Saturday, January 23, 2010

An End and a Beginning

Well, my friends, you have seen many a post, and if you've been following my blog, you will notice that it's the 23rd of January, and there hasn't been a post since the 5th. Of December. And it has slowly come to my attention that this blog is slowly slipping away. So, it is to my regret that I cannot keep up with the month's worth of posts. And so, readers, I must say goodbye to the type of blog in which I post about every single day. Instead, I am going to begin to post whenever I feel like it, and about whatever I want.

Rest assured I am not taking this decision lightly. I have been thinking about this for a while, ever since I realised there was a month of posting to do and there wasn't much chance of it getting done. My blog is thus undergoing a transition of such. With this in mind, I need to do two things. One: stop talking like this (I am beginning to sound very stuck-up and formal here. Hooray, brackets!). Two: recap everything that has happened in the last month, in one post. So, of course, it won't be as detailed as every post. Though, it will be very long. Then, I'll talk about precisely which way the blog is going, and comment replies.

Bloody hell, there is a lot to write here. So, I'll try to do one or two paragraphs for every day that I want to blog about, because some days I did nothing and I forgot about more. (oh, boy, this will be long. Really long.), although there may be problems with some days. That's understandable, though. Bear with me here, for this is a post that may seemingly go on forever. It'll go up to the end of 2009 in detail, because I took notes. Not much afterwards, though.

*Monday, 7 December: The last week of school started today, and Period 1 was Ag, where we dug up potatoes by the kilo. There were two bags full. That's Hurlstone for you. Most of the day wasn't too exciting, although at Lunch I had a rant similar to the one I did about 2012. After school, we had EJ's formal to go to, which brought up memories of my Year 6 formal. Happy days, my friends, happy days.
*Tuesday, 8 December: Period 1 was Science, and it was funny. We proved much of science wrong (though some experiments may have been set up wrong.). We tried to make the greenhouse effect, and the carbon dioxide bottle got cooler; and Pitt tried to show us how you can't get a bottle to break by throwing it against a wall. I broke it on the first try. Next was Geography, we watched a little of 'The Gods Must Be Crazy.' Period 3 was listening to a funny speech by Will Ferrell, and next was Period 4, where we watched the Muppets on Youtube with Rawson. That was funny. Lunch was puns galore, Period 5 was playing CounterStrike (I sucked), and Period 6 was Commerce, which was playing DotA. I was alright; Ian owned.
*Wednesday, 9 December: You will not believe what happened today, readers. I should have been doing the 'All My Own Work' seminar in Periods 1 and 2. However, while walking into school, I was stopped outside the gate by Coombes, who said that there was a NASA thing going on in the same two periods, and it may be possible that I get into it. Skip to me running around the school to see Norris, and I managed to get into it and do the 'All My Own Work' with 10I (Victor, Eric and Kevin's class.). The NASA thing was very good, and we learnt much. Ebony was jealous. Then, later it was the seminar itself, which was rather simplistic. Put it this way: there was a find-a-word in it. And more than one crossword. I rest my case. Then it was Sport, which was rollerboards, and later iPods. Later, it was hapkido, which was not much special.
*Thursday, 10 December: This was the big day: the final Year 10 Assembly, and the formal. Dear god, I wish I could make a full-length post of this. But that would cause a lot of problems, so I'll try to compress as much as I can. Before school, there was a bit of a fiasco, as I thought I had to wear a winter uniform, instead of a summer uniform. Well, long story short, Mum rushed home, and I changed with barely minutes to go before the ceremony. Which was quite an awesome one. Why? Because I got 5 out of 6 Band 6s in the School Certificate, and 100% in Maths. Only person in the grade to get that. If that doesn't qualify as a right to brag, I seriously don't know what does. Anyway. Soon, we went to the formal, and I was crowned Biggest Nerd of the grade. With the 100% I got (I may mention that a lot), they were great awards. There was a lot of dancing and talking, up until 11.
*Monday, 21 December: (Yeah, I skipped a lot. Holidays blend together.) The main thing that happened was that we went over to Shay's, where we exchanged pressies. I got mangles (man bangles. They don't look too bad.) and books.
*Friday, 25 December: Happy Boxing Eve, everybody! We exchanged presents at around 7:30, and soon went to Aunty Karen's, where it was mostly reading and escaping from their crazy-ass dog. Towards the end of the day, we went to Paul's.
*From Sunday, 27 December to Monday, 4 December: This was the big family vacation, to a town called Port Fairy, which is about 3/4 of the way from Melbourne to the border of Victoria and South Australia. We went with Shay's family, and some of her friends and extended family. There was scuba diving, reading, and Sims 3 on Shay's laptop. Also, New Year's. Happy New Decade, people.
*Saturday, 9 January: Shay and I went shopping for clothes, for my birthday. It was in line with my resolution: To care about my appearance more. We spent $150.
*Sunday, 10 January: I turn 15! Yes, indeed, and I get many a book. There was also 'Family Guy,' and going out to dinner. Banana cake, as well. Mmm, banana cake.

