Monday, October 12, 2009

Houses and Hapkido

Houses mean Monopoly, and Hapkido means Hapkido. Sometimes I can't title well, OK! And that means alliteration. Ah well. Good titles don't come naturally to all posts. But, that's to be expected. Anyway. It's a late post, of course. But you'd be used to that, of course. It's not like it's a new thing.

I was gotten up at around 8, and by 9-ish (give or take), I was already playing Monopoly with EJ (yes, I know.). It's the only game we've actually completed all the way until the end for many months; possibly years (the other games, if you read back, were never finished. I did surrender one game, but it wasn't actually done up until the end.). And guess what? I won! I was doing really bad in the beginning, but after EJ offered a trade that let me complete the orange properties in exchange for completion of the green ones (and according to statistics that I trawled from the net looking for strategies to win at Monopoly, that is a really bad decision. Orange is the best property economically, green is the worst.), the tide of the game changed a lot. I put many houses on orange and yellow properties and watched the cash roll in. I ended up winning after about two and a half hours later, by something on the magnitude of all the properties and $3000.

By that time, it was about 11 or 12 (I'm not that good with time when it comes to holidays, and I therefore could be off by a bit.). I then got out my laptop and watched TV for a while. At about 1, though, I decided that I should really catch up on my posting, considering I hadn't even done Saturday's yet. However, during my frequent tangents (which is probably the main reason behind the late posts), I found an AMV (which according to Wikipedia, means Anime Music Video. See?) by the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. It was called 'The Origin of Love,' and, well, I'll let you see for yourself. Me, I had that song caught in my head for quite a while. Then, at around 7, it was time for hapkido.

Shirisha was there again, which was good. And today, for the first time as an orange belt, I was partnered with another orange belt: Dylan, who is about my age, maybe younger. I learnt two strikes, as well as another self-defence technique. Dylan also showed me this thing that hurt like crazy. I grabbed his shoulder from behind, and suddenly I've been karate chopped in my arm and it hurts like hell. Luckily, though, I traded it back with some of my new orange belt techniques. Martial arts: where pain isn't just frowned upon, it's rewarded. And when I got home, I posted, but about Sunday.

To comments now, 1 from Ebony.
*Ebony: I don't move garbage and go on the whipper-snipper every day. And besides, I can listen to my iPod while I'm doing it. Meanwhile, you've already wasted most of your day, and you've missed lunch. I can't do that.

And that was my day. I will try to catch up on posting, I swear, but trying may not be good enough. But, still, I will persist. No promises, but... anyway. It also seems I'm getting more comments, which I think is good. It's always nice to see what other people think of my posts.

Only a week until it begins again,

1 comment:

  1. That's not true that I've wasted most of my day and missed lunch. I have often spent hours studying, a bit of tv watching with family, plenty of blog reading/writing, and a small amount of talking to Victor.
    And I have not done any garbage moving or ipod listening or time wasting like you.
    I rest my case.
