Thursday, October 1, 2009

Assignments and Assemblies

The PE assignment, specifically, and the SRC induction and the Year 12 Farewell for assemblies. I actually fairly like this title, because rather than starting with the same letter, they have the same beginning syllable (which is, um... ass.). Anyway. The whole day was pretty much a bludge, as I did essentially no work. Not counting the assignment.

Periods 1 and 2 were the Year 12 farewell. As usual, it involved several performances, such as the piano player (Hurlstone, remember?), the standard band group (doing a non-standard song; a genre change of 'Toxic' by Britney Spears to heavy rock. Or some sort of rock, in any case.), and in one twist, a group of dancers, which spontaneously changed from dancing to Indian music (could have been Pakistani or Bangladeshi; I'm no expert in this type of thing) to the dance from 'Thriller,' which was pretty good, tell you truth. They also did the standard look back on all their times in Years 7 to 12, and all the humorous things that happened. The whole thing took 2 and a half hours, which by the end meant that most people were just sitting around waiting for it to end so that we could eat. It did finish eventually. Recess was cards.

We skipped Period 3, because the Year 12 Farewell went overtime. We went straight into Period 4. That was actually yet another assembly, which, as I mentioned before, was the SRC induction. It was fairly boring, although it was interspersed with jokes, like Shane getting everybody to stand up (it was funny, trust me), and me responding under my breath to Shane saying "Welcome, parents, students and staff" (or something like that), to saying 'Sup,' which made Kevin crack up. Lunch was more cards, as well as me buying an iceblock with $5 that I had with me for some reason (it was only 50c, so I had $4.50).

Periods 5 and 6 were supposed to be PE. Instead, due to the movie arvo of which I didn't buy tickets, we were given the opportunity to go to separate classes. I went to John's. Period 5 in John's class was Science, where I played 'Hangman,' answered riddles, and wrote the Periodic Table on the blackboard for no apparent reason (people who haven't seen me do it before are usually fairly amazed. Those who have seen me do it are kinds used to it by now.). Period 6 was Geography, in which we went down to the Hall to get Carter, who was supposed to be teaching. In the actual class, we watched 'Fawlty Towers,' as I'd brought it intending to play it in Period 3, which was cancelled. We watched 'Communication Problems,' one of the best episodes which everybody in the class loved, even Carter (that may be a bit of an overstatement, considering there were 5 people in the class, including Carter and me). After the episode finished, we played 13. And when I got home, I launched pretty much straight into my PE assignment, which I finished at about 8. And for the rest of the night, I blogged, but not enough.

And that was my day. Sorry for the late post; you may see many more. I'm going to Canberra for the weekend, and whether or not I'll have internet still remains to be decided. So there may be a time when I won't be posting, though I will be writing everything down, and when I get back to Sydney, I can put it all up. Just a heads up.

It's almost the end of term,

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