I have not much else to add. I mean, two weeks, a lot blends together. That's a problem. So, I'll just pretty much sign off here. I shall blog when the mood takes me. Otherwise, I won't. Farewell, previous blog mode. It's been fun.

For a new future,

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Post The Three Hundredth

It's come a long way, readers, but this is the 300th post in AB: A Blog! Comments may have declined, and posts procrastinated upon like crazy (sorry about that in advance), but the blog goes on, and I really enjoy doing these milestone posts, because I get to reflect on the past few months. So I'll do what I usually do; I'll go on about my day, and then I shall do the reflection/celebration part. Now, with that out of the way, let's get to it, shall we?

I woke up at around 7:30 (which seems to be the average time for getting up on weekends), and after the chores that I had to do, I quickly got into blogging. With the problem being, of course, I had a lot of posts to do, limited time to do it, and a tendency to get distracted. This, my friends, makes for a very shoddy way of trying to get up to date in posting (so, yeah, this is late. Extremely. Which is, for me, essentially unforgivable in milestone posting. I'm sorry.). So for a few hours, I attempted to post, and didn't get anywhere in particular. Bloody hell. Eventually, though, I had to get ready for a hapkido Christmas party which it seems I have not mentioned in previous posts (or at least, not that I can find. What it pretty much is is a get-together held where anybody from a few local dojangs and their relatives can meet and just see each other and talk outside of hapkido.). Well, I had to get ready for it, and at around 11:30, I left for it.

When I got to the venue (which I think was Bankstown Sports Club), I looked around, and I found Amadeus, and I talked to him while waiting outside the ballroom. When the doors opened, we went inside, and I went to go and sit with Amadeus (just a little side note here that I have no idea where else to add: I haven't seen Nick, that short orange belt, in a while. I hear he's quit.). After we sat down, a whole flock of kids came and found seats. And left them, and new ones showed up. This continued for a bit, until it all settled down and Amadeus and I were the only adults (as in, people in the adults class) on the table, although Amadeus's sister is advancing to the class now. We talked for a bit, and we were given sheets that were a bit of a hapkido quiz, just to liven things up. After all that, at around 12:30, the buffet opened and we got our lunch. And it was delicious. I had pasta, chicken, coleslaw... suffice to say it was very good. I also took some chips from the kids' buffet. Later, too, we had dessert, and I had cake. Cake and ice-cream (also from the kids' buffet.). It was a mouth-watering meal.

After all of that, they did some auctioning of hapkido weapons (I didn't get any), and then they gave out the Spirit Awards, which are sorta like the best and fairest for hapkido. I wasn't nominated for any, but Dylan got one. Once that was done, Grandmaster Geoff unveiled the preview for the new hapkido DVDs. And it looks like, no exaggeration here, the trailer for some kickass video game (here's the Youtube link, if you want to have a look. Just watch it and disagree with me about the video game thing. I dare you.). He then announced something else: the founder of hapkido, the person who came up with the whole thing, is coming to the mats at our dojang next year. Damn, I want to be there. We then had a big hapkido party picture, which I hope to be getting soon.

