Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shop 'Til You Stop

Yes, I suppose this is a little play on words. Not as good as the other one, I think, but I still like it. It's also a bit of a tautology, which I love, because it makes you a double-take (I mean, of course you shop until you stop! Or, does the stopping rule out the until... see, stuff like that can make you think.). Anyway. Yes, it's a late post again, and I'm not going to blame anyone. Except society.

I was gotten up at around 8, as we had stuff that needed to be done in the day. At around 9, after getting ready for the day, we went out to go shopping. Now, as I so love to do, I brought my iPod. I try to put this in if I'm doing something else which doesn't involve much thinking, and more doing. In shopping, for example, all I really did was walk around. So I decided to get out my iPod, and listen to who other than Tom Lehrer. Soon I will probably become bored of it, like I did with Queen (that's not to say that it will become bad, but I'll be able to sing all of it off by heart, and something else will come along. Still good, though: I'm not saying Queen is bad, god no. Queen is epic.). So for something like one and a half hours, I walked around, mouthing the words of many songs, getting strange looks from at least one person, possibly others. But I only noticed the one person (most people don't seem to understand, I've noticed, me mouthing the words. I figure that I love to sing along, but I'm a bad singer. So I compromise. Anyway.). We got home at about 10:30.

When I did get home, I decided I would play some Battlefield Heroes, as I hadn't played any at all yesterday. I played for about one or two hours. In one memorable occasion, the top three players in the National team (I was one of them) towered above the rest, getting a total of 42 kills (42! It lives!) and 10 deaths, and over 7000 points. Yes, we won that round. I got 15-2, and one of those was a double death, in that the guy I was shooting and I both died at the same time. I finished up at about lunch time, and after that, I worked a little on Scratch and watched TV. At around 3, we had to move the garbage that we moved into the garage on Sunday out to the front yard for the council to pick up. Then, Mum told us something: the council would only pick up so much (it's by volume, not by mass). It was slightly annoying, but partially understandable. I say partially because if we had just a little more (or so I was told), then they wouldn't pick it up. And they only have two pick-ups a year. Is that a little ridiculous? Yes. Anyway. So we put down what we could, and the rest was taken back around to behind the house. And so essentially the rest of the night, I blogged, as well as doing some study (yes, it begins. The yearlies start on the second day back, after all.).

Comments now, 1 from Ebony.
*Ebony: By you, I meant the hypothetical you who gets up at 2 in the afternoon, who I still say is crazy. And only a small amount of talking to Victor? I would have guessed it'd be a lot (lol). Also iPod listening is not time wasting. Garbage moving did serve a purpose.

And that was my day. It does seem that comments are starting up again, doesn't it? Although this time around, I won't take them for granted. Also, I'm messing with titles a bit, as I'm trying to avoid using alliteration. I hope it's working.

Maybe it's the stopping that makes the 'until' redundant, though it's still confusing,

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