect married couple.

  6. Sorry I haven't commented. I was in Newcastle! For the easter weekend. I hope your weekend was good, well I guess I'll just have to read about it. I love Shane and Oscar (L) They're hilarious.