I got home from the party at around 3:30, and I spent the time after that doing some blogging. Also, when Dad asked me how the party went, I got a chance to quote Tom Lehrer, and replied with 'We ate, we drank, and we were merry,' which I've got to admit out of context must have been at least a little confusing (it actually comes from the song 'In Old Mexico,' which I, of course, have memorised. The next line is 'And we got typhoid and dysentery,' so of course, I didn't say that.). So I blogged for a little bit, and soon, we all went to a family movie, which was '2012.'

I have seen the ads for this movie, so let's just say that I did not go in with high hopes (example: it had waves flooding the Himalayas, in the ads. Need I point out the fact that the Himalayas are 8000 metres high? Where is all the water coming from?). But, I did attempt to watch it, and if you cut out all the stuff that doesn't make sense, it does make for a good movie, although I'm a sucker for a happy ending (and they barely mentioned the whole Maya calendar crap, so kudos there.). However, like many movies, once you start thinking about it, you notice a flaw here and there, and then another one, and eventually it loses a bit of its lustre. I was going to go science nerd rant here, and complain about many things that just didn't make any sense. However, I realised I would be going on for a while here, so I just want to point out one thing that really annoyed me. At one point it said neutrinos were mutating, thus gaining physical properties, presumably mass, and heating the Earth's core (in the first 5 minutes, in fact). This, as a physics lover, irks me so much that you have no idea. If you'll allow a bit of a rant here: Particles don't mutate, they decay. I don't believe neutrinos decay, but even if they did, they would lose mass, and thus lose physical properties (in the sense that the makers of the movie intended. It doesn't make all that much sense, but I'll let it slide.). And if these 'mutated neutrinos' did have the ability to heat something up, why the core? Why not the crust, the thing it would hit first? That's my thing there. There are a few more bits, but if you're not a physics nerd like me, it really doesn't matter all that much. Anyway. The movie itself was worth watching, I think, though probably just once. And when I got home, well, that was it. I went to bed.

And now... the celebrations! 300 glorious posts, each of them a memorial of a day past (well, once I did two posts for one day. But, that was in the earlier posts. Anyway.). There are over 210,000 words so far in this blog, and after this post, there shall be over 215,000. Putting it into scale, that's... well, something like 500 pages in a decent size novel. In this, the commemoration of 300 posts, I would like to remember some things that have happened in the past 100 posts and 100 days, stretching all the way from post 201. So, without further ado, let us look at the memorable events of the last 100 days, in chronological order and with links, to better remember them.
*First kiss: I'm not sure if this is embarrassing, but it's certainly something important that happened. It was just platonic, but I shall remember this.
*AFL Grand Final: This one isn't too personal, but it's still something big, and I watched essentially the whole thing. It was a great Grand Final, and possibly one of the greatest, if not the greatest, games I have ever seen.
*Promoting to Orange Belt in hapkido: My first belt promotion in hapkido, and something I'm certainly proud of. It was, with no exaggeration, one of the biggest achievements I've made in anything sport-related, and that feels good.
*Yearlies and the School Certificate: I can't really link to all of these, as I would be linking to something like 10 posts. But they start here, with the Drama Yearly, and end here, with the Computer Skills School Certificate. They were many exams, and I did pretty well in the Yearlies. I haven't got the School Certificate results back yet, but I hope I did well.
*Britney Spears Concert: It's been something I've been waiting for ever since I got into Britney Spears's music, which was about a decade ago (wow...). So going to the concert was most awesome. It was a great concert.

With remembrances over, I'd like to make an official apology for the immense backlog of posting. I know it's annoying, but there has just been so many things getting in the way, and being a serial procrastinator doesn't help. It really doesn't help. Anyway. I will try to get back up to schedule very soon. Stay tuned.

