Saturday, October 10, 2009

AC In The Hole

OK, now this is a good title, in my opinion. I do love plays on words, so much. In case you're wondering, AC means air conditioner and not the person who used to comment on my posts. An alternate title was 'AB and AC,' but I decided not because that was awful. Also, yes, it's a late post extraordinaire. I have noone to blame but myself. Or, society.

I got up at around 8:30. I wasn't woken up per se, but I was lying in bed in that state of being awake, yet barely moving and having little incentive to do so (actually that's what mostly happens on holidays...). Anyway, I was told to get up, and I did. Dad had already left for cricket, and Uncle Jason had arrived at our house. He had come to install our air conditioner, as ours is broken (right when summer is coming, too), and, by a happy coincidence, he works as an air conditioner installer (or at least, that's part of what he does. He does install them, at any rate.). So after breakfast and so on, I went to see what he was doing, and ended up, somehow, looking inside the roof of our own house.

It was a novelty, certainly. What it is, if you can imagine, is a large, fairly empty and dark space, with a point for the roof. There are numerous wooden beams spanning the emptiness, and there is padding on the floor of the ceiling (if that makes sense). We (Mum, Uncle Jason and I; EJ was doing barely anything) then spent quite a while putting wires and pipes through holes (twice I put them through minuscule holes which they could barely fit through without even meaning it with apparent ease, but had trouble putting them through normal holes. Oy vey.). We worked on it until around 11-ish, when we went to get morning tea. After that, Uncle Jason went outside to actually install the machine that cools the room, and EJ and I had to take Mario for a walk down at the park, just to get him out of the way. So we did that for about 30 minutes (give or take), and then we came home. And so for the rest of the night, I pretty much just did some Scratch and played Battlefield Heroes. It never gets old.

To comments, but first some retro (as in retroactive) comments from Thursday's post.
*Shafi: Well, OK... first, there's no vehicles, and so it's harder to get around (it's bigger than Victory Village.). There are also some really good strategic points, and there's a lot of obstacles. It's hard to actually explain it; you really should play it.
*Shafi: I have no idea; and a Dell Inspiron 1520.
*Ebony: Hmm... maybe. I will have to keep that in mind for a possible future title.
Now, comments from last post.
*Shafi: Umm... what?

And that was my day. Sorry about the incredibly late post; I'm trying to get back to normal here. But, it doesn't seem to be working. I guess I'll just have to try harder. Anyway. Soon I will, actually, get up and get back on track. But no promises when.

I do so love puns,

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