Saturday, October 3, 2009

O Canberra

I reference the anthem 'O Canada,' which is the national anthem of Canada (there's a shock). I don't exactly know why I referenced it, other than to make (in my mind, at least) a clever title. Anyway. Enough justification; we drove to Canberra; this much is obvious. So, without further ado, to my day.

I woke up at around 7:30, and as we had packed clothes the last night, I wasn't in any particular hurry to get ready. However, predictably, time crept on me, until it was 8:30-ish and I hadn't even packed my laptop (why do I do this?). So I rushed around, putting together my laptop, books I was going to read (I think I brought four. Yes, four.), some of the materials for writing my book, as well as an assortment of other such items, like my iPod, portable radio and DS. When I go somewhere, I am prepared for almost any eventuality. So after Nanny got here (as she and Mum wanted to see this place called Floriade; more on that next post), we set off on the road to Canberra.

The whole trip took 2 and a half hours, and Mum, EJ, Nanny and I all entertained ourselves in our own ways. Mum and Nanny listened to Robbie Williams (of course) and talked; EJ read and played his DS (I think, not entirely sure); and I read Harry Potter 6, and then moved on to 7. That took up pretty much the entire car ride, really. I was going to play DS halfway through, to EJ's persistence, but it ran out of power and died about 3 minutes after I started to play it. Ah well. When we got to my Dad's place, we unpacked, and then we went out to get lunch. Lunch was chips and juice, although it took a few goes to get unexpired juice. We then decided to take a trip to the War Memorial.

We didn't do too much there, as we'd pretty much seen most of it. But we did go to show Nanny our relative (on Dad's side, so not related by blood to Nanny) who had died at Gallipoli: Angus Valentine Cameron, known to the Memorial as Angus Cameron (how do I know this? It was at the last time I was at the War Memorial, April 21. I do so love how I can do that now; my blog is like an extension of my memory.). EJ prompted a classic blonde moment by going 'Here he is!' I replied, 'Those are the "L"s, EJ.' Funny (turns out he was looking for our last name. Still funny, though.). We then went to the shops, and came home, where we stayed. There, my fears were confirmed: there would be no internet for the entire weekend. And that is why the posts are late. So for the rest of the night, I made some stuff on Spore, blogged a bit, and watched the movie that was on TV: 'The Incredibles.' It may be a kids movie, but it's good (Pixar movies are always good. Always. It's difficult saying the best, but 'Wall-E' would definitely be up there.).

And that was the first day in Canberra. Tomorrow's post may be a bit longer, because we went out for longer. Lateness would usually get a mention here, but I think I've covered it. Anyway. Soon I'll get back to schedule; it'll be hard, but I'll try.

The first day of holidays was an eventful one, a good sign, I think,

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