And now we turn to the comment replies section, with 2:
*Anon: Thanks for the reminder, anonymous random guy who is apparently up past midnight looking at my blog!
*Shafi: Hope you're having fun in Bangladesh, Shaf, and glad you agree with ARG (Anonymous Random Guy.).

That was my day; it stands as written, and it is (trying to make a last paragraph work here. Don't judge me.). Finally, I post, and, well, I've already made my regrets and condolences for late posts. So, what do I do here? Give up writing a closing paragraph, probably, at least for now. Happy 300th post!

300 down, with a cornucopia of posts to come,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tennis and Terminations

With thanks to an online thesaurus for this one, I managed to think of a title fairly quickly. By the termination bit, I refer to the end of a few things; the last full week of Year 10, for one, and a few others that will come (well, at least one.). By tennis, I refer to... well, what do you think I refer to?

The first thing in school was Assembly, and it was stinking hot. Everybody was in the shade; it was actually quite funny. The whole school, bar about 5 people, were sitting around the edge of the Main quad, far from the teachers who were speaking, under the shade of the trees and the shelter, while those few who weren't there were sitting very close under the shade of another tree. The middle of the Main quad, where the sun beat down unstopped, was bare. It was pretty funny. Period 1 was English, where we looked at the speech given by George Bush after 9/11 some more. We're not really doing work (or at least, not hard work), but it is something productive, which is about the best you can ask for at this point. Period 2 was Maths, and we did even less than most other periods; we played cards. More specifically, we played a game called 'Mafia,' which apparently works a lot better with a lot of people, and it was pretty fun. I enjoyed it, at least. Even Faulds played; and was promptly eliminated from the game in the first round. It was pretty funny. Recess was the standard talking.

Period 3 was Drama, and a total of around 5 people showed up to the class, Kolodziej included. Later, Pradeepti showed up; and took Amy with her. Leaving us with about 4 (I say about because I'm not sure of the excat number. It could have been 5.). We spent the class pretty much talking to Kolodziej, and he talked about his band (it's pretty cool; he even looks like he belongs in the band. Here's the site; he's the bass player on the far left.). I talked about hapkido, partly, and my obsession with the elements. It was a pretty good period. Period 4 was Commerce, and it was more of a video. Similar to yesterday, I mainly played my DS. For that reason, I didn't take much note. It was one of those periods. Lunch was the standard.

Periods 5 and 6 were PE, and it was, if you can believe, the last PE period of the year, and thus, my high school life (we still do Sport, but not PE.). It was a little annoying, then, that I forgot that lifesaving for Year 7s was on, and I had brought my swimwear. So I had to play in my school uniform, although I didn't particularly mind, other than that it was a little uncomfortable to play in. We played tennis (I don't have tennis for a label? I could have sworn I did... well, I do now, regardless.), and I originally played with Andrew, Barahona and Matt. However, they soon left. And that was when Wilson came in. So I started playing tennis with him. And it was pretty fun now. Both of us were worn out and run ragged, but it was pretty damn fun. I'm never gonna be a professional tennis player, but I still enjoy it. Soon, Andrew came in, and it was us two against Wilson. That was pretty fun as well. When that was done, we started heading home, when the bell rang.

To comments now (holy crap, comments?), with one from Ebony:
*Ebony: I never actually said he played CounterStrike, I just said that he was in the class, and that I played CounterStrike. It may have been implied, but it was unintentional. Also, I've heard this about the wedding. Usually, I would make some smartass quip, but, considering who I'm talking to, I really shouldn't be surprised.

And that was my day. Next post is my 300th post, which is regrettably late. And by regrettably, I mean I'm kicking myself here. Repeatedly. Annoyed is what I'm saying here. So, I might do a little recap of the last 100 posts, so expect a long-ish post. Not sure how long, it could be one of the longest posts I've done. Just have to see.

Here comes 300 (cue the inevitable Sparta reference),