Friday, October 30, 2009

A Great Day For Freedom

It's a Pink Floyd song. I use it in context for the fact that we are finally free of exams. That out of the way? OK. Soon, I shall get back up and I will be able to post earlier. This post, however, this post is late. ...I'm running out of things to say in this first paragraph. You know what, let's just skip to what I actually did in the day, shall we?

Period 1 was Maths, which was rather strange, as no teacher showed up to two classes. So our class went into A2's class (Eric's, Kevin's and Shafi's), and did completely random things. How random? Does Tri putting 'Pokemon Evolution' up on the whiteboard and then drawing pictures of the Geodude evolutionary line count? (The answer is yes.). Eventually, though, their teacher got to class, and we went to a spare room that was open next door, and did even more random things, like pretend to shoot things with a broken chair leg and draw the hangman evolutionary line (as in, every time you get a letter wrong, you add something to the hangman.). And then added puns, such as 'Quit while you're a head' to one with just a head, and 'Need a hand?' to one with only one arm (most of that was me. I love puns.). Faulds did get to the class in time, though, and we got our marks back. I got 74/80, which is pretty good. Mango got a bit less. Only because he ran out of time, though. I originally got 73, but they didn't mark a question correctly. Then, it was Drama, and Kolodziej officially gave out the marks. 3 other people got 40/40 (besides me. I'm sorry, I just enjoy mentioning that.), including Cam. We exchanged a high five at that point, with good cause, I believe. We also did some more of the plays, and prepared for a new one that we will do on Monday. Soon, anyway. At Recess, Cam and I went to the food tech rooms, as Eric and Shafi had made too much beef stroganoff in class. Yes, their minor is cooking. One time, they made chocolate brownies. I had much beef strog. Lots of noodles. I love to eat.

Period 3 was Commerce, and Kearney was away. So we had a sub, who I think was Spies. For the class, I pretty much just read, though I did do some questions from the textbook. I also talked to people about electives, and I came across something rather freaky. Jenny Tran (the one in my Commerce class) has the same electives as me: Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Legal Studies, Advanced English and Maths offline. It was rather strange. Period 4 was Science, and Robson was finally back. In the class, we talked about the difference between mass and weight, and other stuff pertaining to gravity. It was pretty interesting, and I learnt stuff I didn't know. Lunch was talking, as usual.

Period 5 was English, and we got back the multiple choice and short answer questions for the Trial School Certificate. I got 50/60, and I think I did well. There were a few questions that were, let's say, contentious, as most of the class had one answer for a multiple choice (even Lana), and the real answer was something else entirely. It didn't make all that much sense. It was strange. Anyway. I'm sure there will be questions like that in the actual School Certificate, so, might as well get used to it, I suppose. Period 6 was History, which was actually Geography, as we have apparently fell behind. All the classes have. I'm not entirely sure how, considering we're supposed to have the same amount of History and Geography lessons (and, indeed, it is equal in the cycle), but we did. When the bell went, we went to the local shops, where I saw Jessie at the shops. Long story short, she did exactly what she did last time. See this post for details; I've also put it in labels. Anyway. I then went home, and blogged and played some Battlefield Heroes.

Comments now, two from presumably the same person, who I'm going to guess is Shafi:
*Anon: You can be a part, I've got nothing against it. The more the merrier! And your story seems a bit similar to mine. Maybe. I think the comment about 'The Five Greatest Warriors' goes without saying.
*Anon: Sorry Shafi, Lana asked first. You can read it after her though.

And that was my day. I'd apologise about the late post, but I'd be doing it for a while. Just appreciate I'm trying and move on. I'm thinking that when I get back to schedule, I'll do a list. But not until then (so, not for a while, at this rate). Anyway.

Bring on the weekend,

1 comment:

  1. I personally think you spend way too much talking about titles.
    And what the hell could you possibly not already have known from that lesson?
