Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yearlies '09: Drama

I have chosen the title in accordance with the rules set down by myself in the half-yearlies (I was going to say 'in accordance with the scriptures,' but it seemed a bit religious. So I put it in brackets.). And if you don't believe me, then do (by clicking on that link.). Because it's right there, in the first paragraph. Anyway. Let us all have a look at the second day back to school, and the first day of exams...

Before school, I attempted to do some work on Monday's post, but since I had to catch the bus, I didn't get much done. Ah well. Period 1 was Geography, where we did work on synoptic charts, which is basically another word for weather charts (which, if you want to get technical, I would call meteorological charts. I suppose they all have subtle meaning differences, but it all amounts to the same.). It involved looking at sheets, and, on some occasions, pointing out the interior flaws that were present on them (I mean, you can't say that winds move anticlockwise and then show them pointing clockwise. It just doesn't work. It's confusing.). Period 2 was Science, where we went down to the computer labs in the DT block (it used to be called DT, now it's called TAS. Does it honestly matter?) near the dance studio (I haven't been in there in ages), and we went on the net and looked up stuff for the Science exam, which is next week for the Trial School Certificate. Apparently we have to know stuff we haven't even been taught, so I'm not too hopeful. With any luck, I'll be able to wing those parts. Recess was studying.

Period 3 was the first exam, which, if you read my title, was Drama. We got in, and once we'd unpacked, we went straight into it. It was a fairly long exam, and Kolodziej packed a heap into 40 minutes. I think I got it done with about a minute to go. It wasn't hard, I'd say, and I suspect people will lose marks for two reasons: because they didn't finish, and because Kolodziej put questions into the exam that he didn't teach us the answers to. Or, so I think, as everybody did seem to not know the answer to one of the questions. Anyway. Period 4 was PE, and Wilson pretty much said that we're not going to have that many theory PE lessons for the rest of the term, so he gave us a booklet and essentially said (in fact, he did say; there's no 'essentially' about it) that we just do whatever we want from it for the rest of the term. Which was pretty cool. In the end, we went around the class saying professions beginning with each letter (hard ones included K, Q and X. I didn't get around to saying 'Quantum Physicist,' which I think was a good one.). Lunch was talking, as well as paying some money to the cash registrar for the formal.

Period 5 was Maths, and we pretty much just did some revision work. Nothing particularly hard, just really using basic algebra and geometry, and occasionally getting your calculator out to go over some stuff. It wasn't really that difficult. Period 6 was Drama, which was pretty fun. Ours was the only group that actually did the run-through of the Fawlty Towers skit. Kolodziej asked if I was going to be Basil, but I said that I was Mr Hamilton. It would have been pretty good to be Basil, though (but if we are doing another one, I am going to be Manuel. Just because he is awesome.). And when I got home, I studied for Commerce, and surfed the net. But I didn't get to post that much, so here I am.

And such was the beginning of exams for Term 4. I know this is a late post, it's mainly because hapkido got in the way for Wednesday. Ah well. Tomorrow's exam is Commerce, and, well, I'll get to that when I get to that. Until then, enjoy the late posts (because I'm definitely not.).

1 down, 5 to go,

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